The Unexpected Plan

A/N: Hey you guys, this was just something I wrote right quick, let me know if I should continue!

It was a cold day, for Los Angeles at least. The wind and rain were sleeting across the landscape, biting at people's surprised forms. It was February, and they had already seen record amounts of rain. But it started out like it usually did, for the NCIS team. With playful banter across the desks to kill time and then to be hastened for a review of the latest case assignment.

"Every time." Kensi shook her head, smirking. "I swear, we need another female agent. I'm tired of being the primary undercover agent."

"I agree." Deeks said "Preferably a blonde." Deeks instantly regretted the comment, due to the glare he was receiving from Sam. There was just something about Deeks that bugged Sam.

"Sorry, Kensi, but you're sort of perfect for this one." Eric said.

"Thanks." she replied, sarcasm dripping in her voice.

"No, I didn't mean that, I mean," Eric stuttered.

"Don't worry about it, I'm kidding." she said with a smile. He looked relieved.

"So the front for Dixon's weapons trading, which is appropriately entitled 'Luscious Ladies'"

"Classy." Kensi said under her breath.

"Supposedly the back half is all weapons storage." Eric finished.

"Couldn't we just go in as interested buyers?" Callen asked.

"We could, but according to surveillance, Dixon is only taking respected colleagues, and personally recommended friends. A dancer would be the least suspicious."

"Great." Kensi said.

"It won't be that bad, we just need a tiny little peek. So, for this case we have two options, plan A and plan B." Eric said, then clicked the small hand remote. "So, Kensi would go in, attached a bug to a USB port on any computer that seems to be plugged into the wall so we can hack into the security system for video feed."

"Plan B?" Callen asked.

"The backup camera we'll have Kensi go in with. She would be putting herself at more risk if she had to raise suspicion by trying to reach the storage. So it's our backup plan."

"Sounds pretty easy. As long as I don't have to take too many clothes off." Kensi huffed.

" Not too many." Eric said "But enough to make yourself believable."

"Yeah, yeah."

"But there is one more thing." Eric said, then pulled open a new window on the screen, a picture of the entrance of the club. "Dixon has a huge security issues, and that means metal detectors. So that means..."

"Unarmed?" Sam asked. Eric nodded. "Now, for backup, he's got sun roofs you guys can go through if Kensi is in distress, but she's going have to go in alone for this one, primarily. Thankfully, our communication devices are small enough to not be detected."

"Easy enough." Kensi said. "Get in, get out. Ta-da" she waggled her fingers enthusiastically.

"So, Kensi, or Janey Hill, you have a job interview at 2:30, so I think you guys should go suit up." Eric directed, and everyone stood to walk out the door.

"Bit sarcastic back there, Kens." Deeks commented as they left.

"Bad day. But this should be an easy one." she shrugged.

"Really? Usually you would be worried about one of this caliber. You sure you're alright?" he asked.

"I'm fine." she snapped.

"Right, I got it." he said as he turned towards the equipment garage, Kensi heading to the Undercover Offices where she would get her ID's, outfit, and other such items. "Have fun!" he shouted. She scowled back at him.

4 Hours Later

As Callen, Sam, and Deeks got into position on the cold roof, the rain had settled down a bit into a light, drizzly mist. Kensi was wearing something completely inappropriate for the weather, but hey, she had to look the part. She knew the tight denim skirt and knee high boots made her look slutty, but oh well, occupational hazard.

She talked to the bouncer for a minute, and he let her through after some deliberation on his handset and some ID.

The inside of the club was smoky and dark. There were seedy men sitting at the base of the raised platforms, sipping bottles of beers, singles clutched in hand. The women looked pretty fit, obviously on the upper crust of stripper-dom, something sort of sickeningly ironic and sad. An usher type person greeted Kensi, and asked her to follow him. They walked through the dark club, Kensi getting irritated by the sinking feeling of her heels digging into the dirty carpet. They strolled under an arch and up to a little alcove where the man she recognized as Dixon's personal assistant and some other large, bulky men sat around a table, drinking whiskey and vodka. With a wave of the hand, Markey, Dixon's assistant, shooed away the usher.

"Come, sit, darling, let's have a look at you." he said. Kensi feigned a humble, giddy smile and slid onto the curved bench.

"Oh, I've heard so much about you." she gushed. Markey nodded approvingly.

"You've danced before?"

"Oh, all over, but never anywhere as nice as here."

"Really? You look so fit." Kensi noticed a hint of a Russian accent in his vowels. She laughed delightedly.

"Well, thanks, I haven't eaten in weeks. I'm really hoping for a job here." Kensi said quickly. All the men chuckled kindheartedly.

"Glad to see a specimen so..." Markey searched for a word "...eager." he smirked, his stubbly beard crinkling. "How about we show you around, and then you can audition. Maybe even have a go on the stage."

"That would be AWE-some." she laughed. Markey waved again, and she stood quickly. He nodded approvingly and followed her out.

"Come, then, we show you the dressing rooms."

They retraced the earlier taken steps through the club, but turned abruptly at the door. Kensi followed them through a door and into a dim hallway, and then into another door, to a brightly lit room, with mirrors and tables covered in glittery costumes and makeup everywhere. A few girls were scattered around, smoking and chatting. They all stood when Markey came through, which Kensi found odd.

"Ladies, this is Janey, she might be joining in a few days."

"Hey!" Kensi said, brightly. A buxom blonde came towards her, smiling widely.

"Oh, ain't you just the sweetest thing! I'm Candi." she raved, then pulled Kensi into a bone-crushing hug.

"This is one of our main dancers." Markey explained while Kensi was possibly being strangled.

"Get out" Candi suddenly whispered into Kensi's ear, urgently and sharply. When she pulled back, she was still smiling as big as before. "Welcome, honey buns!" she squealed, but her eyes were fearful.

Kensi decided not to say anything. She didn't even want to think about what Candi was warning her about, so she continued to play it cool as she looked around.

"God, it's cold up here." Deeks said angrily. "I hate the cold."

"This is not cold, Deeks." Callen scoffed. "You need to go to Russia in the winter to know what cold is. This is just a early spring shower."

"Shh." Sam hissed. "That woman said something to Kensi. I didn't hear because you won't shut up." he glared at Deeks. Deeks looked away guiltily, and pushed his earbud deeper into his ear for something to do.

Half an hour later, Kensi had finished the tour, and was being led towards a "back office" mto fill out paper work. She hoped to see a computer, and was relieved to see one with security camera images being flashed on it. Markey was the only man to walk into the small office, then close the door behind him. Kensi instantly tensed up when she heard the lock click in the heavy door. She didn't sit, just absentmindedly paced around the office, trying to wait for an opportune moment to slip the device into the computer.

"Forms?" she asked a moment later.

"No, no, no, I just want to get something clear first." Markey said, walking towards her slowly. Kensi stood her ground, widening her stance. Her stomach clenched up like it always did before an adrenaline rush. "See, here at LL, as we fondly call it, our employers have a strict...authority rule. We don't mess around."

Then, all at once, his hands were on her throat, pushing her against the wall. She instinctively reached for her neck, then made a move to kick him, but his leg was crushing hers, stopping all motion.

"" she gasped.

Up on the roof, the three men were already running towards the nearest sunlight.

"The sunlights are over hallways, Kensi should be in a door in the west hall, bright red according to her video feed." Eric was saying hurriedly to them on their ear-buds. Deeks fired at the sunlight, causing spiderweb like cracks to expand over the surface. He kicked it in, and the three rather damp agents jumped through, landing roughly, and surprising two guards.

Back in the office, Kensi was trying her best to slip out of Markey's grip, but was failing. He punched her in the face, hard, and she fell her earbud fall out from the force of the blow. She got one good blow in retaliation before he hit her again, this time in the stomach. She groaned and keeled over.

"You will come back tomorrow night and you will be working for us. If you try to run, we'll find you. I have recourse some whore couldn't even imagine."

"I'm...not...working for you." Kensi spat out. Markey, in a fit of rage, punched her again and again. And this time, Kensi couldn't even fight back. She just sunk to the floor and covered her face, feeling the blow of the repeating fists and kicks. A moment later, she was unconscious, but that didn't stop the beating.

Back in the hall, the three other agents were fighting off the two guards. Sam dropped one easily, but the other one reached the alarm button before Callen knocked him out.

"Go!" Sam yelled at Deeks. Deeks tore down the hall and towards the red door. He tried the knob, but it was locked. Three kicks later, not a budge. He swore and stepped back, shooting at the knob and then the deadbolt. With another kick, the door gave way, and he burst in. With a slam of surprise and shock, he saw his partner curled up unconscious on the floor, Markey beating her to a pulp.

"LAPD!" he yelled. Markey reached for the piece on his hip, and began to turn, but with a pull of the trigger, Deeks shot him to the ground. He fell backwards, and Deeks rushed to Kensi, whose face was on the carpet. He turned her over carefully, to see her eyes closed. He put her head to her chest, and was thrilled to feel her heart beating and her breathing somewhat normal, considering.

"Eric! Call me a bus." he said into the microphone on his wrist.

"Damn, what should I tell them?"

"Uh...she seems to be stable right now, but could have possible fractures and internal bleeding, along with a concussion."


"Kensi..." Deeks urged, gently shaking her shoulders. Her face remained unmoving. Callen and Sam rushed in a moment later.

"We're screwed." Sam said as they kneeled down next to Kensi with Deeks. "We just set the security breach in a weapons dealer's storage. I say we've got 3, maybe 4 minutes." he said.

"'ve gotta wake up for me." Deeks said again.

A/N: Ohh! I cliffy! Sorry! Let me know if you guys want some more!