Hello lovelies! SUMMER IS OFFICIALLY HERE! School is DONE. Initiating Klaine overload. I changed my name from zzsarahzz. Honestly, it made me look a bit like a 12 year old…so I welcome the change. Plus, I think the new name is kind of awesome. OH YEAH! I posted the first chapter of my Criss Colfer fanfic the other day! I'm really excited about it, so go check it out!...well after you finish reading this….and reviewing it (hint hint). I would LOVE to know what you think of it. It's called Then We Got on a Boat.

The next couple days seemed to all go the same as the first. Kurt and Blaine were both unbelievably happy, making goo-goo eyes at each other during all hours of the day. The Dalton boys were soon very well aware of their relationship, and they teased relentlessly. There were a lot of cat calls that could be heard in the hallways. There was even more banter as Kurt and Blaine walked hand in and into Warbler practice Wednesday, after school.

"Woop! Here comes the power couple!" yelled Wes as the Klaine duo walked into the room fifteen minutes late. They just simply and sheepishly grinned in response. Blaine looked at Kurt and innocently pecked him on the cheek, causing his cheeks to go a little pink.

"WOAH! PDA! Guys! Save it for the bedroom!" cried Todd, laughing as he got out of his chair from the corner. A few other Warblers retorted by whistling and howling, typical Dalton behavior. Kurt rolled his eyes and went to sit down on a sofa, following Blaine.

"You're late…again." said Wes, glaring at them.

"Well, fashionably, of course." said Kurt, raising his finger as he sat down.

"Sorry Wes, we went out to lunch and there was some traffic coming back." replied Blaine.

"Oh yeah, lunch" said David teasingly in air quotes, "is that what you kids are calling it nowadays?"

"Yes, because if we needed to come up with a codename for it we would pick 'lunch'," said Kurt sarcastically. "I'm rather offended that you think we lack that much creativity, David."

"Yeah I mean come on! We would call it brunch or something with at least a little bit more ingenuity." Blaine laughed. Not like we are even doing it or anything...that would be ridiculous, it's been like half a week. Kurt's not all hormone crazy like me right?...maybe I should see a doctor or something.

"Okay, can we start practicing before I heave all over all of you?" said Wes as he got up to get his sheet music. "Anywho, GUESS WHO'S GOT NEW MUUUUSSIICCCC!" he said in a sing-songy voice. "You cool with Relient K, Blaine?"

"Of course, its fine—but Wes…" Blaine looked towards Kurt, remembering what he had said last week. "Don't you think we should give someone else a chance to solo?"

"What? Blaine—don't be ridiculous! We have competition coming up, we don't have time to mess around. Here, take the music." Wes threw Blaine's copy on top of his lap.

"Wes, I'm serious. Can't we take a vote or some—" Blaine said.

"No Blaine, I'm serious. We have Regionals in two weeks and you're our best singer. Now shut up and sing."

"What? I'm not our best—you don't know that!"

"Blaine, stop. We're not talking about this anymore." Wes got up angrily and went to go turn the music on. "Maybe if you two hadn't gotten here so late we could talk about it…but not right now." Blaine sent Kurt an apologetic look before getting up to sing. Kurt seemed to understand. It wasn't his fault, Wes was just being an ass.

The Warblers started to work out harmonies and parts, Blaine having the lead yet again. Kurt and the rest of the boys were in the background. At least he didn't have one of the repetitive instrumental parts this time, those were excruciating. Especially when they had to practice the same song over and over. He thought he was going to practically kill himself during Hey Soul Sister.

After about twenty minutes of figuring out parts, they ran through the whole song.

To know her is to love her
I'm going undercover
To catch a glimpse
But not get caught

But to see her
Could be worse
If I don't get my head straight first
On second thought I guess I'll not

She's almost brighter than the sun
Seems to me to be unfair
When you consider everyone
Who pales when they compare
When they compare

Huh. Blaine thought as he sang, this song is oddly very relatable to my situation. It kind of described Kurt perfectly. He was a delicate specimen, so fragile, but yet so gorgeous. He swore he was going to mess this up. He could barely keep himself off of Kurt at lunch. He felt like he was totally raping him with his eyes. Damn it Blaine, stop eye fucking Kurt! ...oh hey, there's that word again.

Can't hold a candle to her
Cause all the moths get in the way
And they'll begin to chew her
Entire attire until it frays

She outshines anyone
Who ever might dare to bask in the same candlelight

Oh please don't seat us in the back
With all the insects and the trash
She is a lady, I'm the tramp
Collecting stares from pairs close by
Then flutters and the butterflies
You're just a moth drawn to the lamp

Wow, the girl in this song kind of sounds like a bitch! Kurt thought. Wait, is this song about me? AM I A BITCH! Well…yeah, sort of. But Blaine can totally touch me if he wants. I have no problem with that! He won't even make out with me for that long. Why is he freaking holding back? It's annoying the hell out of me! I mean, obviously he wants me…by the way he's looking at me right now.

She's like an ancient artifact
Something you're lucky to have found
She'll pinch the nerves in all the necks
When she turns those heads around
Those heads around

Can't hold a candle to her
Cause all the moths get in the way
And they'll begin to chew her
Entire, entire to embrace
She outshines anyone
Who ever might dare to bask in the same candlelight

Who ever might dare to bask in the same candlelight
She's almost brighter than the Sun
Seems to me to be unfair
When you consider everyone
Who pales when they compare
When they compare

Oh God, I'm really staring at Kurt right now, mentally taking his clothes off again. What the hell, Blaine. Eye boundaries much? Sure, he's your boyfriend and all but you're probably creeping all of the guys out. WES! Yes, stare at Wes! There's a mood killer for ya!

Can't hold a candle to her
Cause all the moths get in the way
And they'll begin to chew her
Entire, entire to embrace

For she outshines anyone
Who ever might dare to bask in the same candlelight

In the same candlelight

Blaine was a little too excited after practice, so he decided to go for a run.

Kurt wasn't in the room when Blaine got back from his afternoon run. Blaine opened the door, sweaty and smelly, dancing to the Bruno Mars blasting from his headphones.

"Today I don't feel like doing aaaaaanything!" *whistle* *whistle* "I just wanna lay in my beeeeed!" His wet hair was a sloppy mess on top of his head, swinging back and forth as his head bobbed. He continued to dance around the room, grabbing a towel as he kept yelling/singing at the top of his lungs. "Don't feel like picking up my phone! So leave a message at the tone, 'cause today I swear I'm not doing aaaanythingg!" Blaine shut the bathroom door and turned on the shower, stepping in and adjusting the water.

Two minutes after Blaine got in the shower, Kurt came in with two coffee cups from the Dalton cafeteria. It wasn't as good as The Lima Bean's, of course. But Kurt's car was at home, and mediocre coffee was better than no coffee at all. He sat down on his bed, deciding what he should do next. He should probably start on that math packet that's…when is it due?

Shit! It's due tomorrow!

Kurt's eyes shot open and he scrambled for his math textbook and notebook. He sat back on his bed and sighed, looking down at his lap. Pre-calculus. Oh Joy.

The Remedy by Jason Mraz popped into Blaines' head, and he started singing it loudly while he showered.

"The remedy, is the experience, this is a daaangerous liaisoooooon."

Kurt smiled as he heard Blaine's voice from the other room. He was addicted to his voice. He had no idea how that boy didn't have a record deal by now, his voice was as nice a puppies.

He came out of the shower, wrapped himself in a towel, and walked into their main dorm room (still singing).

Blaine was holding a bottle of hair gel as a makeshift microphone. He walked towards Kurt as he sang, sort of dancing…but not really. "I say the tragedy is how you're gonna speeeend, the rest of your niiights with the liiiight ooonnnn!"

Kurt looked up from his homework and…

Oh my GOD.

Blaine was in the smallest towel that they had. It was wrapped very loosely around his waist, not even covering the 'v' around his hip muscles. Holy hell, those muscles. Kurt then became all too aware of the mist that covered Blaine's body from the steam in the bathroom. He watched as a drop of water fell from one of his curls, down his chest, rippled over his abs, then disappeared into the towel.

Holy fuck, I can't—I can't take this anymore.

Kurt threw his books off of him, toppling them onto the other side of the bed, and went for Blaine. He took the bottle from out of his hands and almost aggressively pushed Blaine against the door, looking him in the eyes.

"Are you aware of how goddamn hot you are?" Blaine just stared back at Kurt in disbelief before Kurt crashed his lips against the others. Blaine couldn't help but moan at the way Kurt was taking over him.

Kurt grabbed the back of Blaine's neck, sliding his fingers through his hair as he drove his tongue into Blaine's.

Blaine wasn't sure what to do with his hands. Where is this coming from? I was singing into a bottle of gel for christ's sake! Was that really…sexy? Kurt moved his lips off of Blaine's and started placing hot, wet kisses on his neck, making Blaine moan at the feeling. "mmnnn, Kurt we—we can't do…"

"Stop fighting it." Kurt mumbled through his kisses. He started sucking on one spot that was sure to leave a mark behind. Blaine let Kurt pull him over to his bed a minute later, pushing him down. He began to lose himself in Kurt's mouth, meeting him with the same amount of desire. Their tongues massaged together, swirling and battling with one another. Kurt pushed his hips into Blaine, informing him of his arousal through the towel. Blaine let out a moan into Kurt's lips as he felt him against his own groin and bucked his hips up, almost letting the towel fall off.

No! Stop!

"KURT!" Blaine fumbled away from under Kurt, moving to the other side of the bed.

"What the hell Blaine."

"Why are you—"Blaine rubbed his face with one hand, and secured the towel with the other. "I thought you weren't ready for this." Blaine said in a slightly panicked tone.

"Are you freaking kidding me?" Kurt was getting angry, he could practically feel his voice raising. "You've been teasing me all week! I wasn't ready for it then because I never thought about it. Believe me Blaine, I've thought about this plenty."

"Just because you've thought about it, doesn't mean you're ready for it." Blaine said as he got up to get pants.

"Really? Because I'm pretty fucking sure that I'm ready for it." Blaine didn't talk for a moment, and concentrated on finding clothes. "Blaine."

Finally, he turned around and looked at Kurt. Kurt's heart swelled when he saw the worry and hurt on Blaine's face. "I just don't want you to regret anything with me. With us." said Blaine, his voice was very low.

Kurt got up from the bed and pulled Blaine into a tight hug. "I could never regret anything about you, Blaine."

Blaine hugged Kurt back tightly, never wanting to let go. They stayed like that for a couple of minutes, just hugging and breathing in each other's scent. Kurt was the first to speak up.

"Can you come with me back to Lima on Friday? I don't have a car here, and I think it would be really cool if you could meet my family. I mean, you can even stay there for the weekend."

"Yeah, I'd love to."

Thanks for reading! Now go check out my new story. I'm super excited to find out what all you guys think of it. LOVE YOU ALL! PLEASE REVIEW!