Sam reclined back in the passenger seat, arms tucked behind his head, "So where exactly are we going? And why on a perfectly good weekend in the middle of the summer?" He fell silent at the look that Mikaela shot him.

"We are going to visit an old friend of my mother's. She went to school with my mom and I'm finally getting time away from my job and my father to go and visit her."

"Does she have a house here on the lake?" Sam sat up and looked around at the houses eagerly. There were multimillion dollar houses here at the lake, and a bunch of famous actors and sports superstars spent their summers cruising the lake on their equally as expensive speed boats and yachts. Mikaela could almost see the little gleaming dollar signs dancing in his eyes. She narrowed her eyes exasperatedly and lightly tapped the brakes.


"No problem, Little Lady." And with that the brakes were promptly slammed on, slinging Sam forward out of his seat and under the dash with a yelp.

"Now if you can forget your ridiculous notions about mooching off my mother's friend, I tell you where we are going."

Sam reluctantly climbed up in the seat, wary about any further break checks from his so called friend. He wilted guiltily under the withering gaze Mikaela gave him. She was the master of all looks beguiling, bewitching and belittling. Not to mention looks that made him want to crawl under Ironhide's berth and never crawl out. He gave a sullen kick to the underside of Bumblebee's dashboard, who let out an indignant whistle.

"We're going to see Jamie Bello, or as me and my mom used to call her, Momma Bello. They went to high school together, though Jamie was ahead of her by two years," here Mikaela stifled a laugh, "Three if you count the year she was held back. But they were best friends from the very beginning. They were a terrible twosome up until Jamie finally graduated, but even then they kept in touch. After my mother got knocked up with me when she got out of school, dad wasn't exactly around to help her, so she went to Jamie. Right after high school, Jamie set herself up in her own bar out here on the lake. After the first half a year, her business really took off and she's been the most successful establishment ever since then."

Sam was happy to see a smile brightening his girlfriend's face as she continued with her story, "She gave my mother a job and a place to live until my layabout father finally got with the program and decided that he was ready to support us. Jamie let my mother live with her above her bar for five years. Her Doberman Parmen was my best friend for those first years of my life."

"So she's basically like your, uh, second mother?" Sam ventured, intrigued to be learning something new and this personal about Mikaela. Even though they had been dating for going on three years, she was still very guarded about her personal life and something like this took a lot of trust for her to reveal.

She smiled at him and reached over to place her hand on his knee and gave it a squeeze. "Actually, more like a close aunt. Jamie always swore up and down that she would never have kids, even if they weren't really hers." Mikaela giggled and brushed her hair out of her face, "She actually told me if I ever called her mom she'd drown me in a keg and toss it off her dock."

Sam laughed and slid his arm around Mikaela's shoulder affectionately, kissing her cheek. "She sounds like an absolute prize."

Bumblebee let out a wolf whistle and revved his engine, sending the teens into a pile of laughter. "Yarr, thar be land mateys!"

Up ahead was large two-story building right on the water, with a huge wraparound patio that stretched out over the water, with stairs that led out to a large set of docks, which were big enough to accommodate the many large yachts that could be seen gliding across the lake. Strings of paper lanterns hung from the rafters of the porches, as well as many different strands and colors of rope lights. Even at the early time of day, barely noon, the bar was already bustling and they could see four barmaids hustling around with trays hiked up over their shoulders, skillfully dodging through the traffic while keeping up with the banter of their guests.

"Uh-oh, looks like there has already been a casualty of beer pong." Sam pointed to the parking lot, where a shining white and red ambulance was parked. The bumper was still bright and unmarked chrome, polished to the point that Bumblebee was reflected back to himself as he pulled up. The Camaro gave his lights an appreciative flash.

Mikaela giggled as she got out, shaking her head, "Sorry to disappoint your college frat boy dreams, but if that ambulance isn't on duty, it's parked here." She pointed to a building on the same lot at the far end of the driveway, what looked like a small single story beach house. "The girl who owns it lives over there. Jamie gave her some land for cheap to build on while she was getting her EMT/Paramedics licensing. She even has her own certification to practice minor field medicine at her home."

"Wow, this chick sounds like a girl after Ratchet's spark. Does she fling medical tools too?"

"If all of it wasn't so expensive, I might be tempted at some point or another."

Sam let out a shrill scream and leaped up, banging his head with a thud on Bumblebee's roof. He let out a squeak with the impact.

Standing behind him was a brunette young woman, her light blue uniform neatly pressed and tidy, a red cross and monitor line embroidered over her left breast pocket. Her hair was pulled back in a professional ponytail and she wore a minimum of makeup. A light purple smoke across her eyelids highlighted her soft blue eyes and a light blush emphasized her soft features and her feminine chin. She was slender, without the hourglass curves that Mikaela boasted, but with a definitely attractive athletic figure.

Mikaela let out a squeal of excitement and leaped at the young woman with her arms outstretched. Taken off guard, both girls hit the ground with a startled 'oof'. There was a moment of wrestling, Mikaela with her arms locked tight about the elder's neck and the latter managing to get a leg up and around her opposing hip. She twisted, flinging Mikaela across her form and onto the sand, rolling up to sit on her waist to pin her down.

"Oh god, what I wouldn't give for a pool of Jell-O right now …" Sam was watching slack-jawed, arms hanging at his side.

The brunette smiled down at her captive, before putting a hand to her mouth and calling out, "Jamie, little niece-y Mikky is here!"

There was a clattering of chairs on the patio as a tan, black and purple blur leaped the railing and shot towards the duo on the group, yelling at the top of here lungs, "MIKKYYYYY!" The blonde barely had time to dive out of the way before Mikaela was once again bowled ass over applecart in the sandy driveway.

Mikaela wrapped her arms around the tiny figure, laughing, "Nina DiMarco, you sly little bitch! Why didn't you tell me that you were working here? I haven't seen you in two years!"

"Because having a phone takes money, which I still don't got, chica. After I got kicked outta school, Jamie heard and gave me a visit. She offered me a job here, busing tables and dancing, when I have the time to." She gave a sly grin at Mikaela, "Which, to be honest, pays out more than busing tables."

"If you ever would have gotten a hold of me, I could have given you a place at my mechanic shop." She pulled up the short girl up with her as she stood, dusting them both off as they laughed and smiled. Mikaela waved Sam over, throwing her arm over the smaller girl's shoulders. "Sam, come here, I want you to meet Nina DiMarco, my little cousin, from my father's side."

Sam was shaken from his stupor and he managed to pick his jaw up off the ground and unlock his knees long enough to stumble over and trip over his 19 years of basic English and garble out, "Hel-hel-llo … hi."

It didn't help that one girl was his gorgeous girlfriend, one was hot girl in uniform (does anyone want to play doctor?) and another was a pretty little Latina girl who was practically spilling out of her top underneath of her rather risqué' apron. What kind of man wouldn't have trouble speaking? Three beautiful women, what more could a man ask for?

"Well, if it isn't my little Mik-Mik,"

How about four gorgeous women?

A tall, thin woman was slowly making her way down the stairs, wearing a pair of tight black leather pants, a tightly laced corset and a martini glass held delicately in her left hand. Her shoulder length straight black hair flowed gently in the breeze as in caught individual strands playfully. She had a strong but clearly feminine face, the kind of face you would find on one of those high fashion models, staring with a smoldering gaze from the high gloss pages of the magazine.

But the most ensnaring feature about the woman was her eyes. She had the same charismatic gaze as the mighty Autobot leader, Optimus Prime. Her dark, dark eyes, though difficult to tell, wear a shade green that seemed to trap one in her gaze, like she was seeing not just you, but into you.

"Jamie!" Mikaela ran toward the tall dark woman and wrapped her arms around the woman's waist. The dark beauty wobbled slightly on her heels, the hand holding her glass lifting clear of the teen's tight embrace and let a slight smile come onto her features.

"Heya, Mikky my girl," She returned the embrace with a one-armed hug, before carefully extracting herself from the tangle of limb and returning to the safety and stability of the steps. Once back on solid ground, she turned and cast an eye over Nina, "Shouldn't you be working? You have another six minutes before your break. Get back up there, you little skank."

Nina gave Mikaela a last hug and muttered a quiet, "Sorry, Bitches McGee," and dodging a swipe from the free hand while snatching the empty glass from the other, before heading back inside.

A shrill beeping from behind cause them to all turn around, seeking the cause of the noise. The brunette's hand dropped to the pager at her waist, checking it before clicking in her response and turning it off. She looked up, smiling at the crowd around her who were all watching her with interest. She nodded to Jamie, "Sorry, but duty calls. Apparently the frat boys down on Westport were drinking and driving their Sea-Doos again. Three way collision this time; thankfully the Lake Patrol was there to pull them out, so I didn't have to do any water search and rescue. Just because I can do doesn't mean that I like to or necessarily want to." She jogged over to her ambulance and jumped in, starting the vehicle with practiced ease. With hardly any difficultly, she swung the big truck around in the limited space and was off like a shot around the lake, flipping on the lights and the siren while pushing her way through traffic.

Sam just gapped at the retreating backside of the ambulance. That girl was seriously a heart throb … especially the way those uniform pants hugged her impressive, heart-shaped backyard.


"Ouch! Mikaela, what was that for?"

She crossed her arms while giving him a look that clearly said 'this in not my particularly happy or amused face'.

Jamie strolled up and slapped him on the shoulder, " 'Scuse me, Sam, but I think these are your eyeballs. I found them in Melanie's ass cleavage."


So here is the first actual chapter of the story. I'm a little rusty at starting stories, not exactly my forte, but here it is. Have to start a story before you can write the good in between stuffs. Let me know how you like or how you don't. I'll try to get this story rolling as soon as possible, but I'm also trying to allow for the appropriate amount of time to pass before I start throwing the groups together. Always happy for input and if it's good, you might even get to see your suggestion show up in the story!


End Chapter 1