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Okay, so this isn't my first fanfiction. Actually, it's like my 20th, but I decided to start a new username, you know, start fresh. So, I created a new one, because I keep getting new ideas for fanfictions, but then feel bad when I don't finish. And I HATE all the ones on my old site. So, I will not go back and change any of those, but I got a wicked idea for one, even though I promised not to write another one until I got my book done, but who cares about that?

This story is about Bella having a twin sister. Bella falls in love with the leach, and goes off towards the beginning of the story, but Rose, her twin, finds someone else…. Enjoy!

Rose's POV:

"So, once you multiply 4x by the quantity of…" Mr. Bate droned on an on about pointless algebra; 'cause that's "really on my top list" right now.

I fought the urge to roll my disgust as he kept talking. My sister, Bella, was able to get all this stuff done in her sleep. Yet me, well, I fall asleep just reading the problems. Perfect Bella; great grades, best manners, and the one every guy goes after. Then there's me. I have grades that are close to flunking, I curse like a sailor, and have never had a boyfriend. Yeah, and I'm seventeen. I have a reason to be bitter.

Finally, the screech of the daily bell chimed out, breaking me from my usually negative thoughts. I forced myself up, pushed my binder and three books into my black messenger bag (with neon paint splatters, added myself), and threw it on my shoulder. I lowered my gaze, letting my dark brown hair cover my face, and stomped out of the classroom.

Behind me, I heard the rest of the class follow me out into the death walk we call a hallway; jammed to the brim on both sides with students struggling to get to their next class, which happens to be lunch. The worst freaking part of the whole freaking day.

I felt an ice cold hand on my shoulder, and I spun around quickly, jerking my shoulder away. There, I saw Edward Cullen. The boy who never talks, except to his freaky family. And for some unknown reason, my sister has basically thrown herself at him. Not her typical manner of acting, because proper girls don't do that. Ugh.

"What?" I hissed out, trying not to be trampled by the hungry crowd moving around me.

He gave me his crappy smile and chuckled. "Sorry, I thought you were Bella." Oh, did I forget to mention we are identical twins? Yeah, icing on top of the cake, isn't it?

"No, your precious Bella is probably at her locker or lunch." I growled out, and turned away. Most sisters would be like "Don't hurt my sister." Or crap like that. Nope, not me. If he took her off to her fairy land life, that would be great for me. Less attention to our family, less attention to me.

The crowd still wasn't thinning out, so I just let it take me towards the cafeteria, but I turned to the right, a side hallway, two turns before the café. Without anyone else in the hallway, it looked abandoned. Perfect.

I walked, my Converses making a dull thud as I walked, ungracefully, past the first three classroom doors, but then quickly turned and entered the forth.

As I walked in, I let out a sigh and shut the door. Completely empty. No one was ever in here, except for Mrs. Baylor, but she staid in her office next door usually so I was completely alone. And that is what I like.

Sitting down as far away from the doors view as I could, I sat down and slowly pulled out two things from my bag; my small lunch, and my latest art piece. As I slowly munched on my ham and cheese sandwich, holding the picture up as I examined it. This was the one thing that I was better at than Bella; art.

She can't even draw a cartoon dog, none no less the things I create. It is where I can let go, and be me. Show my rough edges that no one cares about, no one wants to know. My latest picture was of the beach, La Push, at sun set. I've never actually been there, but my dad had a picture of it on the kitchen table one day, so I took it.

I slowly pulled the picture out of my bag and compared. The rough sketch was alright, but not as good as I wanted. Crap, that sucked. With a sigh, I through the photo on top of my sketch and leaned back in the chair, glared it at while I finished the half of the sandwich in my hand.

Leaning my head back, I looked at the ceiling, then closed my eyes. This always happened. I never like my art until it is finished. Sometimes I feel that is how I feel about my life. I will hate it, until I die. Doesn't that suck?

I felt him hovering over me before I saw him. I quickly opened my eyes and looked up to see a boy, probably a year younger than me, hovering his head about a foot from mine. I let out a huff of anger, pull my head up, and quickly turn all of my attention to my picture.

Hearing the soft squeak of the chair next to me, I pushed the hair from behind my ears so it draped over my face, hiding me the best I could.

"So, Swan, what are you doing alone in here?" Alright, his voice was sexy. No lie there. I didn't really see his face well, but I don't think I've met him before. From that short glance though, he's hot too. But Swan? No one has ever called me that, he must either not know which one I was, or that is one of Bella's nicknames.

"Bella's off on a play date with the ancient Romeo." I gagged a little as I spoke, but kept my attention to the soft pencil strokes I was making to create the ripple of water that had been formed by the wave in the picture.

"And that is a concern of mine how?" He chuckled, and I heard the chair shift as he leaned back. Wait, he wasn't looking for Bella? This was new…

I looked at him through my wall of hair, knowing fully well how piercing my hazel eyes were right now. "Then why the hell are you here?"

He shook his head softly, causing his dark hair to flow in a ripple motion, the motion I was trying to get in my picture. Oh, and I was right. He is hot. "Well, I saw you in here, and thought I'd pop in. So, what's up Rose." Shit, no one knew me. I mean NO one. My teachers still call me Ms. Swan, and Bella well…Bella. And the rest call me Bella's clone.

"How do you know my name?" I kept the wall of hair, but dropped my pencil. Now he had my full attention, and he knew it. He flashed me a perfect smile.

"I guess you don't remember me. We used to hang out when you lived here when you were younger. I hung out with your sister more…but that was my sisters fault. You were always off in your room drawing, and my sister wanted me to "marry" Bella." He laughed. "Can you believe that? Well, I'm Jacob Black."

I closed my eyes for a second and scanned my mind for that name. I found a faint memory, and sat up, pushing my hair back. "Billy's kid?"

"The one and only."

"Wait, I thought all of the La Push kids had to go to that school there…" (Lets just say, I've tried to get into La Push to see the picture for real, and they don't like kids like me there. No one likes kids like me.)

"The education is based around our history, but I want to get out. So, how about we hang out after school." He stood up, and flashed me another smile. "Meet me outside the gym at the end of the day, and I'll give you a lift." Then he was gone.

Holy crap. I have lived here for four years now, since I moved back from my mom's. Always living below Bella, and now, Jacob, notices me and not her. I was so tempted to pinch myself it wasn't even funny. But, my life has always been one blow after another, and there just had to be another one coming.

Alright, it wasn't supposed to be that long, but I REALLY like this plot. I've never felt like I've lived in my sister (older, I have no twin) shadow, but I guess since she is going off to college soon, the idea has crept into my mind once or twice…but no like this. And I hate Bella and Edward to begin with, so this should be fun. Enjoy!