I decided to write Bruce's side of the story. Not necessarily his POV in the first person sense, but it definitely goes into what he was thinking and such.

ALSO NOTE: This takes place during the episode Denial when Robin was not on the mission with the rest of the team.

"…You leave for this mission in an hour."

Batman sat in front of a large monitor displaying Aqualad and his team. They were all dressed in street clothes, none of them having any previous idea that there would be a mission.

"What about Robin?" Aqualad asked with his usual calmness.

"Robin has another mission. He will not be joining you," he replied, glancing to his right.


The screen shut off and Batman spun around in his chair. He moved his cowl, turning back into Bruce once again, and turned his attention to Dick. Dick sat cross-legged on a counter lining a side of the Batcave in his civvies, his bright blue eyes unshielded by a mask or sunglasses. He sat hunched over, his chin resting on his hand. They exchanged a long, wordless look.

"Still want to sit this one out?" he asked the boy softly, rising from the chair.

Dick slid off the counter looking solemn. "Being part of a team is knowing they'll be okay without you once in a while," he said airily with a shrug. "Besides, I missed it last year and haven't been since the year before. I should go. I need to go."

Bruce nodded in understanding. "Alfred will take you—I have a few more things to take care of here. But I'll meet you later." Dick nodded and tossed a wave over his shoulder as he left the cave.

Of course, there was really nothing Bruce had to do. He just wanted to give him some time alone with them. Bruce knew that's what Dick wanted—needed right now. He turned back to his computer and pulled up some old news articles. Bold headlines filled the screen.




After skimming the first lines of each article, he closed all but one.


Some small part of him had always got a kick out of the fact that Clark Kent had written the article. Especially since that was before the League was formed. After reading the article for the millionth time since it had happened, he stood up and left to change and shower.

He took his time in the shower, wanting to kill as much time as possible. It made him think of everything. From the day he first saw Dick, to the day his parents died. Bruce knew the 9-year-old would never have been able to afford the funeral his parents deserved. And he knew Dick was grateful.

But then Bruce learned that Dick had no family left. Bruce had been in the same situation. With several differences. Bruce, too, had seen both his parents murdered, but he had had Alfred to depend on. And his family's money helped him create Batman. Dick had nothing—no one to depend on, no money, no home. He was more than willing to take the young boy in.

Bruce shut off the shower and changed into his civvies.

"Are you meeting Master Dick at the cemetery?" Alfred asked as Bruce walked down the stairs.

Bruce just nodded.

"Very well, Sir." Alfred spun on his heel and headed for the car, Bruce following closely behind.

It wasn't until Alfred pulled the car into the cemetery that Bruce remembered the last time Robin had visited their graves. Two years ago, Dick has snuck out of the house. It didn't take the detective long to find the boy, but when he did, he was surprised. He had been sitting on the ground crying silently. When Dick had realized Bruce was there, he tried to play it off, pretend he wasn't crying. They both knew no one was fooled.

The previous year, though, Batman and Robin had been away on a mission. It took longer than they thought. Bruce had thought Dick had forgotten about the anniversary, but it turned out he didn't. He was more upset about it than Bruce had initially realized. He had promised the boy to never let that happen again. That if there was a mission anywhere near the day, he would pass it off to someone else in the League.

The car stopped a few rows away from the graves, but Bruce had a clear shot of his back. He got out of the car and listened for a second, hoping he wasn't interrupting. When he heard nothing, he walked up behind him, glancing at the graves he had paid for 5 years ago.


He didn't move. Bruce began to think that the boy was crying, or that he wasn't finished. Several moments passed and just as Bruce opened his mouth to speak, Dick stood up and turned to face his mentor.

"Waiting on you now," he said with a grin, walking past him and heading for the car. Bruce chuckled half in relief and half in amusement and followed his son to the car.

In case you didn't see before, this took place during the episode Denial when Robin was absent from the mission. Sorry for any OOCness. I try my best.

I REALLY tried not to make Bruce seem as cold on the inside as he is on the outside sometimes. And considering the circumstances, I figured he'd be a little softer.