Disclaimer: Still not J.K. Rowling, or I wouldn't be typing this while sitting on the floor near a treadmill (long story.) Or maybe J.K. Rowling does do that. No, she plays Minesweeper and chews gum.

I'm very sorry about the delay- I started running out of ideas- not prank ideas, just plot ideas. It's a bit harder to write now that the structure is different, but I'm almost done. I'm about to start two new stories, so I've been working a bit on them.

Lily crushed a sprig of peppermint and added it to her Mellowing Mixture. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw James, Sirius, Remus, and Peter slip into the classroom. James took a seat beside her. She didn't look at him; instead she pretended being very interested in stirring her potion in quick, perfectly circular motions.

"Really witty, Evans," came a harsh whisper in her ear. She jumped, surprised, and accidentally splashed some of her potion on James. Oh no... it wasn't finished yet! Oh well, nothing much could happen, and Professor Slughorn was only a few tables away. James's eyes took on a glazed look. A vacant smile appeared on his face, his shoulders relaxed, and his fists unclenched. He leaned back in his chair so far Lily thought he'd fall over, and propped his legs up on the table. Remus looked over and rolled his eyes; Sirius looked as if he wasn't sure whether to glare at Lily or laugh at James; he compromised by scowling but smiling, which made him look a lot like a Muggle devil cartoon. Peter looked terrified. Abandoning his potion, he ran over to him, en route knocking over his cauldron, which in turn knocked over Remus's cauldron, which knocked over Sirius's, which rolled over and tripped Professor Slughorn. It was rather like a game of dominoes, Lily thought through her alarm, even more so when Professor Slughorn pulled himself up using Marlene Parks's cauldron, the contents of which splashed all over him.

The effects of this twisted chain reaction were rather alarming. Peter's potion, which was a poisonous green rather than the dusky rose it should have been, hissed as it ran across the stone floor, leaving large scorch marks. Alice pointed her wand at it and cried, "Evanesco!" It disappeared, thankfully, unlike Peter's last disaster, which wouldn't vanish and had left poor Professor Slughorn with large red rashes for almost a month. Lily attemped to Vanish the rest of the congealing mixture on the floor. Some of the potion disappeared, but the rest remained there, quickly hardening into a foul lump.

"Professor!' Lily cried, hoping he'd be able to do something about it. She looked over and groaned. He was stretched out on the stone floor with his arms behind his head, his face wearing an oddly slack grin. Marlene's potion seemed to have worked a bit too well, although the professor's right leg kept twitching convulsively. The other students had fled- she'd have to manage this herself. Lily turned to Alice, Priscilla, Marlene, and Remus.

"All of you, on three, set the potion-ish thing-" she gestured to the bright orange lump "on fire, wait three seconds, then use Aguamenti." Everyone looked doubtful, but nodded- an angrily Lily was not fun to argue with.

"One... two... three!" The horrible mixture of Sirius and Remus's potions burst into flame, making the room uncomfortably hot. Three seconds later, the four had put it out, leaving only a pile of smoldering ashes. Lily wiped her forehead and shouted, "Scourgify!" It worked; the potion was gone, although there was still Professor Slughorn to be reckoned with. Lily dashed over to the supply cupboard and pulled out two bezoars. She could have conocted another potion, but the sooner Professor Slughorn recovered, the better; he was slowly turning purple in the face, somehow still grinning. She pushed one of the little, shriveled-looking stones into his mouth, and he slowly returned to his usual excited flush, and lay still. Lily crossed the room to James and pushed the other bezoar into his mouth; he was looking a bit worse for wear. Whatever Peter had tried, it had done more harm then good; his eyes were half-closed and his breathing was so slow he could be in a coma. The bezoar worked on him too, and soon he and the Professor were sitting up. Slughorn rushed over and congratulated Lily.

"Oh, my dear! That was wonderful thinking, and in such a time! Thirty points to Gryffindor! And ten for you Alice, Priscilla, Marlene, Remus..." He smiled at them. "Well, I'll be getting to the hospital wing now, I'm not as young as I used to be. James, I think you'd better come too. " He set off. James hung back for a moment.



He shrunk back, looking alarmed, but stuck his hand out."Truce?"

She turned even redder, and James wondered whether to put up a shield charm, but Lily took a deep breath and shook his hand.


The pair walked out of the dungeons with their arms around each other, and the rest followed. This, however, didn't put a stop to their bickering.

"This is just so I don't hurt you. I mean, if this had gone on, your pride would have been crushed."

Lily snorted. "My pride? Are you serious?"

"No, that would be me," Sirius said, raising his hand.

Everyone burst into laughter.

It's over, finally it's over. I kind of wanted to finish it soon anyway, and I just thought this wasn't too bad of a place to finish. So, how was it? Review please! And please check my profile page for my next story, it'll be two generations later. Thanks for reading!