Prompt Moment: When Caspian walks behind Edmund to do up his armour (Voyage of the Dawn Treader)

As usual I own nothing but a copy of the book and a much loved cinema ticket (This movie fuelled my daydreams for months!)

Caspian pulled the buckle of Edmund's armour and looped it through in the hope of protecting him in the upcoming hours.

Feeling the King's hands at his waist, Edmund commented, "How can you dress me so easily now when an hour ago you were ripping the clothes from me?"

Caspian froze, dropped his hands and began to sidle away. Edmund spun and caught him by the arm, searching for his eyes in the dim light of the cabin. They glittered but would not look at him.

"Cas, look at me."

"We need to get moving, we're nearly at the island; they need us." He interjected, breaking free of the other boy's grasp and heading for the door.

"Look at me!"

Caspian turned but his eyes only hit the floor.

"I cannot." He stated simply.

Edmund edged forward, "Why not?" He questioned.

"Because I can't face the fact this may be the last time I see you."

Edmund laughed, and finally the other King snapped his head up.

"My Lord, have you no faith in Aslan?"

"In Aslan I have faith," Responded Caspian, "In the power of dreams I have not. I have seen you writhe in your sleep; you call her name."

Edmund edged forward again. "The only name I've been crying today is yours." He raised his eyebrows, and reached his hand out to trace the bristles on Caspian's cheek. "Wouldn't it be better to see me now than not at all?"

In one swift move, Caspian stepped forward and his lips crashed into his companion's, clawing at the back of Edmund's shirt and holding him as close as possible.

Edmund moved his head and parted his mouth for the taste he now knew so well.

An island of darkest dreams and desires was nothing to be afraid of; not when they had already given in to them weeks before.