A/N: Hey everyone! Thanks for wanting to read my one shot! As of now its a one shot, but I may advance it into a full story later. As of now, though, its a one shot. The story starts with the scene where Kurt is decorating Pavarotti's casket in the dining hall. (I'm not going to say what MAJOR thing happens to those who just got out of a cave and decided to read this fanfiction before seeing the episode "Original Song".) I only wrote about the Klaine scenes, therefore no one besides Kurt, Blaine, Wesley, David, and Pavarotti are mentioned. Hope you enjoy it! PLEASE REVIEW!
Special thanks to a-true-literati who edited this story when I didn't even ask her to. :)
BTW (By the way): When Kurt and Blaine sing 'Candles' I used the version they used in the episode, so if you listen to the one you bought on iTunes or the full length version and read the lyrics in the story they won't match. I only did this because even though I would have loved to use the full length version, this is perfect for a story because it's long enough that you get the feel of it, but it isn't long enough to make you want to hit the fast forward button.
PS: This story is from Blaine's POV (Point of view)
Thanks with lots of love,
gleekfreak55565 xoxo :D
I walked into the dining hall to find Kurt gluing tiny little beads onto a tiny box.
"What's that?" I asked Kurt with a smile.
He paused and looked up toward me. "I'm decorating Pavarotti's casket." He went back to work.
"Well, finish up." I leaned against the table he was working at. "I have the perfect song for our number and we should practice."
He glanced at me again. "Do tell."
"'Candles'…by Hey Monday."
"I'm impressed." He turned toward me. "You're usually so 'Top Forty'."
"Well, I just…wanted something a little more emotional…" I sat into the chair next to Kurt.
"Why did you pick me to sing that song with?"
I locked eyes with him and I knew I had to tell him the truth. "Kurt…there is a moment…" I peeked at him to see if he was still listening. He was, so I continued. "…when you say to yourself 'Oh! There you are! I've been looking for you forever.'" I scooted toward him and took his left hand in mine. "Watching you do 'Blackbird' this week…that was a moment for me…about you… You moved me, Kurt…and this duet would just be an excuse to spend more time with you…" We sat there staring at each other for a little while until I felt the strong urge to kiss him. I rose slightly from my seat. I slowly leaned in and kissed him. I cupped his right cheek with my hand. Oh my God, this is amazing, I thought. Wait…he's not kissing me back! He leaned back a tiny bit and then grabbed my right cheek and kissed me passionately. Oh my God, this is...totally awesome. Holy…fuck. I'm so glad I chose him to sing 'Candles' with. Oh! The song! Dammit! Why did we have to practice! I reluctantly broke off the kiss. He let his left hand fall to the table with a thump. I sat back down, blushing and baffled. I was somewhat embarrassed for how 'into it' we had gotten, and we hadn't even gone on a date or anything. I laughed, rubbed my cheek, and leaned on my right hand. "We should…we should practice." My right hand fell off the table. I turned to Kurt. He seemed a little out of breath.
He smiled. "I thought we were…" He laughed. We stared seriously at each other for a second until I advanced toward him again, but this time he met me halfway. His hand went back to my right cheek and I put my left hand back on his face. I moved Kurt over to the couches that were behind him. I climbed on top of him, our lips only parting once. I knew we should take it slowly because, after all, Kurt was a year younger than me and just recently learned about STDs and all that stuff. Wait…did he even learn about all that stuff? I wasn't sure, I mean, he never told me. We didn't get too far anyway…we heard footsteps coming toward us.
"…that could-whoa!" I couldn't tell who it was that said that, but he wasn't alone.
Another person who I thought was David said "Holy shit!"
"Oh my God!" I think Wesley said that one.
Kurt gasped and pushed me off of him. He was blushing like mad. Oh my God it was so adorable. It pained me to look away from him and see Wes and David laughing and blushing. Ugh! Shit!
"Wes! David! What the hell are you two doing here?" I practically screamed at them.
"We were gonna ask if you two wanted to go to the movies with us, but you two obviously have something else to do." Wes smiled and winked at me.
"Oh, shut up, Wesley!" I threw a pillow that was on the couch across the table at him. "We were gonna practice 'Candles'!"
David laughed and said, "Well 'Candles' seems like it's going well!"
"Shut up!" I got up from the couch. I wanted to punch them so bad!
Wes and David backed up toward the doors. "Whoa! Calm down, dude. We'll back off…" Wesley said. He pointed at me and then Kurt. He and David each grabbed a door handle. Wes grabbed the one on the right; David the one on the left. "But if things get serious…" He looked at David and they both said,
"Use protection!" and slammed the doors.
I seriously wanted to beat the crap out of them. Kurt was still sitting on the couch but he hugged his knees to his chest now.
I sighed. "Well that was embarrassing."
"Immensely." He replied.
I walked toward the doors. "I wish these damn doors could lock…"
"Me too…but it wouldn't matter, honestly. There is a big hole in the wall..."
"So…should we…continue?" Please say yes. Please say yes. Please say yes…! I chanted repeatedly in my head.
He sighed. "I really think we should practice at least a tiny bit. I don't want to screw up in front of a thousand people at Regionals."
Ugh! Damn it! I sighed. "Okay. That makes sense."
I came out of Dalton Academy with Kurt. We were holding hands. The other Warblers and I were boarding the bus to Regionals.
I saw Wesley burst into a laughing fit. "Ha ha, David, you owe me 20 bucks!"
David grunted. "Shit! Right… Fuck… I only have 13 bucks on me right now. Can I pay you back later?"
Kurt and I finally reached where Wes and David stood. "You owe him money?" I asked.
"Yeah, I lost a bet." David replied.
"Here let me help you out." I pulled out my wallet. "How much do you owe him?"
"Twenty." Wes stated.
I handed Wesley a twenty dollar bill. "What did you bet?"
David hesitated a little bit before saying, "That you and Kurt would get together-"
"Whoa. Wait." I cut David off. Why would he bet on my love life? I thought. Wait, not just mine, but Kurt's! Wes, David and I have been friends for years, but Kurt was still new here.
Kurt gasped. "Excuse me…?"
I dropped Kurt's hand and used it to give David a light push. "You bet on when Kurt and I would hook up!"
"Hey I bet that you guys would hook up before Christmas!"
"And I bet you would hook up by Valentine's Day."
"But when you ended up serenading Jeremiah and we both lost, we bet again. This time I bet after that party you two went to. The one with the alcohol."
"I bet by Regionals and I won! In your face, David!"
Kurt and I both glared at them. "You two are unbelievable." Kurt said as he climbed up the stairs onto the bus.
Great. Now they went and made Kurt upset.
Aural Intensity had just finished performing. We were just about to head onstage when I spotted Kurt. I walked up to him and shook the nerves out of my system. I breathed slowly in and out.
Kurt was playing with his fingers when he said, "Has anyone ever literally died on stage?"
I looked at him questioningly. "Are you nervous?" Kurt Hummel…nervous!
He looked at me with worried eyes. "Please don't judge me. This is the first time I've had a solo in front of a competition audience." I walked behind him to his right side. "I have this nightmare that I'm going to forget the lyrics or I'm going to sing and nothing is gonna come out." He giggled. I stretched my neck from side to side. "Okay, you can judge me."
"I think it's adorable. I think you're adorable." I grabbed his shoulders from behind. "And-and the only people that are going to be dying tonight are the people in that audience." I pointed to the audience. "Because you and I are gonna kill this thing." He smiled at me and I whispered, "Come on. Let's go."
"And now from Westerville, Ohio, the Dalton Academy Warblers!" The host said and the crowd started cheering.
We were all in position when the group started singing; well, all except me and Kurt. Kurt moved a few steps toward the audience and sang:
The power lines went out
and I am all alone
but I don't really care at all
not answerin' my phone
My God he's such an angel, I thought as I went forward and started to sing.
All the games you played
the promises you made
couldn't finish what you started
only darkness still remains
He put his hands behind is back as I walked around him. He slowly started to back away from me toward stage left. We moved until we were in the center of the stage but still a few feet apart.
Lost sight; couldn't see
when it was you and me
Blow the candles out
looks like a solo tonight
I'm beginning to see the light
Blow the candles out
looks like a solo tonight
but I think I'll be alright
We moved closer to the audience and I moved in a little.
One day you will wake up
with nothing but your sorries
and some day you will get back
everything you gave me
We turned to face each other and we moved in closer so we were only about a foot apart. People were waving light-up candles slowly from side to side in the audience.
Blow the candles out
looks like a solo tonight
I'm beginning to see the light
We turned back out to the audience.
Blow the candles out candles out
looks like a solo tonight solo tonight
Our eyes locked without our bodies moving.
But I think I'll be alright
The crowd went wild with applause. A lot actually rose to their feet. Kurt and I bowed. When I got back up again, I realized that the spotlight was only on me. So I grabbed Kurt by the upper arms and dragged him over to where I was standing and into the spotlight. I let him go and gestured toward him. It was Kurt's time to shine. He did, after all, do an amazing job. He deserved it. I clapped alongside the audience. Kurt was hesitant at first but he took a couple bows while the rest of the Warblers and I got into position for 'Raise Your Glass'.
Kurt threw a tiny bit of soil onto Pavarotti's casket right before I started shoveling the rest of the dirt on top. We were underneath a tree outside of Dalton Academy burying Pavarotti.
"Farewell, Sweet Prince." Kurt said sadly as I continued shoveling.
"I'm so sorry, Kurt." I sympathetically said. "I know this is really upsetting for you." I stood up. "Reminds you of your mom's funeral, doesn't it?"
Kurt sniffled. "The casket was bigger…but, yes." I finished shoveling and stood next to him staring at Pavarotti's grave. "It's not just that, though… Honestly I'm upset that we lost at Regionals."
"The competition season is over, but we'll still get to perform. We do nursing home shows all the time. And do you know how many 'Gap's there are in Ohio? Tons."
Kurt placed the red rose he was holding on Pavarotti's grave. "Yeah, I just really…really wanted to win."
I looked at him and shrugged. "You did win." He lifted his head to face me. "So did I. We got each other out of all of this. That beats a lousy trophy, don't you think?"
He smiled and I held out my left hand for him to take. He grabbed it and we walked, hand in hand, back to Dalton.
I wanted to make this story somewhat short and super sweet :)
Like Michael Buckley from What the Buck and The Buck Factor says "Rate it if you hate it!"