Little Tsu: Ok, ok. I'm almost done with the next chapter of 'My World' fellow readers & writers, but I'm takin' a tiny break on it for right now ta right this up.
Lexington: Tsu, are you going to tell them about what is going on, or should I? *stares at her curiously*
Little Tsu: Hm...Why don't I tell them, but then you can have the pleasure of sendin' them off?
Lexington: *smiles & nods* Alright! Thank you.
Little Tsu: Yup. Anyways people, what I have in mind here this time is that I'm gonna be doin' a series of one-shots. Each one will be related to each other. Lexington?
Lexington: Right! Everyone...Welcome to the first one-shot of the Orphan Chronicles! Enjoy! *smiles*
Little Orphan Girl
{Brooklyn's POV}
The city of Manhattan is still such a big place. My friends and I are still really curious about everything our new home has to offer us and all, but right now we're all on a patrol. About halfway through it though, the three of us - that is, Lexington, Broadway, and myself - decided to split up so that we were able to cover more ground. After all, we were each skilled enough to handle any trouble on our own for the most part...Especially me.
As I was finishing up my scouting, I was about to turn back to head for Eyrie Building where myself and the rest of my clan lived, but that all seemed to leave my mind as I heard crying from somewhere down below me. I was gliding overhead of Central Park.
Becoming curious, I circled back around and descended my flight as I finally landed onto the grassy ground in a slightly knelt position before straightening back up completely. I didn't bother to fold up my wings completely though so that the talons on top of them were resting on my shoulders. Instead, they were in their usual position.
Central Park is completely empty around this time of night so I don't have anything to worry about on people seeing me. However, it makes me all the more curious as to what's causing the crying. I glance around at my surroundings listening closely to the sounds so that I can figure out which direction it's coming from. After a moment, I was finally directed towards the entrance to that tunnel in the slight distance.
...The crying was coming from over there.
As I slowly made my way over to the tunnel, I peeked carefully inside, not wanting to let my guard down just in case there was danger within it. However, as I did, my keen eyesight spotted a little figure crouched on the ground near the left tunnel wall. I wonder what it was though. Curiosity getting the better of me, I slowly made my way over to the little creature with steps as silent as I can manage so that I wouldn't startle it.
Apparently that wasn't meant to be.
Stepping on a stray branch, causing it to snap under the pressure, the little creature seemed to tense up as I heard a startled gasp escape them before they quickly lifted their head and turned their gaze onto me. Now here I was, staring into the startled, wide bright magenta eyes, which stood out against a mess of just passed shoulder length purple hair, though it was more of an orchid shade of purple. It was then that I immediately realized just what this creature was.
It was a little human child...A female one no less.
She seemed to get scared now as she whimpered and suddenly began to scoot back, trying to get away from me, but I still smiled gently as I squatted down where I stood and reached out a taloned hand towards her; my own golden eyes soft. "Hey, hey...It's ok little one...I'm not going to hurt you. You seem a little lost and scared...Anything I can help you with?" I made sure to keep my voice soft and soothing, hoping that it would calm the child down.
Luckily I had been right because she stopped scooting away from me and whimpered again as she spoke in a scared, upset tone. "Momma and papa went away...Those bad men made them leave me behind. I'm all alone now cause I can't go ta where momma and papa are."
Despite the lack of what she explained, I had a feeling I knew exactly what she meant. It also helped that she had a few blood stains and all on her clothes and face even though she was unharmed physically. I honestly couldn't help but feel bad for the poor human. She looked no more than perhaps eight-years-old; still young for a human...Too young to be left alone in the world.
Sighing softly to myself, I managed to smile sympathetically towards her before motioning with my taloned hand, coasting her to come over to me...To be honest, I was surprised that she did as I watched her stumble up onto her feet and weakly walk over to me. Her face, clothes, arms, and legs were dirty and smudged and judging from the slight stumble in her walk, I could only guess that she was physically exhausted with everything that has happened to her.
The moment she got within my reach though, I wrapped my taloned hand around her thin wrist and gently pulled her to me, closing that remaining distance between us as I wrapped my arms around her, holding the girl closely to my larger form. "It's alright. Everything will be ok...Brooklyn will protect and keep you safe, ok? I won't let anything happen to you."
I had heard the young human gasp in surprise again, though this time it was through what I did and said rather than because of my appearance. It wasn't until a moment later though, that I heard another little whimper before her arms finally wrapped around my chest the best she could considering my wings were in the way, but then she also nestled her face against my shoulder since I was knelt down while I felt her tears wet my red skin.
Sighing softly to myself, I just held her for a moment as I soothingly stroked her head before finally speaking up again. "Come on...It'll be dawn pretty soon and I need to get back home...You'll be staying with me and my family from now on though...I'll take good care of you, ok?" When I felt her head nod lightly, I shifted on the ground a bit before bringing her up into my arms so that I was now cradling her light form as I rose up onto my feet.
As I made my way out of the tunnel, I glanced down at the girl in my arms as her eyes were gently closed and the side of her head resting against my chest. Her breathing was shallow, showing me that she had finally succumbed to the exhaustion that she had been feeling. However, as I stepped out of the tunnel, I took one last look at her before speaking softly. "...What your name little one?...What do I call you?"
Smiling softly to myself, I allowed the name to sound off in my head a few times. It sounded nice to my ears. I found that I liked that name, but I almost felt compelled to call her something shorter...Something that only I was going to be allowed to call her. Bringing my gaze back up towards the skies, I extended my wings and finally leaped up into the air, allowing a breeze to lift me up as I scaled higher into the skies while still holding the little human in my arms; keeping her safe and close. As I made my way back to Eyrie Building though, one last thought passed through my head.
I was going to have one heck of a time explaining this one to the others.
Little Tsu: Well, that was it for this one. Hope you liked one the first one-shot of the Orphan Chronicles began.
Lexington: Personally, even though it's going to mainly revolve around Brooklyn & this little human as she grows older, I still can't wait till I show up in the stories. It's going to be a lot of fun, I think. *smiles*
Little Tsu: Well, I'm glad you're excited about it. Now why don't you sign us off Lex?
Lexington: Sure. Everyone, please review your thoughts & keep in time with the updates. Till next time.