Warnings: None, really. They're insane, but that's that.

Summary: The Black's are an insane bunch, and perhaps Harry is the worst.

Disclaimer: Right. Don't own, and if you think I do, you probably shouldn't be reading fanfiction.

That the scions of the Most Ancient and Noble House of Black is insane is an universally acknowledged truth. That's just the way it is. What no one, however, can agree upon, is why they're insane. Some, mostly muggleborns or people with knowledge of the muggle world and the successful genetic research the muggles are performing claim it's inbreeding that's the cause. Some say it's the dark magic they use, some say that the whole line is cursed.

No matter the cause, they are insane. Some only mildly, some more so, and some violently insane. When new, untainted (or, in most cases, tainted) blood is introduced to the line, the insanity recedes slightly, making the offspring sociopathic instead of psychopathic. It shows itself differently in every person, but it shows itself in every one that, in some way, is a scion of the Most Ancient and Noble House of Black.

Dorea Potter nee Black. Second cousin of Orion and Pollux Black, all three descending from Phineas Nigellus Black. Also insane. The marriage bond to Charlus Potter infused the Black blood with the Potter honour and magic, stabilizing the damage the years spent in close quarters with Tom Riddle and Abraxas Malfoy caused. The long years of trying without success for an heir sadly deteriorated her health, but she held it together, until the last fight of her life, in which she severely, along with her husband, decimated Voldemort's base of support.

Bellatrix Lestrange nee Black is one of the violently insane ones. At first, she was only mildly insane, but as she was sucked deeper and deeper into the dark magic and Voldemort's circles, she got more insane. The stay in Azkaban broke her completely, snapped that infinitesimal thread of sanity she had left.

Sirius Black. Heir of the House. Last male heir directly connected to the patriarchal line when his brother died. Insane. Sorted into Gryffindor, informally disowned, and out of his fucking mind. The sorting into Gryffindor and his friendship with James Potter, Remus Lupin and Peter Pettigrew saved him from the fate that otherwise would have awaited him: complete insanity, worse than that of his cousin, Bellatrix.

Narcissa Malfoy nee Black. Generally sane, unless son is threatened. She was in a downwards spiral equalling that of her older sister, when she got pregnant with the Malfoy heir: Draco. The Malfoy faith also went a long way to keeping her stable.

Andromeda Tonks nee Black: Got out from underneath her racist family's thumb and married a muggleborn. Insane in a moderate way, managing like only a Black would to turn creature and blood politics on its head.

Harrison J. Black-Potter. Heir to the Black line through his father, Sirius Black, heir to the Potter line through his father, James Potter. Of course, if you asked anyone, he wasn't really a Black, since he'd only been blood-adopted when he was a year old. The small amount of very magically charged blood that he received from his godfather, however, woke whatever remnants of Dorea's heritage that he still had.

Harrison Black. Harry Potter. The Boy-Who-Lived. The Black insanity infused with muggleborn logic and Potter honour. It could not go any way than the way it did. A genius with sociopathic tendencies, with enough magic to leave Dumbledore in the dust and the logic to use it when necessary. Ambition, cunning, loyalty, intellect, courage and power – and the drive to do what ever it takes.

He told his friends, his confidantes and his most loyal followers, that one day he'd rule the Wizarding World, and one day, the Wizarding World would be a place to be so very, very proud of, not the segregated and prejudiced place it is now. Ron Weasley and Neville Longbottom believed him – with the look in his eyes and his magic swirling in a visible aura around him, they were ready to help him storm Hell and help him take over.

Maybe he was a Dark Lord. Maybe he wasn't. However, after killing Voldemort and freeing the Wizarding World of his oppression, the sun shone out of his arse, according to the Wizarding population.

With the wand in hand, the stone on a chain around his neck and the cloak settled on his shoulders, he was most definitely powerful, important and intimidating.

Harrison J. Black-Potter went on to become the most respected and well-liked Minister of Magic ever, and also the only one to sit in office until his death, a time spanning a total of 122 years.

This was edited and rewritten as of July 2, 2012. Some things have been removed, some added. Kudos goes to Sabaku no Sablefor reminding me about Dorea Black. Thank you!