
I do not own Inuyasha.

This is a Inu/Kags/Sess/Inutaisho*Sugimi*story.

Romance,Rated-M for language and later on lemons. 8)





Kagome was just getting out of the well thinking of how they were going to find Naraku not completely focused on her surroundings.

"Give me your shards wench", said a youki that had come up behind her grabbing her by her hair which made her shriek a little.

"Let go before I purify you", said Kagome in a frantic voice hoping Inuyasha would come save her.

"Wench do you have a death wish", said the youkai.

"No but you do if you don't let her go", came Inuyasha's voice a few feet from them with Tetsusaiga in hand ready to strike his opponent.

"What if I don't", it said wanting to see what he would do, not realizing he made a big mistake.

"Keh, I'll just rip you to shreds ya bastard", said Inuyasha ready to use wind scar at any time.

"Inuyasha you better wait until I get out of his grasp or I'll say your most favorite of words", said Kagome in a sweet but dangerously low deadly voice.

"Keh I ain't gonna hit ya bitch just get out of my way", said Inuyasha.

They didn't know that the demon put Kagome down and was slowly moving backwards until he hit something, not knowing what it was he turned around he meet the cold stare of none other than Sesshomaru.

"Half breed you shouldn't let your opponent run away", said Sesshomaru in his cold baritone voice as he sliced the demon in front of him.

"Shit ya bastard he was mine", growled out Inuyasha getting ready to strike Sesshomaru.

"Inuyasha SIT what if Sesshomaru wanted to speak to us", Kagome said.

"Keh, that bastard would shove that icicle further up his ass before he talked to us", Inuyasha said in his gruff voice while getting up after the spell wore off.

"The miko is right I want us to join packs to end Naraku's reign over the lands", said Sesshomaru still as frosty as ever.

"Hell no you bastard we're not joining packs just cause you say so", yelled Inuyasha.

"Inuyasha, Sesshomaru does have a point the more power in the group the better we are at defeating Naraku", said Kagome knowing she would win.

She then gave the secret weapon of cuteness the puppy eyes.

"Feh just stay out of my way or I'll beat the crap out of you", Inuyasha said to Sesshomaru.

"Oh thank you for seeing it my way", said Kagome doing some form of happy dance.

"Hm just like Rin, wait what am thinking she is a filthy human",thought Sesshomaru.

"NO she smell nice no filth come from her...Sniff, Sniff... Hmm so yummy I wonder what she looks like underneath", his beast said.

"Shut up she is human".

"SO what if she not human".

"What do you mean", but he got nothing from his beast.

"GRRRR tell me what you mean".

While this was happening Kagome was a little freaked out cause it looked like Sesshomaru was giving her a dirty look, "Um Sesshomaru", said Kagome.

"THAT IS SESSHOMARU-SAMA TO YOU WENCH", screeched Jaken who just got there with Rin and AhUn.

"Hello Kagome-chan Rin is happy to see you, are you happy to see Rin", Rin asked.

"Yes Rin I'm happy to see you as well as AhUn", said Kagome trying to not pay attention to Sesshomaru's stare.

"Keh, lets go before any other demon comes and grabs you wench", yelled Inuyasha which was all it took to get Sesshomaru out of his thinking and start heading towards Kaede's hut.

"Hey, ya bastard I'm alpha not you", said Inuyasha running towards Sesshomaru.

"Can Kagome-chan show Rin were Shippo-kun is please", asked Rin.

"Of course sweetheart", said Kagome smiling down at her, "First we need to catch up to Inuyasha and Sesshomaru".

"Okay, come on Kagome-chan", said Rin running off to catch up.

Once they got to the village they headed straight towards Kaede's hut.

"Mama", came a voice from inside the hut that was getting closer towards them until it hugged Kagome's voluminous chest.

"Hello Shippo", said Kagome, "How are you ".

"Good I was hoping you got me some candy from your time", said Shippo in his energetic voice hopefully getting his sweets.

"Sure do, why don't you go share with Rin while the adults talk", said Kagome.

"Okay, come on Rin I'll show you what pokey is", said Shippo running off with Rin to go share in a flower field up ahead.

"Jaken go watch Rin and the miko's kit", Sesshomaru ordered.

"Yes m-milord", said Jaken who was quivering from Sesshomaru's intense stare and went to watch Rin and Shippo.

"Okay,so what's been happening while I was gone", said Kagome.

"Well there was this report from a village next to us that has some unusual attacks coming upon it", voiced Miroku who just walked in wearing a red handprint on his face.

"Pervert", went through everyone's head except two inu's who were thinking of something else.

"Should we check it out there might be some jewel shards over where they said it was at", said Miroku.

This caused a chorus of 'yeahs' to be heard.

"Well come on, you guys aren't getting younger so lets get a move on",said Inuyasha.

"Okay", came from everyone except frosty.

They had left Rin and Shippo in care of the imp and Kaede and were soon walking to the destination.

That was till Sesshomaru felt Tenseiga act up and point towards Inuyasha.

"It seems you want me to cut Inuyasha with you, Hn so be it".

As he thought this he stopped which made everyone else stop.

"What the fuck are you doin' stopping ya bast-", yelled Inuyasha but was stopped short when Sesshomaru sliced him with Tenseiga causing the Black Pearl in his pupil to pop out and float towards the Shikon Jewel.

"What's going on", asked a clueless Kagome as the Pearl and Jewel combined to make one shining orb.

No one knew what was going on not even the all knowing Sesshomaru much to his dislike. The Jewel began to subside and a figure began to form turning into a handsome male about 6'10'' with silver hair that went down to his calves even with a top knot.

He was tan with jagged blue stripes on his high cheekbones and wrists and other parts of his body that was hidden from sight and his eyes were gold like honey.

He wore armor that could possibly weigh a ton and leather boots.

The man also wore a pure white silk kimono but was only stained with blue on his left collar and had a blue and red sash around his waist.

Once the transformation was done everyone stared in shock as the great Inu-No-Taisho standing right in front of them as he looked at everyone and until his eyes landed on Inuyasha and Sesshomaru.

"My pups it has been a long time since we saw each other has it not", said Sugimi in his rich deep voice.

"What the hell are you talking about", Inuyasha said coming out of his shock.

"Half breed you would do to honor our father", said Sesshomaru who made 'our' come out like it was too distasteful to say.

"Why you no good fuckin bastard I'll kick your ass for that",said Inuyasha.

"SIT, Inuyasha your father is standing right there and you're bad mouthing your half-brother right now is not something we should be hearing", yelled Kagome as Inuyasha just muttered stuff from his ditch.

Inuyasha and Sesshomaru's father chuckled at this, "Seems you get along fine".

Inuyasha just 'Fehed' and Kagome looked away not really wanting to answer and the only one to ask why he came back was Miroku.

"I was in an endless sleep when I passed but I was woken by one of the Kami".

"He had said that I was not supposed to die and suddenly a bright light comes and here I am now", said Sugimi.

"Would you like to join us in our group since you just came back to life", asked Kagome who was being her usual selfless being.

"WHAT hell no we are not bringing him alo-", and he was cut off again because her evil stare that made him shudder.

"Hn I will join your group little miko but first I would like to know your names you may call me Sugimi", said Sugimi.

"Well my name is Kagome and over there is Miroku and Sango."

"Hm a tyjia and monk an odd group you have but I will join nonetheless", Sugimi said looking into Kagome's ocean blue eyes.

"Such beautiful eyes", thought Sugimi which caused the beast in him to awaken so he could see.

"She beautiful me want her as mate", it said.

"We just met her and your horny self can't even hold back after just seeing a female".

"No she real mate".

"Hn what is it that you mean", he asked but just like Sesshomaru he got nothing.

"Hey, ol' man whatcha waiting for we're already walking", shouted Inuyasha.

"Please be more civil and come to me instead of yelling", said Sugimi sternly.

"Keh what ever you won't catch up we'll just leave ya", ranted Inuyasha with his arms crossed.

"Inuyasha SIT what have I told you over and over again", yelled Kagome though all she got was a groan.

"Um Kagome-chan I think you knocked him out", said Sango.

"Oops my bad", Kagome said while blushing since everyone's eyes were on her.

"How is it that you put my youngest pup to the ground", said Sugimi which caught Sesshomaru's curiosity as to why his half breed half brother crashed into the ground with just one word.

"Eh oh that well that necklace around him has a spell on him cause the first time I met him he tried to kill me", Kagome whispered looking at the ground and this did not go well in the heads of Sugimi and Sesshomaru as both their beasts were howling like crazy.

Suddenly Kagome's head shot up which gave her a stare from Sesshomaru and a questioning look from Sugimi.

"Shards heading this direction Inuyasha", said Kagome getting her bow in position, Inuyasha was up in seconds ready to strike whoever had the shard.

"Ha Ha Ha well what do we have here", came a female voice from in front of them.

"Show yourself before I just come after you myself bitch", said Inuyasha trying to leer the voice out.

"Hmph you're no fun", came from what looked like a twelve year old girl.

"Who are you", voiced Kagome ready to shoot if she did any funny business.

"Oh silly me my name is Chu and have you seen my otou?"

"Do you know your otou's name", said Kagome.

"Uh yeah his name is Naraku and I am supposed to find the Inutachi and give them this sack", Chu pointed to the sack right behind her.

"Do you know what's in the sack Chu", questioned Kagome.

"Yeah it's powder and I have to give it to the puppies in their group but can you show me where the puppies are I don't see any around here."

"Um can I see the powder", Kagome asked.

"Sure but be careful if you sneeze every last speck of this powder will go everywhere", Chu explained giving Kagome the sack.

Just as she opened it Inuyasha started to sniff it making a little of the powder to go up his nose and making him sneeze.

"The...sneeze...he...sniffle...ll is goin' on", Inuyasha tried to say but soon he sneezed and the powder wafted up to Sugimi and Sesshomaru's nose causing them to start sneezing.

A glow came from them and when it subsided there were three tiny puppies.

"So they were puppies looks like my job is done", Chu said while starting to walk off, but before she left she incinerated with six shards sticking out of the ash.

"Wow", was the only word the three remaining Tachi could say as Kagome went to get the shards.

"Kagome-sama look", Miroku said looking at three piles of clothes that were whimpering.

"Oh my Sango check Inuyasha's kimono while Miroku and I check Sesshomaru's and Sugimi's kimono.

"Right", Sango said looking in Inuyasha's kimono but gasped at what she found like Kagome and Miroku who found three puppies about two or three weeks old and looked just the same except Sesshomaru and Sugimi kept their markings and Inuyasha's ears were abit pointed instead of floppy like the two others.

"What do we do Kagome-chan", Sango asked worried that they could be attacked at any minute with puppies in their care.

"Why don't we go to Kaede then go on from there", Miroku suggested.

"Wait we also need milk for them they look like they were born at least two or three weeks", Sango stated.

"Um well it is said that you can produce milk if you have an infant with you one of the villagers I met said his dog couldn't produce pups so he found an orphan and gave it to his dog and she started producing milk three hours later", Miroku said waiting for an answer.

"Thats brilliant but which is going to give them milk", Kagome asked.

"I say Kagome does it we all know she is good with kids, pups or not", Sango said grinning from ear to ear as she cackled.

"NO, NO, AND NO WHAT WOULD MAMA SAY IF SHE KNEW WORSE OJII-SAN", Kagome said calming down she thought, "Maybe I could do it would keep them alive till we find a cure".

Kagome finally agreed after her thought war with giving milk.

They waited three hours and Kagome's breasts started to leak.

She then turned around and asked for two pups as she lifted her shirt and bra she was handed Sesshomaru and Inuyasha seeing as they were the smallest of the three.

Kagome then helped latch them to her nipples and let them suckle away shuddering and blushing knowing they were actually full grown males. Little did she know they still had their full grown male minds.

*Sesshomaru's POV*

"Hmm what is this delicious liquid", Sesshomaru thought as he cracked his eyes open while he greedily gulped from the lush BREAST.

"What the hell", he looked up and saw the miko with her strange kimono top up and his mouth on her nipple.

"~Moan~, mates milk is so good I want more", his beast thought as he made Sesshomaru suckle harder.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING", Sesshomaru asked, but all he got was a purr which made him do the same showing his beasts happiness.

*Inuyasha's POV*

"Where am I", he thought as his mind located to what happened, "Shit what is going on, what is this taste in mouth no second that what's in my mouth".

"Mate is giving us milk",his beast said.

"When did she have milk in her bag, she said it spoils in warm places if it's out for too long", he said to his beast.

"No mate is giving us milk from her breast".


"Chill we puppy so we gets mates milk from her tit...Groan...keep on sucking I want more."

*Third Person*

Once they were done Kagome was handed Sugimi whose eyes were open from the start as she also helped him latch on and she looked away when he started to suckle blushing again.

*Sugimi's POV*

"What is she doing", he thought looking at her DD breasts as she helped him latch on her nipple he was in shock but soon started to suck to get the liquid in his mouth and his beast purred at this.

"I want to stay here forever", he thought as his beast agreed full heartily as he sucked harder getting a moan out of her from the force as he liked the nipple a couple of times as well.

*Third Person*

Once feeding was done they headed back to Kaede's hut.

As they came in Inuyasha started to whimper so Kagome took him from Sango as she was now holding Sugimi.

"Oh my what have ye here", Kaede said.

"Um Naraku's new toy turned Sesshomaru, Inuyasha, and Sugimi into puppies", Kagome said.

"So the Lord of the West is back is he", Kaede said.

"Yeah but do you know a cure to turn them back", Kagome said hopeful that there was a cure.

"Iie child I have no clue why don't you take them to your home."

"You do have a point, yes I'll do that", Kagome said putting Inuyasha in her shirt and was handed Sesshomaru and Sugimi putting them in her shirt as well.

She then left with three pups snuggled in her shirt as she went to the well.

"Well here goes", she said jumping in and soon disappeared.

Okay redid it all so hope you review.

Ja ne