[Sorry it's been a LONG time guys! Too much to explain but life had gotten in the way and I had lose my muse for a while, but now I've gotten back into the game! :D So, let's continue! ]


Chapter 8 - Monster

Lee cracked open his tired eyes, groaning as the sun irritated them, but he forced them to open. He looked around- he was in his bedroom of Gaara's place like normal, or the normal he had to get use too. He sat up, his lower back feeling a little sore along with his neck, his hand instinctively going to his neck to comfort it first. A portion of the skin felt a little rough there, about...the same place Gaara first bit him. Panic grew in his eyes before he leaped out of bed and ran to the bathroom, looking in the mirror. He actually didn't know how to respond to the mark on his neck, this was something brand new.

Gaara sat in the living room reading his favorite book for the 128th time, he really needed to find some new reading material that interested him. He knew every sentence by heart and didn't even need to read the book to know all the lines in sequence. His ears heard the thumping down the stairs, knowing the slave had finally woken up. He continued to 'read' his story when the teenager stepped into the doorway, huffing lightly and glaring at the vampire.

"Y-you gave me a hickey!" was the first thing Lee yelped out, with a little bit of regret. Though now that he started, he couldn't stop. "You were suppose to bite my neck and suck the life out of me but you gave me a hickey instead?! How did I even pass out from such a thing? Why did you do-" Lee was halted when the redhead shoved him against the living room wall, his knee between Lee's legs and pushing up against his crotch to lift him off the ground an inch. Gaara's right hand held him in place by pushing against his collar bone, Lee wasn't going to get away with that.

"This is too bad, you've been doing good for the time being," Gaara sighed, sounding disappointed but the hard, cold glare made it hard for Lee to focus on that. "Have you forgotten the rules you've been obeying so well? Not to talk back unless being spoken too, not to raise your voice to me, remember those?" The redhead hissed, noting the slight nod of the slave's head. "You'll be punished for that, but to answer one of your ridiculous questions you passed out because I'm not human. You already know I can do things you cannot. For instance I do not need to drink your blood to make you pass out, I can simply stop the flow with a couple misdirected sucks on your veins. Do not confuse it." Gaara then dropped the raven haired boy and started walking upstairs, Lee glancing up to see him go. The vampire was no mind reader but he knew what Lee was thinking, "I'm going to find the proper punishment for you, wait there."

Lee sat on the floor, back against the wall staring out the living room where the vampire had walked off. Lee gulped silently, nervous of what Gaara was thinking to do to him, mentally cursing himself for even saying something! Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! He could feel his insides shaking with nervousness, Gaara's hurt him for smaller things than this! He gasped silently when he heard footsteps on the stairs again, freezing up as the vampire walked back in the living room and stood in front of him, a smooth paddle in his hand. This was going to be bad, he just knew it.

Lee yelped again when the hard wood came down on his bare ass cheeks. With tears threatening to break from his squeezed shut eyes, hit bit his bottom lip attempting to keep from crying out loud again. Gaara really was merciless. His lips broke apart again to let out another cry as another smack came down, and that was to be followed by the last nine others. Gaara sat on the edge of the couch with the raven held over his legs, only needing one hand to keep him down. Previously the other hand had pulled his bright green pants down off his ass and started using the paddle on it. Gaara gave a hard one hundred hits to the sensitive skin, deeming by the bright red cheeks, that was now enough of that. He threw the paddle aside and pulled his pants back over his ass, not the least bit caring, and easily threw the boy on the couch besides him. Lee turned on his stomach to keep from being on his raw butt, wishing he had ice right about now. The redhead stood and left the boy to fend for himself for the night. The raven listened as footsteps walked upstairs before allowing tears to pour from his large eyes.

That was horrible, when he still lived his own life he never had to suffer anything like that. His parents always treated him like a prince since he was their only child, which he also learned they had a hard time conceiving him. He missed his mom and dad, they were probably worried sick for this whole time. Lee actually lost track of how long he's been missing- been trapped with Gaara. He missed his friends, Naruto, Sakura, Neji, Tenten, everyone! He missed his old life greatly! He weeped into the couch under him, no thought of attempting to drag himself to his room, he didn't care. He wanted to go home and see everyone again, but he was trapped with this monster!

Gaara stood beside the arch that lead into the living room, leaning against the wall, listening to the teenager weep. He deserved this, he disobeyed him. Even with the cruel sense of Gaara speaking to him in such a way, there was a part of Gaara that was yelling at him on the defense. He did nothing wrong! You've been so cruel to him this whole time! You remember what that paddling was like! You remember how much you hated being trapped at home! Stop being your father!

That part...that one part struck him like a knife. The good sense got to him, making him realize something he never saw before. He stepped over once, standing now in the doorway of the living room watching the raven whimper into the sofa as he was loosing consciousness. Now, the redhead could see himself in Lee, he realized he did the same thing to Lee that he had suffered. He saw how miserable it was from this angel now, a different perspective. As Lee's whimpers turned into silent sleep, Gaara walked over to him, standing beside the couch and brushing the hair from his face, seeing soaked cheeks and his red nose.

'What the hell have I become?' Gaara mentally asked himself.