This is a kind of tidbit thing for those of you who actually read my stuff. I just have not been in a fanfiction mood for the past month or two, and my next story is going to be the sequel to my How to Train Your Dragon story Opposites Attract, titled The Sum of All Fears. But March has been a particularly crazy month for me.

I actually wrote this a while ago, but for reasons stated above, didn't get around to posting it before now. It's actually a companion to a story entitled Epiprologue (gee, I'm so original) written by NikkyPickles. Here's the link: .net/s/6539610/1/Epiprologue

All credits for the first half of this story go to NikkyPickles. I have received permission to post this, so don't hate, please.

"Well, you can imagine what happened next," Eugene said as the faces of the young orphaned children looked up at him in complete rapture. "The kingdom rejoiced, for their lost princess had returned. The party lasted an entire week, and honestly, I don't remember most of it." The children giggled a little at this, but hesitantly, as if they weren't sure whether to laugh or not.

"Dreams came true all over the place. And thanks to Maximus, crime in the kingdom disappeared almost overnight- as did most of the apples. Pascal…never changed.

"At last, Rapunzel was home, and she finally had a real family. She was a princess worth waiting for. Beloved by all, she led her kingdom with all the grace and wisdom of her parents before her. And, as for me, well, I started going by Eugene again, stop thieving, and basically turned it all around. But I know what the big question is: did Rapunzel and I ever get married?"

While all of the children, of course, knew the answer, they waited breathlessly for him to finish.

"Well, I'm pleased to tell you that after years and years of asking and asking and asking…I finally said yes."

"Eugene," Rapunzel called from where she leaned against the door frame, one eyebrow raised as she called his bluff. All present seemed surprised to see her, and many of the children clamored around her, taking hold of her hands and skirt.

"All right," he relented, a lopsided grin on his face. "I asked her." The children all laughed at this, and Rapunzel gave her husband a loving smile. "And we're living happily ever after," she told the children.

He returned the smile to her, his eyes looking at her with love. "Yes, we are."

Eugene and Rapunzel are quite possibly one of the cutest couples in the history of ever. On my list of cute couples, they are right up with Rick and Evy O'Connell from the Mummy movies. If you do not know this couple or these movies, shame. Go rent them. Brendan Fraser and Rachel Weisz have some of the best chemistry as a couple I've ever seen.

Back to the subject. Once again, in case I didn't mention it enough times, the original Epiprologue story is NOT mine, it is NikkyPickles', and I just wrote this for the hell of it. I highly encourage you to follow the link at the top and read the original Epiprologue, it's quite good.

Epiprologue (c) NikkyPickles
Tangled (c) Disney


Cheers, all.