Pranks and Real Anger

Disclaimer: I am not Rick Riordan.

A/N: This relates to my fic, Son of the Love Goddess, but it isn't necessary to read that before reading this. Thanks to Kittycat32 for beta-ing this!

"Travis Stoll!" I shouted really loudly, furious at yet another prank. I was bound to a marble column by thin, metal wires that looked a lot like the ones that had recently been stolen from the forge by a certain set of brothers. The idiot Stolls had set another prank for me and, even worse, I had fallen into it. At the sound of my shout, everyone nearby flinched, except the son of Aphrodite who was busy getting beaten up by a daughter of Ares. The one who flinched the most was Travis. "You little thieving, stupid son of Hermes!" I screamed at him. Then I threw every insult and swear word that I could think of at him.

"Why aren't you yelling at Connor as well?" Travis asked me. Big mistake.

I graced him with a furious glare and then bellowed, "CONNOR STOLL!" The bellow was so loud that everyone in the camp heard quite clearly and everyone near me clutched their ears. I noticed that the son of Aphrodite, his name was Tyler, had stopped trying to defend himself against the British child of Ares and was instead watching Travis and me quite closely. There was something in that look that made me wary. Especially when I swear I could've seen a slight pink glow shimmer around him as a thread of pink found its way to both Travis and me.

Travis winced and looked around when I shouted for his brother. Chiron had already told both him and Connor that if they played one more prank on my cabin this week they would both be doing kitchen duty for the rest of the summer. Travis looked like he was desperately hoping that I would shut up before Chiron arrived.

So I yelled at him, "You'll regret this when you're doing kitchen duty." I prepared to bellow for Chiron, but I never got the chance. Idiot Travis, desperate not to get stuck in the kitchen for the summer, kissed me. KISSED ME. And all I could think about was the way it made my insides melt. I could feel the stares of everyone around us. By the time Travis pulled away from me, Connor had arrived. I could see the triumphant and lazy smile on Tyler's face. The effing son of Aphrodite had put a love spell on us!

I'd show him. Though I wasn't precisely sure which him I was referring to. "You are soo not forgiven. Now let me go."

"No," The Stoll brothers said together.

"Oh, do let her go," Aphrodite said from where she had just appeared.

I would've run away as fast as I could, except I was tied to a marble column. Why? Why? Why? First the son of Aphrodite, now Aphrodite herself!

"Why?" Connor asked.

Aphrodite frowned, "How is this supposed to be romantic if she's tied to a marble column?"

That's when Connor and I both lost it. Connor rolled around on the ground laughing so hard he couldn't breath. My vision turned red along with my face and the grass at my feet shot up five feet.

"Romantic?" I asked, giving a death glare to the goddess, her son, and the Stoll brothers.

Aphrodite smiled charmingly, "I can only do so much. You have to do the rest."

"Do the rest my..." I muttered and closed my eyes. I grew a vine that wrapped around the dagger I had dropped and lifted it to my hands. After several minutes of hacking and help from the vine, I was free.

The first thing I did was smirk at Aphrodite- which was probably a bad idea, but I didn't care- and punch Travis.

Ha! Take that. Then I glared darkly at all three of the boys (the Stolls and Tyler) and marched back to my cabin. When I got inside I changed into gardening clothes, pulled my hair into a ponytail and crossed my arms. Then I marched back out of the cabin to the strawberry fields. Everywhere I went someone's eyes followed me. I was going to kill Travis. And Tyler. And Connor. Too bad it was impossible to kill a goddess.

I spent the rest of the day working furiously in the fields. I ignored the traitorous voice inside me that wanted to know if it had merely been the magic that had made Travis kiss me. And I ignored the even more traitorous part of me that had liked the kiss. That was glad that Travis had kissed me. I blamed the love spell for that part of me. No matter if it was the love spell's fault or not. I didn't care.