A/N: This idea came to me in science class when we were reviewing the Periodic Table of Elements and I saw Krypton... yeah, I'm THAT obsessed with Young Justice 3


Anyway, I'm not 100% sure how Supey got his name, even though I've tried to do my research. And I don't know how they'll do it on the show, so I'm just winging it.


"You, uh... you did good yesterday."

The voice startled Superboy out of his thoughts. Seated on the edge of a cliff on Mount Justice, his feet hanging off the side, and staring out at the setting sun, the last person he expected to see as he whirled around was Superman. He stood tall, proud and powerful, his cape dancing behind him as he to set his eye out on the ocean. Superboy was taken back by the sudden contact with the usually cold shouldered man, his surprise displayed clearly over his face. Superman had barely ever even acknowledged him, so what brought on the sudden interaction?

"H-Huh?" Was all he could stutter out.

His eyes still glued to the Atlantic, Superman continued awkwardly. "On your mission. What you did..." He trailed off. Superboy immediately understood what he'd meant though. Their mission the day before was to stop Lex Luthor from getting his grimy little hands on a new lazer-based weapon. It was a rough job, and right when they thought they were going to win, Luthor managed to trick Superboy into destroying the rafters above them, where Kid Flash had been fighting some of his goons. Wally fell, and was knocked out, while Superboy and the rest of the team were cut off from their resident speedster. Lex took the opportunity to get a hold of the weapon, turn it on, and target Wally. As it charged up, Superboy fought free and without hesitation, jumped in front of the beam, taking the hit for his friend. Superman finally tore his eyes away from the sun, and glanced down at Superboy. "It was a very brave thing to do."

Superboy shrugged, though still somewhat basking in the long awaited attention of his idol. "I wouldn't consider it brave. I just kind of... did it. There was no decision."

Superman nodded in understanding. "Instinct to protect others. It's something I've always valued."

A half awkward, half comfortable silence drifted between the two Kryptonians. The window breezed through, barely a whisper on the warm evening. From the corner of his eye, Superboy noticed Superman walk forward and sit down on the edge, just as he was. He made no reaction though, not wanting to break the silence. It was only Superman's whispered words that finally shattered it.


Superboy turned to him, cocking an eyebrow. "What?"

The older man smiled to himself. "Kon-El. It was my Grandfather's name. I was named after my Great Grandfather Kal-El. My father was named after my Great Great Grandfather Jor-El..." He explained. Catching Superboy's 'Why the hell are you telling me this?' look, he laughed and continued. "It was tradition in my birth family to name your son after your grandfather. Kon-El would be your Kryptonian name... if you'll accept it."

"Wh-What are you saying?" Superboy asked, not wanting to get his hopes up.

"Superboy, you need guidance. It's become clear to me, and I can't try to avoid it any longer. I should never have tried. And for that I apologize. I, uh, have a pretty hard head." He smirked. "And it seems that you do to, considering how easily you let Luthor get to you."

Superboy frowned, crossing his arms over his chest. "Yeah, well, what do you know abut it?"

"Don't worry about it. I was the same way when I was 16. But I had my parents back in Smallville to help me out. That's why... well, I want to help you." Superman tried to explain, realizing fully well how awkward this was.

"I... I'd like that."


Of course, Superboy didn't really know what he was getting himself into when he agreed to let accept Superman as his fa-...mentor. On top of training his powers, Superman had insisted he attend High School. "Just give it a shot, Kon-El." He had said, "You might like it." Having never even thought of going to school like a somewhat normal teen, Kon had found himself curious, and hesitantly agreed.

And so, Connor Kent began attending Metropolis High. Kon didn't mind it as much as he thought he would though. No one recognized him as Superboy, allowing him to blend in; it was amazing what a pair of glasses could do. Posing as a student, Kon quickly learned that he had to constantly keep his explosive tempter in check, even more so than he usually had to.

He also quickly learned that teenagers were weird. He thought he knew everything about normal people by being with his team, but he soon found it possible that people could be even stranger. And that was saying something. Girls would sometimes stare at him with a weird look in their eyes, a look he had sometimes caught on M'gann [though with her it was less creepy, more... he didn't even know ]. Boys glared at him a lot. People smaller than him cringed when he walked by. So, he decided to just be himself- and not interact with them.

It was a better plan in his head.

"Conner? Can you tell us the year in which World War II ended?" His history teacher, Ms. Lang, asked.

Kon frowned for a moment, before clearing his throat. "N-Nineteen Fourty-five." He answered, his voice naturally rough when he began to speak. He slouched in his desk, feeling eyes on his back, He hated talking, it was just his shy nature.

"Good, good. Now, turn your books to page-" Ms. Lang was cut off when the obnoxious sound of the bell announced lunch. Before she could say another word, Connor was up and out of his seat, on his way out the door. He hated that damn bell. His super hearing made it a thousand times more intense, and it felt like his head would implode. He'd have to ask Kal-El to teach him to control it... if he ever had the time.

Arriving at his locker, he fumbled with his lock, getting frustrated with it when it wouldn't open. He would have crushed it if he weren't in public. Finally getting his locker open, he shoved his books inside and slammed it shut, unfortunately leaving a dent in the metal. Quickly looking around to make sure no one saw, he opened it again and banged out the dent. Once all was well, and he put the lock back on, he headed over to the courtyard outside. He hated eating inside. It was noisy, and people got too close for comfort. So, he often opted for eating up on the roof, where no one could bother him. He looked forward to lunch for this little piece of heaven, and on this particularly irritating day, he felt even more drawn towards it.

Or he would have, had it not been for the thunderstorm that had suddenly rolled in.

Kon frowned, why hadn't he noticed it coming? He was probably too busy trying to drown out the sounds of the other students. Not to keen on spending lunch indoors, he decided on going outside anyway. He didn't even bat an eye at the lightening shooting through the sky; after all, he was Superboy. He opened the door, but before he could make his escape, the gym teacher stopped him. "Hold on there son, where do you think you're going?"

Connor answered with a blank face. "Outside."

"I don't think so, storm's going to get pretty nasty. I think you'll survive if you have to eat inside for the day, Kent." The Burly man stated, before his gaze turned hungry. "You still solid on your answer about joining the football team?" He asked, hopefully.

"Not interested." Kon nearly growled, walking away without another word. That man had been hounding him to join every sports team since he started going to the stupid High School. Keeping his anger in check was a real challenge when it came to these people.

With no where else to go, Kon settled for finding a vacant table in the corner of the cafeteria. The noise was gratting on his nerves, but he steeled himself against reacting. Reaching into the paper bag, he took out the peanut butter and jelly sandwich M'gann had made him that morning, along with an apple and a can of Coke. Halfway into his sandwich, a buzzing in his pocket caught his attention. He slid the small, cheap cell out of his pocket, flipping it open. "What?" He hissed, not happy about his interrupted meal. When no one answered, he looked down at the screen, seeing that it was a text from Kal.

"U there?"

Kon raised an eyebrow before replying. "Ya. U know how 2 txt?" Wally had taught him, but he never would have guessed the older man would have known the strange language.

"...Lois taught me. Anyway, an unknown object was just spotted from the Watch Tower, headed toward Earth. All League and YJ members are being informed. Be on the look out."

"Ok." Kon snapped his phone shut, stuffing it back into his pocket. Kal had given it to him when he first started school about a month back, for emergencies. He never used it much.

After finishing up his sandwich and taking a bite into his apple, a distant rumbling caught his attention. He focused on the noise, if only to drown out the other teens. It seemed to be getting louder and louder by the second. It was something large, heading right toward the school-

A siren rang out through the building, echoed by several others scattered across Metropolis, before he could connect the sound to anything. The students began to panic, the teachers shouting over them, "Everyone under the tables! Take cover!" But before anyone could obry, the room began shaking. The lights flickered, the rumbling now close enough to be heard by humans. Kon jumped to his feet, ignoring the other students who were diving for cover. He didn't need cover.

Through the cafeteria windows, an ominous green glow flashed into the dark, stormy sky, coming from a large, mass of light, a meteor he guessed, falling toward the school. Kon growled, running out of the cafeteria without anyone noticing. He burst through the atrium doors, immediately hit with the raging winds of the storm. He shielded his eyes for a moment, regaining his senses, before turning his attention back to the falling object. At this rate, it would fall right on the High School. Kon knew he had to stop it, even if he hated the damn place.

Ditching the glasses, Kon leaped with a powerful bound onto the roof, then pushed off, heading straight for the object. His plan was simple; just punch it out of the way. He glided through the air, his muscles tense and ready to strike.

Intense pain consumed his body, sucking the breath from his lungs. His eyes widened in both shock and pain. Every once of energy was drained from him, causing his body to go limp, falling back to the earth. He hit the ground with strangled yelp, creating a crater on impact. He watched through blurred vision as the glowing meteor hit the football field not far from him. It exploded on impact, sending a glowing, green shard into his back, while he tried to shield himself. He screamed, agonizing and intense as white hot pain poured into his body. He had never experienced so much pain.

Was this dying?

No. He was too damn stubborn to die here. Summoning the last of his strength, Kon pushed himself to his feet, dragging himself away from the smoking crater of the meteor, ignoring the blood dripping from his back.

He had to get away.


The Daily Planet was buzzing with reporters, as usual. Shouts, both angered and good humoured, rang out through the building. Had it not been for his developed self-control, Clark Kent would have thrown his desk out the window, feeding it to the raging storm. He snapped his cell phone shut, after receiving the last text from Connor.

He... still really didn't know what to think of this whole thing. He had never given anyone permission to use his DNA. It almost made him feel... violated. But he knew now that he couldn't blame Kon-El for that. He was a great kid and-

His thoughts were interrupted when sirens began turning on all over the city. They echoed in an eerie warning, a sound that caused panic among the city. Seconds later, a massive green meteor broke through the clouds, headed towards the earth. Clark ran to his window, watching in horror as it fell faster and faster- God Almighty, it was going to land on Kon's high school!

Without hesitation, he ran out of his little office, ignoring the shouts of his co-workers to take cover. He briefy passed one Miss Lois Lane, accidentally knocking a stack of papers out of her hands. He flinched slightly, but kept moving- he would have to apologize later.

Clark raced down the stairs, using all of his self control to not fly down. Tearing through the lobby and out the front door, he found himself in the raging winds of the storm, and the panic of the civilians around him. He looked up at the sky, finding the falling meteor. He didn't have enough time! Cursing the fates, he looked around for a place where no one would see him, spotting an ally just around the corner. He ran in, making sure there was no possible way he could be spotted, then ripped off his civilian clothes, taking to the sky as Superman. The gasps bellow him barely reached his ears. He had one objective; to get to the damn school faster.

He didn't get there in time though. The meteor crashed into the earth with enough force to knock Superman back in the air. His heart leaping into his throat, he dived down into the clearing dust. The meteor had landed in the football field, just barely missing the school, and had exploded into shards on contact. He was able to breathe a sigh of relief, before he began to feel a familiar ache seep into his body. Kryptonite. Shit. Using every last bit of his power before it was drained, Superman flew above the scene. In the air, high above the smoking crater, Superman studied the area for damage. A trail of blood leading away from the crater caught his eye. Anxiousness crept into his chest. No human would have been able to survive that blast, and walk enough to leave a trail of blood. The only explanation was...

"Kon-El..." Superman whispered in disbelief, before shooting off through the dark sky, following the trail of blood. It led past the school, into the empty field across the street, and finally ended at the door of an old, abandoned barn. As Superman followed Kon's trail, he felt dread growing, horrifying images of what he'd find flashing through his mind. He shook his head, now was not the time to think of the worst. He had to focus on what was happening. Clark barely landed before rushing into the barn.

What he found literally drew the life from him. Kon lay on a pile of straw, not moving, face down, though his body was tense in pain. What scared him most; a shard of green kryptonite lodged into his back. Clark approached the boy carefully, for both their safeties. The glowing shard mocked him, sucked away his strength. He knew he would have to act quick. Falling to his knees beside Kon, he placed one hand on his shoulder, letting him know he was there. He then used the other hand to quickly yank the shard out, earning an ear splitting cry from Superboy. He threw the kryptonite, burning in his hand, through the weakened wooden planks that made up the roof and into the sky. He didn't care where it went as long as it was far away.

He then flipped Kon over, mindful of the wound his his back, holding his shoulders with his arm for support as he used his other hand to reach up and activate the comm in his ear. "Superman to Watch Tower." He said urgently. The silence and static following was deafening, his hope for someone there begining to deteriorate.

"Clark, what's-"

"Bruce!" Superman sighed in releif. "Bruce, the object reported falling towards earth, it was Kryptonite. It landed in Metropolis." He rambled.

"Are you ok-"

"Yes, I'm fine! But it landed near the High School! A shard hit Kon, I need you to beam down to Mount Justice and get the infirmary ready. We'll be there soon."

"Got it."

When the line cut off, Superman wasted no time in carefully scooping the young man into his arms and shooting off through the barn doors and into the sky. The laboured, pained breathing of Kon urged him to fly faster.


This was one of the comfiest damn couches he had ever slept on. Even the ones at Wayne Manor didn't compare. So, it was no wonder that Robin had fallen asleep on that couch at Mount Justice, while watching re-runs of The Big Bang Theory. The fact that Miss Martian had baked chocolate chip cookies, accompanied with a tall glass of milk, didn't help him stay awake either.

It was Bruce's turn to stay up in the Watch Tower and alert anyone of potential dangers. Usually this didn't require Dick to do much of anything, but since Alfred was away visiting family, he figured he may as well hang out at Mount Justice with M'gann while Supey was at school. Lucky for Dick, it was a P.D day.

The sounds of the thunderstorm outside were muffled by the mountain, but still managed to echo off the stone walls, creating a very relaxing effect. In truth, Dick had never been afraid of storms. Quite opposite in fact. He loved them. That was another contributing factor in his drifting off.

The sound of the computer announcing Batman's arrival drowned out the lulling sounds of the storm, causing Dick to stir in his sleep, but not quite wake up. He vaguely heard the sounds of hurried footsteps, quickly fading off through the cave. He faded between sleep and drowsy for an unmeasurable amount of time, or at least to him, until the computer announced two more arrivals. Superman and Superboy.

More footsteps, an urgent, almost panicking voice, and a deeper, calmer, but equally urgent voice reached his ears, slowly bringing him into awareness. It was delicate hand shaking his shoudler that finally woke him up. "H-huh?" He moaned, his eyes blinking open from underneath his crooked sunglasses. M'gann's worried face was the first thing that cleared when his blurred vision faded.

"R-Robin! Something's wrong with Kon!" She nearly cried, holding back the threatening tears.

"What?" Robin jolted awake, sitting upright to face the hysterical girl.

"I-I don't know what happened, but h-he was unconscious, and Superman brought him in, and him and Batman t-took him to the infirmary, a-and they both looked really serious!" She hiccuped.

"Hey, come on, calm down M'gann." Robin did his best to comfort her, despite his own growing dread. He placed his hand on her back, pulling her head onto his shoulder, the way a sibling would. "Kon's a tough guy, whatever it is he'll be fine." He reassured her. "I'll go ask Batman what's going on, okay? I'll be right back."

Hesitantly leaving the Martian girl on the couch, Robin made his way toward the infirmary, in one of the farther parts of the mountain. He paused before the door, knowing better than to just walk in when he could obviously hear the sounds of working inside. And so, he sat down on the cold, tile floor, waiting anxiously for the door to open.

He almost dosed off again before a swishing sound alerted him. He looked up to see Batman glancing down at him. He jumped to his feet, following his mentor down the hallway. "So what happened? Is Kon alright?" Robin asked.

The Dark Knight didn't answer, just kept walking down the hallway, silently telling Robin to follow. The suspense was eating him alive, he knew it. His stomach was churning, he kept fidgeting, and the seconds stretched on. Finally, Batman stopped in the middle of a long hallway, turning to tower over his apprentice. "A meteor of Kryptonite struck Kon-El's high school in Metropolis." He explained bluntly, though not cold heartedly. Placing a hand on the boy's shoulder, he continued. "He was outside when it hit. The meteor exploded on impact, and a shard landed in his back. He's lucky to be alive."

Robin swallowed, his mouth dry. "Is he..."

Batman sighed, squeezing his son's shoulder in silent comfort. "You know that Kryptonite is deadly to Kryptonians... but I admit, Kon-El is stubborn in surviving. We are doing everything we can to keep him stable, but what he really needs is sunlight, and the storm outside is preventing that." Kneeling down to Robin's eye level, he put his other hand on his shoulder. "The storm will last until tomorrow. If he makes it until then... there is hope."

Dick nodded solemnly in understanding, placing his own hand on his mentor's. It was that silent bond that passed through them at allowed Batman to stand up, ruffle the boy's hair, and make his way back toward the infirmary. Robin sighed, restraining himself from punching a wall, not knowing how to explain this to M'gann. He walked slowly, a half hearted attempt at avoiding her reaction. But when he finally found himself in the living room where he had left her, he found the entire team, waiting anxiously for his arrival.

In a blur of colour, Kid Flash appeared at his side, worry etched onto his freckled face. "Hey bro, we all came over as soon as we heard. How's Supey doing?" He asked, without the lightness his voice normally carried.

Robin's eyes dropped to the floor so he wouldn't have to see his friend's reactions. "He was stabbed by a shard of Kryptonite from a meteor." His voice faulted when the collective gasps reached his ears. "The storm is stopping his from getting the yellow sunlight his body needs to recover. He has to make it until tomorrow for any chance..."

Artemis frowned. "Why can't Superman just fly him to a sunny place?" She asked.

Robin opened his mouth to answer, but found someone beat him to the punch. "He's too unstable to move." Superman appeared behind Robin, in all his tall, powerfully glory. "This is the only choice we have." He answered regretfully.

"And now we wait..." Kaldur muttered.


Kay, so this was originally a one shot... but I'm gonna make it into a two shot. Just because I can...and because I'm too lazy to write the ending right now.