Chapter 1

Sookie felt Eric lay her down a soft surface, his cool body laying in front of her, his arm wrapped around her waist holding her close. Sookie had fallen asleep on the couch as Eric and Stan spoke of the coming coronation.

"What does it mean? You going to war with Louisiana…I don't understand it all, but I didn't want to say anything earlier" Sookie explained

Eric kissed her forehead, "I know, I could feel your confusion"

"You could? How can you feel my emotions?"

"It's part of the bond Sookie, you will feel me too, it takes some time for the bond to fully expand, but it is getting stronger every day"

"So, my question, Eric, what does it mean?"

"It means I am going to fight Felipe for Louisiana. I am not going to tell him until his coronation. The Council always holds a coronation ceremony for new monarchs; it's their way of showing their blessing of that Vampire. In this case, it will be their blessing of Felipe ruling Louisiana and Nevada.

"I will oppose his coronation and fight for Louisiana, when I win, I will be crowned King, and you will be my Queen. That is when the real work will begin, we will have to decide where to settle, decide on Sheriff's the list goes on Sookie. It will be very busy.

"I want you to focus on our son though, that is your task for now, make sure my son is a strong warrior" Eric said, his hand moving to her belly.

Sookie smiled at him, feeling warmth from his touch, spread thru her body. She was so glad he was embracing this, she had been afraid he wouldn't want either of them when he found out what had happened.

She brought her hand up touching the side of his face "I love you" she said surprising herself with her own words.

"And I you" Eric replied, a soft smile taking over his face, his eyes twinkling "In spite of your disco fascination" he teased

"Nobody is supposed to know about that" she chastised "What were the 70's like for you?" she asked curiously

"Lots of rainbow leisure suits, Pam drove me nuts with them, I had to put her on a leash with the shopping then, the music was good. We spent a lot of time in California and New York then. She was a constant at Studio 54" Eric smiled "Don't tell her I told you, but she loves Disco too"

"I can't believe you've seen so much, I want to hear all about it" Sookie said

"What do you want to hear about?"

"ALL of it, I want to hear all about everything" Sookie said laughing, "All I've ever had were text books, and I am sure there is some truth there, but you actually got to see things first hand and experience them, and I want to hear about it all. You're like a walking talking history book Eric"

"I would rather hear you screaming my name, with your head thrown back in pleasure" Eric said smirking, wiggling his eyebrows.

"I'm thinking that will be after this reaction goes away" Sookie said, indicating her red skin. Having come into contact with lemons earlier, Sookie's skin had erupted terribly.

"Take some of my blood Lover" Eric commanded, lifting himself on an elbow as he brought his other wrist to his mouth. His fangs dropped down and he punctured his skin and offered it to Sookie "It will help"

Sookie lifted her head to his offered wrist and drank. His warm sweet blood filling her mouth, heating her as it trailed down her throat. She felt herself pool between her legs. Moaning, she brought her hands up holding his wrist in place.

Eric felt himself harden when he heard her moan. He smelled her arousal and felt the lust rolling off her in waves.

"Sookie" Eric said "We have much to discuss"

The wound on his wrist had closed when Sookie released his arm. She tried to focus her mind on something other than the feel of him moving in and out of her. "Eric" she groaned, moving her hands up her sides, caressing the sides of her breast, in her blood lust.

Eric watched her, his resolve fading fast as he saw her cup her own breasts thru the silk of her nightgown, her nipples hard nubs from her desire. Sookie was so lost in her lust, her nimble fingers moving to her nipples rubbing them thru the fabric, moaning with pleasure. Her back arching off the bed they were laying on, her legs rubbing together.

He heard her pulse speed up as his hand touched her knee. "Eric, please" she moaned, her body writhing next to him. His hand caressed her leg, moving up slowly.

Sookie was beyond thought, her mind lost in the desire of her body. Her head was thrown back on the pillow, her hair a golden mess as her teeth tugged at her bottom lip.

Eric's hand moved to the heat between her thighs, his finger stroking her soaking folds. "Yesss" she hissed "god…I…need….it….so….bad" she moaned, moving her head from side to side, as she continued to work her nipples.

Eric leaned in pressing his lips to hers. Sookie answered passionately, her mouth opening, their tongues dueling.

His thumb rubbing her pearl while his fingers slipped into her hot core. Sookie turned her head, breaking their kiss, crying out as his fingers thrust in and out of her.

"Cum for me Sookie…cum on my fingers….show me who your master is" he coached her thru her orgasm

"Uhhhh….Eric…..don't stop… close….god…don't stop…own me…make me yours" she moaned, her breathing jagged and shallow. Her muscles began spasming, her legs twitching from the intense pleasure.

His thumb was now alternating a tap tap tap and rub rhythm on her, sending Sookie over the edge quickly.

"No one will taste the joys of your body except me MY SOOKIE" Eric said "cum for me"

He moved his head between her legs, replacing his thumb with his tongue. His fingers speeding up their movement.

As soon as Sookie felt his tongue, she was done. Her hands ripping thru his hair, she arched into him "YESSSS" she cried, her hot walls tight on his fingers, drenching them with her body's sweet honey.

Eric turned his head, his fangs sinking into her thigh, the sensation sending her into another orgasm. He growled his pleasure, taking 2 small pulls of her blood into his mouth and licking the wounds closed.

Sookie opened her eyes as she felt Eric remove his fingers, watching him bring them to his mouth, his tongue licking them clean.

Her face turning red with shame "Oh my god Eric, I am so sorry" she said embarrassment rushing thru her as she realized she had accosted him.

Eric smirked arching an eyebrow "You think I didn't want that?" he asked


"Sookie, I am beyond pleased at your reaction to my blood" he purred "I will have to give it to you more often. Do not be ashamed of your desire, I desire you all the time"

"But you said we needed to talk and you are right" Sookie said, her face flaming at the thought of forcing herself on Eric.

Leaning in Eric pressed his forehead to hers "Blood lust is a powerful thing and I am proud that you cannot resist mine, there is no room for shame in our bed Sookie, you are my bonded, my wife, and we will fuck many times and many ways, and on every occasion you will enjoy it Lover" he told her.

Sookie felt her heartbeat increase and the familiar tingle between her legs. Blushing harder, she started biting on her bottom lip as she tried to process what he had told her.

"I think someone is still in need" Eric purred, his hand moving back between her thighs

"I can't believe I can't control this" Sookie said breathlessly as she felt him slide into her, his thumb rubbing circles around her again.

"Don't control it Sookie" He whispered in her ear, "Just feel it, feel how badly you want me, how much you need that release only I can give you" he breathed as he nipped at her ear lobe.

Sookie's legs fell open as she gave herself over to the feelings, her head back in the pillows again as she surrendered to the joy of Eric's attention. She felt the tightening began in her stomach; her thighs started quivering as she approached her crest.

Eric watched as she gave in. He didn't miss a beat as he managed to get out of his pants and between her legs, thrusting himself into her, as she wrapped her shaking thighs around his waist.

"So wet, lover, so hot" he whispered before bending his head to take a now bare nipple into his mouth, as he thrust in and out of her, making sure he rubbed her now very exposed pearl as he moved. He felt her tighten around him, as her hands gripped his shoulders, her eyes drinking in the sight of him above her as she cried out her release.

Eric gave in a moment later, his fangs sinking into her breast as he tasted her orgasm in her blood.

Stan and Pam heard Sookie's muffled cry in the bedroom and grinned at each other, their fangs snapping into place.

"Newlyweds" they said in unison.

"So King Eric, it has a nice ring to it" Pam said

"So does High Queen Sookie" Stan replied, arching his eyebrow at her.

"High Queen?" Pam asked blinking a few times, "How can she be High Queen and Eric only King?"

"She is a Fae Princess already Pam, and the Supernatural world will unite under her it is written" Stan answered

"What of Eric?" Pam demanded

"I don't know, I've never read the full prophecy, the bits I know of, only discuss her union with the nightwalker, nothing more, nothing on how they will rule" Stan answered

"Who has this prophecy?"

"The Ancient One has the text, it was her prophecy, before she was turned" he answered

Pam grunted her answer, folding her arms in front of her. She was not comfortable with the thought that her master might meet his final death.

"Pam, I've already granted Eric's request of amnesty for Sookie and the child, should something go wrong, you are welcome also." Stan stated

"I would rather make sure my Master not have anything go wrong" she stated petulantly.

"We will do our best" Stan answered "I am going to be discussing guards with him, Sookie will need 2 guards at all times I think" Stan said, hoping to change the subject.

"She is terribly exciting isn't she? I've not had this much excitement in decades" Pam agreed "I think your best bet is to just lock her away, she is a trouble magnet"

Eric held Sookie until she fell asleep, which wasn't long. After tucking the covers around her to keep her warm, he left the room.

Stepping into the living room, he was surprised at Fintan popped in at the same time.

"Fintan" Eric said in surprise

"It is my pleasure, Majesty" Fintan nodded, being the first to address Eric with the title

"They told you?" Eric smiled

"No, it's all part of the prophecy. What isn't known, Eric, is whether or not you will survive. Your actions ensure Sookie's survival and that of your son, but your outcome has never been foretold to me" Fintan said

"You said Sookie might have more children, that isn't possible if I don't succeed" Eric stated

"I said it was possible, nothing is definite"

"What is the rest of this prophecy?"

"You know as much as I do; only Nial and Pythoness know the entire prophecy. He was there when she gave it" Fintan replied

"Can you bring the sword to Sookie?" Eric asked, a nagging feeling about the blood sword still being at Sookie's house.

"No Fairy can touch it now that Sookie has accepted it. It was given to her for safekeeping, only non-Fae can handle it. I will tell you, Vampires cannot touch it, the magic is too powerful. It will call to them, but if they try to activate it, they will find themselves drained"

"What is a blood sword?" Pam asked

Fintan looked at her in shock "It is a magical piece. When not in use, it is a handle with 5 sharp needles in a straight line pointing out. The user, must grasp the handle with the needles pointing into the palm, once inserted the blood activates a sword of light"

"A fucking Jedi light saber activated by blood? Am I trapped in a bad movie? I have Captain Obvious, Austin Powers and Mini-me and NOW, NOW I am dealing with my master worrying over a damn light saber? I guess Sookie is gonna be Princess Leia and Eric FUCKIN Han Solo?" Pam demanded

"Well then I guess we can make you Jabba the Hut" Fintan answered, knowing the series she was referring to "and just for the record, Sookie can't be Princess Leia, she already knows she is a Jedi Master Pam, or should I say Jabba?" Fintan arched an eyebrow, folding his arms across his wide chest with satisfaction

"You know Captain; every super hero needs a side kick, why don't you try to find one?" Pam retorted "Or maybe you can't find your cape and spandex?"

At this point Eric and Stan were laughing so hard they had blood tears rolling from their eyes.

The rest of the evening passed amicably amongst the group, the Vampires started retiring as the sun started rising.

AN: I broke it up...I wanted to originally and I didn't...but it just never felt on and here we go...