Author's Note: Words cannot describe how sorry I am that it has taken this long to continue this story. I informed you all last time that my grandad passed away and that Uni wasn't going too good. After those, I just seemed to lose all inspiration for writing and I know that it no excuse for making all my lovely readers wait so long and I hope you can all forgive me and those who decide to still read on, I love you all!

As Always, a big thanks everyone who added the story to their favourites, stuck it on alert, reviews up until now and to all my reviewers that reviewed the last chapter: Angelndevil1, StarrCrystal, ariah23, mclovindramione, UpYourCupcake, helikesitheymikey, Noodles2, le temps d'un automne and ChloeDracoMalfoy.


Chapter Five – The Letter.

Draco lay in bed as the light streamed from the window in his room. He had to say, the Head Boy room allowed much more light to enter than his old dorm in the dungeon. The dungeon was homely to live in despite what others thought, but the stained glass windows situated high up didn't allow much light to enter the room. Groaning to himself, he laid his arm over his face as he contemplated his problem. Granger had looked pretty upset when patrol had been over and he knew he was the cause of that. Granted the mudblood had been asking for the insults, but there was a small part of him that felt bad for upsetting her.

He had honestly thought that his insults didn't get to her like that. Of course, the Gryffindor Princess hadn't said anything to him. Strangely he could feel it. He could feel how upset she was. He caused that. Did Granger always feel like that after a sparring session with him? Raising his head, he slammed it against his pillow. Why Draco's mother felt the need to only tell him now annoyed him. The fact that his father hated muggleborn and followed the Dark Lord had tainted him towards her kind. Thinking like this was doing him no favours and really, it didn't matter if his father had been wrong. What mattered was that was the way Draco was raised and that's all there was too it.

Sitting up, he swung his legs over the side of the bed, and slipped his feet into his slipped before tucking is wand into the wand pocket on his pj bottoms. Walking out the room, he grabbed the letter pocketing it for making his way to the common room he shared with the mudblood. "I want a mug of hot chocolate." The blonde said aloud to no one in particular, almost instantly one of the Hogwart's house elves appeared and presented him with the mug. "Thank you." he muttered as the house elf nodded and clicked its chubby little fingers and disappeared. One might think that it was strange for a pureblood such as a Malfoy saying thank you; but after what happened with Dobby, his father thought it was paramount to have elf loyalty. Though to Draco, Dobby was just another thing that was in love with Harry fucking Potter.

Sipping his hot chocolate, he was surprised when Granger came out her room. He would have thought she would have been up hours ago. His eyebrow rose when he saw what she classed as bedroom attire, a cream coloured vest top with the Gryffindor logo and a pair of red short shorts. Definitely not what he expected from the Mudblood. Taking another long sip of his hot chocolate, he had more than decided that the robes the Head Girl wore hid a very delectable body underneath. The more perverse side of his brain told him to use his wand to make something near her fall, just to see her bend over in those shockingly short bottoms. "Morning Granger."

"Malfoy?!" The girl jumped and turned to face him. A smirk worked its way to his lips. He could see her staring at him. Apparently she wasn't as immune to his Veela charms as he had previously thought. Perhaps he would have to be shirtless around her more often. Purely for academic purposes of course. He would rather sign himself into St Mungo's if it were anything else.

"Like what you see? Of course you do." Draco smirked and sipped his hot chocolate

"You are the most egotistical jerk I have ever had the unfortunate pleasure of meeting." The girl ground at him. Draco knew he had the upper hand however, he could tell she couldn't get her eyes of his chest. Plus he assumed she was a self-conscious sort of girl from her moping at their argument the night before. Mudbloods, sighing he checked her over once again with his eyes. As much as it pained him to say, she had a better body than half the Slytherin girls in their year and the year below. He wondered if Weasel or Scarhead knew exactly what she hid under her robes. Presumably not, otherwise Weasel would be clinging to the girl like a bad case of Dragon Pox. Granger still needed to sort that fucking hair of hers though, it was bushy to the point of insanity. Worse than his Auntie Bella's.

Speaking of Auntie Bella. Draco down the rest of his hot chocolate and placed the cup on the coffee table and headed back upstairs. Sighing he pulled the letter from his pocket and looked at the scripted writing. It was always a wonder to him how his Aunt Bella could send letters from her prison cell. Then again, beneath all those layers of insanity lay a very brilliant witch. As he broke the seal, he wondered why his Aunt had never tried to escape, if her cousin could, she surely could. He would dwell on that later. Unfolding the letter he looked down at the writing.

Dearest Draco,

It has come to my attention that your mother told you of our heritage. Well it took her long enough. I hope you know that you must make your family proud. I shall leave it at that. That will be all I say on the matter. I still think Cissy could have done much better than your father, but that is just my personal opinion.

Anyway dearest, the reason for writing this letter is that your father will soon be home once again. Our Lord plans to break out our most faithful followers from Azkaban – including myself of course. Those stupid dementors don't even notice my sweet little Raven.

Draco scoffed. Sweet? For an owl it definitely had the personality of a Raven. The thing was the spawn of Salazar. He liked this piece of news however. Seeing his father again would be nice. His father might be able to help with the situation. It was obvious that Bella had never found her mate despite marrying LeStrange. He had a sneaking suspicion that her mate was the Dark Lord, and she decided to go mad than allow him to think lowly of her.

Once we are out of Azkaban, the Dark Lord will have a task for you Draco. One you must complete well. I know you are a good boy and will do anything to further our cause. You are such a good boy. Cissy said you took mark! I am so proud of you Draco!

The blonde haired boy felt sick to his stomach. Of course he had taken the mark. He had no other choice than to do so. The oh so brilliant Dark Lord had threatened his mother. Not that Bellatrix would care, the Dark Lord was more important than family to his aunt.


Auntie Bella

P.S Raven is a tad edgy today.

A tad? The bloody owl was more than a tad. Today? All the fucking time! He sighed and placed the letter in the fire alight in his room. He had bigger things to worry about other than an impending mission that may not happen for a while. His aunt said after they broke out of Azkaban. Currently he had a dilemma to face. He had five months and two weeks to decide whether to mark Granger as his or go insane. Granted this morning's show had been very pleasing to his Veela senses, but that shrub of hair would have to be sorted if he would ever consider claiming her.

He groaned to himself, that meant he was considering claiming her! Why him? He wondered if the Dark Lord might be pleased with Harry Potter's mudblood being Draco's mate. It would certainly split the brains of the trio away from the blundering idiots. He slammed his hand against his head. He was trying to justify it to his mind and he wasn't going to allow that thought to continue. As pain engulfed his head, he groaned, but marvelled at how it took his mind of things. He had a prefect meeting later that night and he had to meet up with a certain Slytherin he knew for payback of slamming Granger into his prefect rounds the previous night.

Pulling on a t-shirt, he walked back to the common room. "Merlin Granger, get dressed already." He ignored her scowl in is direction and headed out the portrait toward the dungeons. Slamming through the portrait, his eyes narrowed on Blaise. "What gives you the fucking right?!"

The dark skinned male looked up at him with a quirked eyebrow from over the book that he was reading. Draco didn't give a shit about disturbing the guy. He had made his life hell last night before and Draco wanted an explanation. "What are you on about?"

Draco stared at his friend with an incredulous look on his face. What he kidding? What other Slytherin would dare push the person he was on patrol with down a flight of stairs. Who else in Slytherin was actually smart enough to do it without the stairs moving and the girl falling to her death? Certainly not Crabbe or Goyle. "The fucking Hufflepuff conveniently falling down the stairs and Granger having to take her place on patrol?"

"Oh that. Your welcome." Draco groaned and his hands flew to his face. Blaise was lucky that all Granger knew was that it was a Slytherin. Pushing someone down the stairs had to be an automatic expulsion or something to that extreme.

"You're welcome? It was bloody torture. We argued the entire time. I even made her upset." Draco sighed and thought back to the night before. He didn't know why he knew she was upset, just that Granger was. He felt it. He looked to Blaise with a drained expression on his face.

"You feel guilty?" Blaise grinned and Draco seriously considered adava-ing his ass, but reluctantly he realised that Blaise had a very minute point. He did feel guilty. Just a teenie weenie little bit. Smaller than a speck of dust really. He felt guilty? Where the hell did that come from? He would have to read up and see if guilt was a Veela thing. Guilt was not a natural emotion for him and he hoped it would disappear soon. "So anything else?"

"She has a body to rival a Slytherin's? And wears provokingly wicked short shorts to bed – Mind out the gutter. Merlin, she came into the common room with her pj's on." Draco growled as his friend doubled over in laughter, soon Draco burst into laughter too and slumped down on the couch next to Zabini. Suddenly he realised why Blaise had done what he did. His best friend like himself might deplore those of lesser blood, but Blaise was his best friend and he was his, in Slytherin that was rare. Blaise didn't want to lose is friend. Sighing he leaned back against the couch. "I don't know what to do Blaise. I hate her, but at the same time I don't."


Thank you for reading and again I apologise wholeheartedly for the delay, hope you can forgive me!

Hope you enjoyed the chapter and the prefects meeting shall come up in the next chapter!

You know the drill: Review, Story Alert, Favourite, all that lovely stuff that inspires me and make me love you guys!

Thanks for being awesome readers!

Love Alana