Tauria: I know, I know. I have two other fics I should be working on. Plus, a collection of one-shots and pairings. But. . .there was this idea. . .and then, there was a keyboard. . .and I started typing. . .and, here it is. This is another AU, just bcuz I like them. Anyway, enjoy.

A young boy raced through the streets of abandoned Shuggazoom. He would've laughed, if it weren't for the reason he was running. He had been seen by a pack of Formless. He was terrified. He felt a pang in his chest. He shook his head. He didn't want to think about that right now. He hid in one of the buildings. As soon as the Formless disappeared, he bent over to catch his breath. Ever since Skeleton King had taken over, things had been worse. What had happened to the Hyper Force? He had heard whispered rumors of them, and they had secretly studied them at school.

He was one of the very many orphans in Shuggazoom. He lived with Mr. Gakslapper. It was hours after curfew, and he couldn't go back to Shuggazoom, or he would be sent to the Savage Lands. He decided to explore a bit. He saw a can after a bit of exploring. The grass was really tall here. He kicked it. It rolled pretty far. He continued to kick it. After a while, he started laughing. He hadn't had this much fun, well, ever! After a while it hit something. He looked up to see a giant Robot.

"Whoa. . ." he whispered. It was just like what the pictures of the Hyper Force were shown to have! 'Could I have found the missing Hyper Force?'

He walked over to one of the feet and touched it. It opened and there was a flash of green light under his hand. He stared at his hand in amazement. 'Cool!' He looked into the hallway. He entered the Robot. He went up the orange elevator. It was really dark. He didn't care for the dark. Formless sneak up on you in the dark more quickly and easily.

He felt around for a switch. His hand found one. He flipped it, and a green light flooded the room. A roar that sounded like a gorilla's blasted in his ears. He was blinded by the light. Then, everything went dark.

"Antauri, are you sure he is the Chosen One?" A blue monkey whispered to a black one.

"Yes Gibson. He is stronger with the with the Power Primate then even my masters."

"Otto, system check?"

"Everything's good to go, once we reboot the Robot it should be good to go."

Antauri nodded. "Please, Gibson, go and start rebooting the Robot with Otto. Sprx, you and Nova go run scans for where Skeleton King is and how many forces he has. I will wait for the boy to awaken."

The others nodded and did as their second in command asked.

A while later, the boy opened his eyes. Then he squeezed them shut. He had spiky black hair, and bright blue eyes. Antauri smiled.

"Where-Where am I?" The boy said, almost as if talking to himself. He hadn't noticed Antauri just yet.

"You are in the Super Robot," Antauri said without thinking, something that he almost never did.

The boy whirled around. He blinked. "Did you talk?"

"You understood me?" 'Of course he did. He is the Chosen One!' "Never mind. Yes, I can talk."

"Well, uh, I had better be polite," he smiled. "My name's Chiro."

"I am Antauri. I am second in command of the Super Robot Monkey Team Hyper Force Go."

"Who is your leader?"

"We do not have one currently."

"You say 'we'. Where are the rest of you?"

"There are four others. One is a female. They are preforming a scan and rebooting the Robot."

"Oh. . .that's cool. Um, I don't know how to ask this, considering we just met and all, but I missed curfew, and if I go back to the city, well, let's just say it would be really bad. I was wondering if I could stay here."

"I don't see why not. I'll have Otto fix up our leaders old room, and you can sleep there."

Chiro smiled gratefully. "Thanks."

Antauri returned the smile. "Would you like to have a tour?"

Chiro grinned. "Sure!"

Antauri floated up and led Chiro out of Med Bay.

"Whoa! How did you do that?"

"The Power Primate. It enables us to use our powers."


Antauri smiled as he gave the young boy a tour of the Robot.

Later that day, the Monkey Team all met in the Command Center. Antauri introduced Chiro.

Nova grinned. "My name is Nova. I'm the tactics trainer and the only girl."

"That must be tough."

"Occasionally," she smiled.

"My name is Mr. Hal Gibson, but please, call me Gibson. I am the chief of science."

"Science is pretty cool," Chiro smiled.

"My name is SPRX-77, but you can call me Sprx. I'm a pilot."

Chiro grinned. "Cool! Can you teach me?"

"We'll see, Kid."

"My name is Otto. I build stuff!"

Chiro laughed. "Cool! Can you show me?"


Antauri smiled. He was getting along well with the monkey team. This was good. He wondered how he was going to tell Chiro that he was their leader. . .

They were all eating supper. Otto was telling Chiro about how he had fixed up the room. Then, Sprx was making Chiro laugh. Antauri smiled. Yes, Chiro would be a wonderful addition to their family.

The next morning, Chiro came downstairs, rubbing sleep out of his eyes. He saw the time.

His eyes widened. "Oh no! I'm gonna be late!"

"Don't worry Kid, we'll get you back safely."

"No! You don't understand! If I'm late, my guardian will be sent to work in the Pit of Doom, and I'll be forced to join Skeleton King's army!"

"What do you mean, Kid?"

"I mean, that Skeleton King took over Shuggazoom while you guys were in stasis, and now he controls everything. And if I don't get back, I'll be in major trouble."

Sprx nodded. "I can fly you to the edge of the outskirts without being seen."

"Thanks," Chiro smiled.

"No problem, Kid."

Sprx took Chiro to the edge of the outskirts.

"Thanks," Chiro smiled.

"No problem," said Sprx.

Tauria: Well, that was chapter one. I hope you enjoyed it. Please leave a review! I kinda like this one. . .but I don't know which of my stories is my favorite. . .I can't decide. . .Anyway, I'll try not to start another one, but no promises!