Walking through the halls of the prestige school had become routine enough, but honestly the boy just didn't fit in at this damned school. The unfashionable uniforms, the way the glee club was top of the high school pyramid. There are very few things that this school has to offer. Of course, the boy needed to be challenged in his courses, and he was getting that. But there was something a little better at Dalton, something very important to this boy. Blaine Anderson.

Blaine was possibly the most important person in his life. The two had connected on a level that he had never found with anyone before. Of course it helped that he was the first other gay friend he had. Blaine could understand what he was going through in a way no one else could. He had gone through the same things, had the same hassle just for being him.

Kurt Hummel looked up to Blaine; he was his mentor and his best friend. But underneath all the friendship, and the late night phone calls just talking about their lives. Kurt had feelings for Blaine that he knew was not returned. Kurt knew that it was cliché to fall for the first out gay person you've met, and that it was impossibly ridiculous for Kurt to think that he would end up with Blaine.

Blaine was well put together, gorgeous, talented, smart, witty, everything Kurt didn't think he deserved. He was just the pasty skinned countertenor that had nothing going for him. At least… that's what he though. Little did Kurt know that someone found him to be the most amazing human being to ever walk on this earth?

At the very moment Kurt walked into his second period class, Blaine walked into the Warblers rehearsal space and sat down at the piano. Blaine wasn't one for talking about his feelings, the one thing he knew he could do was sing. So sing he would, He needed desperately to let Kurt know how he felt. But he knew that not just any song would do. It needed to be his words. His feelings. He knew he didn't have a lot of time until Kurt would… give up on Blaine, and that was the last thing he wanted.

A/N ; stop? Continue .?
First fanfiction ever !

Disclaimer; not mine