Oh. My. Gosh. We can't write as many so's to express how sorry we are. You have been patiently waiting for this chapter for about 2 months now, and we are so (x100000000) sorry you had to wait that long.

This story has been a challenge for us for a few months, so if y'all have any ideas whatsoever, PM us or leave a review.

Anyway, thanks to all the people who reviewed last chapter, and please make sure to check out our new story Chad if you haven't will guarantee it will have you laughing. :)

And now, without further ado, Chapter 6!


I woke up to the birds chirping and the sun steaming through the flimsy window curtains. It was the perfect day, especially in the middle of winter, but this day would be anywhere far from flawless. I sighed loudly and threw back my covers. I walked across the creaky cabin floor to change into my orange camp t-shirt and jeans. I put my blond curls in a messy braid and headed out. I was looking forward to seeing Adam at sailing class. I blushed at the thought, and just then, OW! Lost in my daydreams, I didn't realize that I had leaned against a tree and gotten a splinter in my finger. I cursed loudly and tried unsuccessfully to get the piece of wood out from my poor finger.

"Hey, what's with the yelling?" a girl said, coming out from behind a cabin. I jumped up in surprise. "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you," she apologized, walking closer to me. I saw that her dark hair was pulled back in a ponytail which showcased her blue-grey eyes that sparkled like the moon. The sun shone off her copper skin. She looked like a daughter of Aphrodite, walked with the confidence of Apollo, and had the same eyes as my mother. I couldn't place her.

"Hi, I'm Serena," she said.

"Annabeth, " I told her. "Daughter of Athena. You?" I asked, curious to know. Serena sighed.

"Long story."

"Go ahead. I have plenty of time," I said, sitting down on a rock. The second choice was a tree stump, and I really didn't want to make it 2 splinters. Serena plopped down on that.

"Well, my dad is Apollo, first of all, so I got put in the Apollo cabin," she started.

"Okay," I said, urging her on.

"But my mom... Let's just say my mom was different. She was Athena's kid, like you. But she was really pretty. Not that you're not!" Serena added quickly. "It's just, my grampa was Aphrodite's son. Mom's name was Maine, ever heard of her?" Serena turned toward me.

I wracked my brain for knowledge of someone called Maine, but came up with nothing. So I shook my head and Serena went on.

"She chose the be a Hunter of Artemis when she was thirteen. She thought it was her "calling." Until she met Apollo. Oh, man, you wouldn't believe how mad Artemis was when she found out one of her maidens broke the oath with her twin brother," Serena said, adding a low whistle for effect.

"A few months after the Hunters dropped her, Mom gave birth to my brother, Jake." At this, Serena pointed to a guy with identical black hair to her own. He was sitting on the front stoop of the Apollo cabin, alone, and was just surveying the camp. He seemed deep in thought. "And then five years later, I came along." Serena said, ending her story. I stayed quiet, trying to follow her tale in my head.

"Well," I said finally after a few minutes of silence, "That's not too lengthy, just...complicated."

Serena laughed. "Yeah, it is."

"But it's cool you came from such a...interesting family."

"Yeah...that's a nice way of putting it," she told me, smiling. Suddenly, my index finger started throbbing madly. I looked down at it and saw the cursed little piece of wood sticking out from my skin. I growled at it.

"I guess I better get to the infirmary to get this thing out," I said to Serena, cradling my finger.

"Oh, Jake can do it," Serena offered.

"Really?" I asked.

"Yeah. Child of Apollo, you know," she said. I was thinking if she was Apollo's kid herself, why couldn't she do it? And as if by magic, Serena answered the question.

"I'd do it but I'm not good at that kind of stuff. I kind of took up Apollo's psychic side." I nodded.

"Jake!" Serena called. Jake looked up and jogged over to us. His dark hair flopped into his eyes and he used a Justin Bieber-type hair flip to move them.

"Um, Serena, who's this?" he asked awkwardly.

"Jake, this is Annabeth. She's from Athena," Serena introduced. Jake stayed quiet. "Anyway, could you get a splinter out from her hand?"

"Fine," Jake answered, producing a pair of tweezers from his jean pocket. I stifled a laugh.

"Whoa, what are you doing, walking around with a pair of tweezers?" I asked jokingly. The tips of Jake's ears turned red.

"Nothing..." he said quietly. Serena shook her head as if she was trying to think about what he was doing with them also.

The way Jake took out my splinter was quick and almost painless. In less then a minute, I was rubbing the little hole in my skin where the piece of wood had been.

"Thanks," I told him, wiping the scare amount of blood off my finger.

"No problem," Jake said, looking down at his feet. Suddenly, Tallulah ran up to me, breathless. Her red curls sprouted out of her head like an afro, and she almost looked like a clown.

"Annabeth! You have to see this!" she yelled, grabbing my hand where the splinter had been.

"OW!" I shouted, and instantly recoiled. "Sorry, I got a splinter there." Tallulah rolled her eyes.

"Oh, come on!"

Oh, I forgot to mention, we put the characters that entered in the contest here. We decided to make them siblings since both writergirl97 and jacques05 asked for similar things. So, there you go!

Please Review!