CH 2 – Explanation


"Well, Bella?" He was getting impatient.

"Um, can we go talk in your bedroom Edward? It's weird being in here."

He didn't say anything; he just walked behind me from Emmett's room into his. When we got to his room no words were being said. I wanted to speak but didn't know where to begin.

I didn't beat around the bush. "So what do you want to know?" I wanted to be straight with him. I hope he doesn't ask about the moaning sounds. I did not want to explain that part. Hopefully he just focuses on the pot issue. But I doubt that will happen.

"First, why were you smoking pot with Emmett?" Yes, lets stay on this topic. Nevertheless, I felt like I was about to get a lecture from a parent.

"Edward, please don't act like my father. I don't need a lecture."

He didn't say anything so I decided to start talking once again.

"Well, Emmett was bugging me to do something with him. You know how he always comes up with these insane ideas, especially ideas that he knows will piss you off. He came up with smoking pot he found at school. I didn't want to do it but he wouldn't leave me alone and I began to think about other ideas he was probably thinking of as a back up so I decided to just give in and do it."

I looked over to see his response.

"Okay." And that was his only response.

"Okay?" I was confused. He just made a big deal about me smoking pot and now he is saying that it is okay?

"Yes Bella, it's okay. It's over and done with, and lets face it, I can't stay mad at you. Plus you were doing it here in my house, not with a stranger." He was starting to sound like my dad even though I told him not to. But I wasn't going to bring that up.

He smiled at me and I couldn't help but smile back.

"But…" Oh here we go, what is it now? "I have some other questions I'd like you to answer."

I was hesitant. "Okay. Lay them on me."

"Why were you in Emmett's bedroom anyways?" That was simple enough.

"Because he didn't want the smell all over the house." Bam, one down, who knows how many more to go.

"Okay. Why were you both on his bed?"

Oh geez. "There was no where else to sit so we both decided to just stretch out on the bed."

He didn't say anything. I was waiting for the inevitable. He's going to ask me about the moaning and my face is going to be redder than it ever has been before.

"Fair enough. What about the noises?" Ugh, here we go.

I decided to play dumb. "What noises?" He probably thought I was foolish to think that he wouldn't notice them.

"Bella, I know you know what I'm referring to. Now please, what were the noises?"

"They were um, sex noises." I looked down when I said that. I began to slightly blush and I didn't want Edward see me do so.

"Sex noises? Where they from you and…" I had to cut him off.

"What no, of course not! Edward I would never do that!"

He chuckled. I had no idea what he was laughing at but at least he wasn't yelling. But come to think of it, Edward has never yelled at me. Sure I have yelled at him before but he never had to me. It's funny some of the things you miss every day.

"You should have seen your face, it was priceless. Okay, so if the noises weren't from you and Emmett, then who were they from?"

He's going to think I'm a pervert. "Well Emmett was showing me something online and he hit the sound button, and…" This time he cut me off.

"Showing you something online? What could he have possibly been showing you online that…" He trailed off and stopped talking. He looked me in the eyes. "Bella, were you watching porn with my brother?"

"What? No! Why would you think that?" I was blushing profusely.

"You're lying. You're a terrible liar and your blushing." Oh crap.

"Okay, fine, yes I was watching porn with Emmett. Are you happy now?"

Emmett appeared at Edward's door and quickly commented, "Yeah, and Bella was totally into it!" and he ran off.

"Shut up Emmett! I was not!" Doesn't that boy ever stop?

Edward turned to me, "Seriously Bella, did you like it?" I couldn't tell if he was turned on or repulsed.

"It was for educational purposes so the enjoyment was irrelevant." I was trying to make myself steer away from the fact that I may have liked it.

"Educational purposes? How so?" Damn, I walked right into that one.

I let out a sigh. "Well, as usual, Emmett had to butt into our love life and started asking questions. I foolishly began to answer them. I think that is his main objective whenever he gets me high or drunk."

Edward nodded, knowing I was probably right. Odd I sounded as if I do this all the time. Oh well lets forget about that.

"What kind of questions?" Damn it, he is too observant on the things I say.

"Silly ones, mainly about our sex life." I couldn't look at him while I spoke about this. I darted my eyes to him but he was looking away as well.

I started to talk again, to ease the tension off of him. "He, of course, made fun of everything I said, saying what we did was boring."

He chuckled. "Well, what did you say to him?" I could tell he was curious but also worried.

I took his hand and guided him to lay next to me on his big comfortable bed.

"Well he kept asking what we did for fun. I knew what he meant by 'fun' but I like toying with him."

Emmett ran by again and stopped at the door. "I knew it Bella! You are such a tease!" And the he ran off again. I shook my head. We both ignored him.

"Anyways, I told him how we like to lay together and talk, listen to old music and read some of our favorite books. Once again, he was telling me we were boring. I then mentioned how we lay together in the meadow. He of course, kept hinting around every word I said to if we have sex or not."

I continued, "I made the mistake of unfortunately intriguing him." Edward didn't say anything.

"Edward, are you listening?" I knew he was but I wanted to know why he hasn't said anything.

"Of course I'm listening. I listen to everything you say – conscious and unconscious." I let out a giggle.

He smiled in response to my giggle.

"What did you say that edged Emmett on?" I think because we really don't have a sex life, he was curious to what I told Emmett.

I had a look on my face that gave away my uncertainty. He took my hand and drew circles on my palm.

"Well, I made the mistake of basically saying that we don't have sex." I cringed, waiting for his response. "And yes, I'm editing. And no, I will not elaborate."

I knew he was going to ask more about that but I stopped him. But he wasn't mad. He knew I spoke the truth, regardless if Edward was satisfied with the answer or not.

"Is that what led to the 'research' he kept talking about? What is that about anyways?"

Here we go. This is going to be just great. "Well he suggested that we find other ways to satisfy each other without regular sex." I started to play with the hem of his button down shirt. I was nervous so I had to do something with my hands.

"Such as?" He was really curious. I guess he wanted to be "educated" as well. I giggled.

"What's so funny?"

I shook my head. "Nothing." But I still had a smile on my face.

I began to tell him what happened. "Well Emmett suggested oral sex. He immediately assumed I'd turn it down."

"Did you?" he asked.

I decided to look into his eyes. "No." A slight smile crossed my face as it did on his.

"What does this mean then?" he asked.

"It means that… if you're willing then I'm willing."

He didn't hesitate one second. "I'm willing." I smiled and leaned in for a kiss.

He then pulled back. I was confused. "So is that where the porn came in? What were they doing? You know, in the video?"

I had a grin on my face. "Let me show you." I ran to close his door but right before it was closed Emmett peaked his head through the door and whispered to me, "Don't forget Bella, lick and then take it all in."

I turned around, "Shut up Emmett!" and slammed the door.

"What was that about?" He looked confused.

"Don't worry, I'll show you." I ran to jump on the bed.

"Yeah she will!" we heard Emmett yell.

I let out a loud sigh and then started to "show" Edward what I learned today.