Why gods why

A/N I am not giving up on my other stories I just have an extreme writers block. Thanks for understanding. This story might hopefully help with ideas. And true love that preview story is the sequel too new spell just to let you know. And they are still Isis and Horus's hosts. Oh in the TRP they didn't state if it was after the war or during the war with Kronus so Percy is 2 years older that not much of an age gap.

Chapter 1 who's that chick (Percy's POV)

"Percy hurry up." Annabeth screamed in front of me. We were being chase by hellhounds. We continued sprinting to central park. We nearly reached the park when a black figure jumped on top of us. We stopped our tracks.

The dark figure loomed over us. It was on all fours. It had midnight black fur and blood red eyes. Its growl was getting louder and louder. It was about to bite us when we heard a fiercer roar.

The dark dog ran with a whimper. We ran to the other side of the park where we so two people. One was a thirteen year old girl with caramel coloured hair and blue eyes. Her hair had a streak of fading red highlights. She held a long staff and wore an amulet with an angel marking. She wore a leather jacket and black jeans with matching combat boots. The other person was an African American boy with black hair and chocolate brown eyes. He held a sword half scything. It was curved and looked good for disarming. Same as the girl he wore an amulet but with an eye on it. He wore khaki shorts and a buttoned down shirt with button undone.

I looked at Annabeth and mentally asked her what we should do. For the first time in my life she shrugged. I looked at them again and so what they were fighting. I've never fought this type of monster before. It had the head of a snaked and the body of a lion. Its fangs dripped with green poison. I looked at Annabeth again and asked what it was but then again she shrugged.

The snake lion thing lunged at the girl. She shouted words while a gold veil of magic appeared from the tip of her wand as signs of some sort appeared as well. She pushed her wand at the monster and a force of some sort push the monster too its back. The boy pushed a thrust at the monster. The monster swatted him with its tail. The monster got up and spat acid at the girl. She spun her wand as an energy shield formed around the girl. She looked and spotted the boy unconscious in the floor. The acid spray finally stopped. She waved her wand while a blob of water appeared. She shot the water at the beast and waved her wand again and the water froze.

Was she a daughter of Poseidon blessed by Hecate? When I ran this question through my head a sword ripped through the monsters chest. As me and Annabeth the assumed it would turn into golden dust instead it turned into sand.

The girl ran to the injured guy. She waved her staff and said

"Hi-nehm" a golden glow wrapped around the boy and seemed to fix his injuries. If only we had her in camp. She took a boomerang out of her pocket. She cut through the air as sand swirled to make a portal.

She entered the portal while dragging the boy behind her,

Who is this chick?


That was 2 weeks ago and I still have that same question roaming my head, who was that girl? I couldn't get my mind of her. I had so many questions like what was her name, what was that creature, is she a demigod.

I was walking to Olympus because my dad wanted to see me. I was walking in fifth avenue one of the famous shopping streets in Manhattan. I wanted to take as long as possible to sort my thoughts.

13 min past and I was deep in thought when I bumped into her. She was the same girl from before but she was carrying a bunch of shopping bags.

"Watch where you're going would ya." She said with a silky British accent. Her blue eyes just gave me a piercing glare. I just sated at her in amazement. Isn't this ironic I was planning to find her but I don't know what to say to her.

"Oh uh… I'm so sorry." I said I offered her a hand to pick her up. She accepted but I guess I did it to strong, because when I brought her up her hand were planted firmly to my chest and my hand were on her waist. I blushed I deep thought while she blushed as well. I put her down.

Once she was on the ground I gave her, her shopping bags. I looked at her eyes they were baby blue and they seemed to be shining. Don't ask to many questions and don't be so strong I thought to myself.

"I'm Percy, Percy Jackson."I said to her trying to act cool though I'm really nervous. I bet I stuttered but I'm uncertain. She giggled probably noticed how nervous I was.

"I'm Sadie, Sadie Kane. It's nice to meet you Percy." She said with giggles in between the words. She waved bye and started to walk away. I caught up with her and said.

"Can I walk with you?" I asked and she nodded I took her shopping bags and said

"Here let me carry your bags." She smiled at me. As we walk I could see Sturbucks coffee shop. She seemed to spot it too. She turned around and looked me in eyes I stared into her blue eye. She seemed to be thinking looking at me curiously

"Wanna go for a drink." She asked. I nodded. We walked in to the sturbucks when I saw Thalia and Annabeth. Shoot, shoot, shoot said in my head

"Is something wrong?" Sadie asked. I am so dead

"Its nothing." she took my wrist and dragged me to the counter.

A/N this is my new story please review and please give me some ideas for my other two stories thanks.

Ha-di ZP3 signing out