Dear Diary,

I arrived at the Weasley's house today; we were all planning to leave for Hogwarts together. It was hard not to feel at home with the way Mrs. Weasley bumbled around, situating everyone and everything. Ginny saw me right away and pulled me aside.

"Meet me in the bathroom. I have something to tell you," she said, smiling mischievously. For such a mousy girl, she always knew the latest gossip. I nodded my understanding as she turned and disappeared to somewhere. I traveled the flights of stairs up to the bathroom and heard someone shut off the water. I figured it was Ginny so I went right in. I shut the door behind me just as Ron pushed the shower curtain aside, a towel slung low on his hips.

He stopped moving when he saw me, his eyes wide. I don't know what made me lose control, but I couldn't stop myself as my eyes roamed his bare chest and rested on the sharp indentations at his hips. The delicious curve of muscle and skin and bone sent shivers up my spine. I heard him clear his throat and my eyes snapped up to meet his as I felt my face heat up.

I saw a knowing look pass his features as his mouth settled into that sideways smile I hid my love of. He was just about to say something when I heard Ginny call my name. I threw myself out of the bathroom and ran right into Ginny.

"Where've you been?" she asked. I turned her so she wasn't facing the bathroom door. I told her I was waiting here for her. She believed me. She reached for the door handle just as it was yanked open by Ron, fully clothed.

"Oi, you two need in here?" he asked, looking at Ginny then letting his eyes come to a rest on mine. I watched a drip of water fall off a lock of his damp hair and trickled down his cheek.

"Yes, please," Ginny said, grabbing my arm and pulling me past him.

Ron grabbed my other arm and pulled a little. "Just a minute," he said to his sister. She shrugged and disappeared into the bathroom, the door shutting behind her. I tried not to look at him. I really did, Diary. I knew my face was as red as can be; I could feel my ears burning. But, I couldn't help it.

He looped his finger under my chin and rubbed his thumb along my jaw. I couldn't move. Ronald Weasley had never done anything like that before, so to say I was shocked was a bit of an understatement. I heard him chuckle in that deep voice of his.

"Knock next time," he said as he grazed his thumb across my bottom lip and walked away.

I practically stumbled into the bathroom and barely heard a word Ginny said as she prattled on about something. I saw Ron downstairs later that day. He smiled at me but acted as he always does around me, as if nothing happened. But I keep hearing his voice in my head saying that one little phrase.

Diary, what did he mean by next time?