Nineteen years ago, I defeated the most evil Dark wizard of all time.
Except for Grindelwald.
Well, yes. Except for Grindelwald. But let's face it, Voldemort was far more powerful and committed atrocities much more reprehensible than anything Grindelwald could have done.
Look at you, using your big words. I see Hermione finally got you to open up a book for once.
Why did I marry you again?
For my dashing good looks and charming wit, of course.
Of course.
But go on.
Thank you. As I was saying, nineteen years ago, the Dark wizard Voldemort was finally defeated once and for all. The tale has been told more times and in more ways than I can keep track of. Everyone knows what happened after the Battle of Hogwarts, and what became of the Elder Wand. Everyone knows that I am now happily married to my best friend, and have three beautiful children who light up my life – when they're not busy trying to drive me to an early grave. Sometimes those kids are such a horror that I seriously consider giving them a good hard kick in the –
Right, sorry. Beautiful wife, wonderful children. What everyone doesn't know, and what I find myself recently being asked on a regular basis, is what happened between now and then. How did my relationship with Ron and Hermione grow over the years? What were the inner dynamics of the Potter household? Whatever happened to Malfoy, and to Neville, and Luna?
So Ginny and I decided to write a book, together, in a very raw, very real sort of way. We chose to write about our lives as we experienced them, with little to no editing. It felt more genuine to write it this way, and was definitely more enjoyable on our part.
We hope you enjoy reading it as much as we enjoyed writing it.
Well done, love. I couldn't have said it better myself.
** I've got a Twitter account as well! If you really liked reading this, feel free to look for me over at H_J_Potter. Mischief managed **