Logan leaned over the sink, reaching into the cold water that poured from the faucet. He splashed it on his face, groaning softly as it cooled and cleared his head. He would have never thought he would have come back to the mansion, or even in his old room. The former X-Man exhaled and gripped the side of the bathroom sink. His mind was reeling with the thoughts and events that just happened. Ororo had really brought the mansion to new levels since Xavier's death. New students were here, developing their powers and finally feeling safe and belonged. Kurt Wagner had come on as a teacher, along with other including Kurt's new fiancé. Just everything was so bright, considering when he left many were still in mourning from the loos of the three professors. Yet, him being back still brought up those buried and unwanted memories. He groaned, cursing Striker under his breath for uprooting his home and family. "Logan! Are you done? I really got to go." Logan looked up, the nauseous emotions in him disappearing. He opened the door, seeing his wife there. A grin spread across his face as she glared dangerously at him.

"Baby kicking again?" he teased her. She narrowed her eyes, shoved him out the way. Logan stumbled, laughing as the door closed with a slam. Her strength always did surprise him, but the face was his very pregnant wife could shoe his adimantium ass out the door made him grin. Logan moved towards the window, closing the curtains. He use to love his window open. Now he was definitely more secluded man. Doing his nightly routine, he stropped his jeans and socks off and tossed them over the chair in the corner. With his black boxers on, he pulled down the comforter and sheets and climbed into the bed. His eyes wandered, seeing the ' How To's on Pregnancy' book she bought on the nightstand. The only damn thing that book ever did was help end her morning sickness.

A flush muffled from the bathroom and moments later Erinn emerged. She was in a knee length nightgown, which was sky blue in color with a cream trimming under the bust and at the hemline. She was protruding a bit from beneath the cloth, showing even more by her hand resting on the top of her swollen belly. 'To think, I got about five more months to go." She groaned, crawling into bed. Logan couldn't help but laugh as he stretched his arm out for her to curl up against him.

"Don't forget all the other fun things." He muttered, leaning in to kiss her forehead. Erinn groaned and nuzzled closer. His body was basically a pillow for her, supporting her stomach against his abdomen and his legs and hers tangled up. She tucked one arm under her head and the other cupped her belly.

"Please don't remind me. The weird cravings, swollen ankles and not being able to see my feet because I will be as big as a truck." She groaned. Logan laughed, reaching down and cupped her chin. He tilted her head up so her eyes fluttered up to meet his.

"If that is the case, you will be the prettiest truck in the world. He muttered. Erinn laughed, playfully rolling her eyes before accepting his loving kiss. He loved her lips, so sweet as it molded against her own.

"Careful Logan. The others might think you have gotten soft." She muttered, laying her head on his chest Logan leaned his head back, staring at the ceiling. He couldn't let others see him too soft. Heel, they were already shocked to see him married and about to be a future father. And he would admit, around her he was a softy. But the others will be quick to be reminded that he was still Wolverine, even if he was dormant for the time being. Sighing, he opened his mouth to say something but paused. Her breathing was steady, soft and he could tell that she had already drifted off to sleep. Logan smiled, pulling the covers higher around them and kissing her forehead.

"Sleep tight, both of you." Logan laid in bed, awake for hours. So many things were running through his mind. They kind of swirled between revenge and what they were going to do for her appointments. Going back and forth between New York and Montana was just not going to happen. It wouldn't be healthy for her or the baby. The best guess he thought of was that Hank could do it for them. He was a doctor after all. Logan groaned, shifting a little as not to disturb her. Erinn, while she slept, folded an arm behind his head. It took some time, but soon Logan managed to drift off into an unneeded dream.


His surroundings were a blur, with smudges of grey and browns that mixed with a steady forest green that showed no matter where he looked. He felt dizzy, and everything around him spun like a bad horror movie. "Logan." The feminine voice was frantically calling his name. "Logan! Hell me!" It took a moment for the disoriented Logan that it was Erinn crying out for him. She sounded terrified and pain. "Ah! Logan!" His claws unsheathed themselves, ready to attack as he frantically searched for her.

"Erinn! Honey! Where are you?" he called desperate to find her, to protect her. The world around him was swaying, and he stumbled forward trying to grasp onto any solidity he could. It was like tear gas, making his sense of balance thrown. But that didn't matter; all that mattered was finding Erinn. Her voice was still calling for him, begging for his help. "Where are you?" Then the twisting came to a stand and the nature around him focused. He was in a forest with trees that were as tall as buildings that stretched upwards to cover the sky from her sight. Logan calmed a little, shaking his head once to clear the vertigo. Growling, his claws remained out and prepared as he pushed through the underbrush in search of his mate. He called her name over and over, getting nothing but the sounds of the forest answering him back. He was getting nervous. Was she alright? She certainly didn't sound it from the previous way she was shouting for him. He sliced a branch out of his way, just opening up a path to his sight. He was contemplating doing down it when a scream pierced the silence and bounced off the trees. "Erinn!" he shouted, barreling down the pathway with all his rage behind him. His footsteps thundered on the ground, his claws slicing through everything as he moved towards the sound. The screaming stopped, but by that time Wolverine was already busting his way into the clearing. What he saw was something that made him yell out with rage and grief.

There on the clearing floor was Erinn, pale as a sheet with a vacant dullness in her unmoving eyes. Logan shook his head, his breathing being choked in his chest. His beautiful wife wasn't moving, wasn't breathing and was covered in the scarlet color of her blood. Logan pulled his claws back into his hands, rushing forward to pull her into his lap. 'Erinn, come on baby wake up!" He shook her, but all that happened was her head fell back. Her whole body was cold as ice, and limp under his shaking. Logan felt tears hot on his face as he shook his head. "Erinn…no...you can't leave me baby.." She never responded. Logan choked on a sob as he pulled her closer. The blood soaked her clothing, but sparked her features as he tucked his head against her neck. Cries racked through him, as he mourned the loss of his mate. He felt empty, rocking her back and forth as he kept asking himself why.

Then a cry silenced him. It wasn't a cry of sorrow that came from him, but one of new life. Logan raised his eyes, eyes lifting as they found the source of the noise. It was his child, kicking and screaming to try and get those first few breaths in. Logan gasped, laying erinn's body down gently before standing up and feeling the rage building again. Someone was holding the baby, features hidden by the shadows except the reflection of the glasses it wore. Logan growled loudly, claws extending with the distinct noise. 'Striker!" he yelled, taking a step forward. The figure would laugh, keeping the baby close as it cried.

"I have your family Logan. They are mind." He said. Logan screamed in anger, jumping forward to kill the figure and take his child. But all he would meet was air. They were gone, and the clearing became silent once more. Logan looked around frantically, giving out a feral cry as he swung around. He was alone, and even his mate's corpse was gone leaving only a blood stain behind. He was confused, filled with grief and rage as he kept his claws out and ready. They were gone, all of them. His fist curled tightly, a yell continuing to make his throat horse.

-End Dream-

That is when Logan woke up, his body shooting upwards as a light sheen of sweat covered his forehead. His breathing heavy, heart racing as it took his eyes a moment to adjust in the dark. He was in his safely in his room. He frantically reached beside him, his hand laying on a lump that was nestled beneath the covers. Looking over, he exhaled with relief as he saw her blond curls spread across the pillow. Living with him a while, she was easily able to sleep through his less violent nightmares. Her body moved with every breath, rising and falling as she peacefully slept. Logan relaxed a little. She was alive and when he lay down to wrap his arms around her he felt the baby kick in her swollen belly. Exhaling, he buried his face into her hair. She smelt like vanilla and he wanted nothing more than to smell that forever and a day. With her back to his chest, he held her tight to him through the rest of the night. Striker was after his family, and Loan was more than determined to protect his family.