
Silently, he had watched her for days.

She would enter the building, go to classes, and take lunch on the roof. He had noticed that she avoided crowded areas during this break. It was in his interest to question if it was because of him, but he didn't want to be rude.

His dark eyes studied the meal she had packed.

"Do you like riceballs?" Kagome calmly questioned as she lifted one up.

"I don't remember what they taste like," Itachi admitted.

Kagome bit into her delicacy and he watched as she savored the treat. The last time he had eaten, he remembered it was with a sense of forbearance because he had known that he was going to die.

"The rice feels like a cloud and the center tastes like homecoming," Kagome replied once she swallowed

Itachi felt amused at her words, but withheld his scoff.

"And how do you know what a cloud feels like?" Itachi challenged.

If a cloud was anything like mist, it was wet and annoying and he was glad they were so far up.

Kagome looked smug as she answered, "Because when you fall through time, you fall through the clouds." Her smugness faded into an odd look as she continued, "And I have tasted homecoming every time I touched the clouds."

It was an odd answer, but he supposed it worked.

"And what do you remember?" Kagome calmly asked as she offered an encouraging smile.

Itachi tilted his head to the right and his eyes darted upward before he focused on Kagome. His hand moved toward her where he allowed it to hover above her face.

"I remember touch." Itachi stated as he remembered the last time he had poked Sasuke in the head. Sadly, he smiled as he softly sighed, "It was bittersweet."

Her eyes widened and she didn't comment, but there was something in her gaze that told him that she understood better than he imagined.

Author's Note:

A wonderful thanks to a most wonderful beta; p00piehead for making this little one-shot lucid!

Another note:

I've had questions regarding the direction of these one-shots. I agree (fully) that Itachi died with acceptance and probably wouldn't be a ghost much like if Kagome died. I do believe that he had some lingering regrets maybe not enough to hold him back, but still there. So, anyways; these little one-shots are inspired by a Theatre of Tragedy song: Ashes and Dreams. To pinpoint the lyric: This is what remains, ashes and dreams of better days. It helps if you hear the entire song.
Some point later, the theme of these one-shots are about acceptance and self-healing; but without the angst and with more humor.

I have to thank you all for the questions and urging onto write these. If any of you have a questions or comments, please leave them! I will either respond to you or try to answer in the next chapter.

Much thanks and love and as always; till next time!