Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters from Young Justice or the DC universe, if I did I'd spend my nights digging through trash with The Question lol


Okay, Artemis wasn't sure how she got in this position. Though in all actuality that wasn't really that big of a concern to her right now. Right now all that was important was she was on the couch with Wally. Okay, maybe that wasn't an accurate depiction of events. More precise was that she was on the couch, and Wally was on top of her. Her hands were in his hair, one of his on her hip and the other supporting himself as they kissed. Okay, kiss was way too nice a term for what they were doing, but being otherwise occupied she could not think of a more accurate word. After a long battle to see who could explore the other's mouth first Wally finally pulled back for air, she decided to take this opportunity to turn the tables. She pushed him into a sitting position and moved into his lap, her hands resting on his broad shoulders.

She stared into his deep green eyes and smirked, "Tell me you want it."

"I.." They were interrupted by a loud wailing noise. Before Artemis could react some kind of light began to envelope them, she felt like she was being pulled into it. Artemis opened her eyes only to shut them quickly again as the morning sun shone through her bedroom window blinding her still waking eyes. Soon her sense were about her and she was aware of her blaring alarm clock, her pillow still clutched tightly to her chest, and a small puddle off drool that had formed next to her mouth.

"Oh god no…" Artemis mumbled as the realization hit her.

Okay, there had to be a rational explanation for this, Artemis thought to herself sitting in study hall ignoring her history report. The more she thought about it the more she remembered the case she and Ollie worked with The Question a few weeks back on League business.

"Dream's are our subconscious's way of telling us what we already know or don't want to admit." Artemis repeated quietly under her breath. She really wanted to believe Ollie was right when he told her The Question was a paranoid whack job who just happened to be a good detective. Unfortunately the more she looked at it, the less crazy The Question looked.

It was Friday night and they'd all just returned from a particularly long mission and everyone opted to stay at Mount Justice over night rather than go through the hassel of heading home. Kaldur and Superboy had decided to head to bed, while the rest of the team occupied themselves in the common room. Robin was reading some thick bound book on Criminology, Megan was cooking some new confection she'd discovered in one of her hundreds of cookbooks, Artemis was sitting on the couch with Wally trying to work through her history homework while he lazily watched the large tv, occasion just hoping to a new channel. The room was awkwardly silent, and that didn't sit well with Artemis. She managed to not think about the Wally dream issue during the whole mission, gunfire did wonders for her focus, but now just sitting on the couch with him, the same couch from the dream, she couldn't stop thinking about it and him. It didn't hep she could feel him watching her every so often, of course every time she tried to catch him all she saw was him staring at the tv, she couldn't help but curse his super speed.

"Um, guys." Megan piped up at them a little while later.

"Yeah?" They said in unison. Artemis hated when they did that.

"Um...you two are kind of...thinking really loudly." Megan said confusing the two teen heroes.

"...we're what?" Artemis finally piped up.

"Well you guys are kind of on edge right now and your thoughts are broadcasting a little too loud for me not to read." Megan said with misplaced guilt.

"Are you telling me those two found a way to bicker without even talking now?" Robin chuckled looking up from his book.

"Dude!" Wally blurts at Robin only making the boy wonder laugh more.

"You both seem to be worrying about a dream, maybe you can talk to each other about it." Megan offers sliding her creation into the oven before floating over to Robin, "Robin, would you like to join me in a game of chess while this bakes?"

"Sure MM." He said hoping off the counter stool and following Megan out of the room.

Artemis and Wally sat in relative silence, the sound of the Spanish soap opera Wally had been watching providing white noise in the background. It was Wally who finally broke the silence, "So...have any good dreams lately?" he said jokingly. Artemis was glad she hadn't yet bothered to take off her mission gear, her mask hid her blush.

"In your dreams Wallman." She said swiftly picking up her books and papers and exiting the room leaving a confused speedster.

As they made their way to Mountain's library Megan finally spoke up, "Are you sure what we did was such a good idea Robin?"

"Sure, all you did was give there brain a little nudge."

"Are sure, I'm not sure telling their brains to dream about each other is something my uncle J'onn would approve of." Megan said nervously.

"Don't worry MM, this will be good for them." Robin said with a chuckle stepping into the library, "Now where did Kaldur hide that chess set."

Author's Note: Sorry for the wait, between classes, work, and the natrual dwindling of ideas. I had this idea way back when I was marathoning JLU episodes. I really like a line of dialouge I paraphased from The Question about dreams.

Please keep the reviews coming, the sheer over flow of reviews for the last chapter spoiled me lol.
