A/N: The closest to the original I wrote before it got lost and erased. Different song from the other one shot, different reason with the cleaning, but the same outcome. (Although the scene in the part 2 one shot before this one with the aftermath of the ballet was originally intended for this one.)

Setting: A little over a week before the famous ballet episode. Then on to the aftermath of that night. In other words, Season 3.

Summary: Angel's on the edge, Cordy's oblivious, and there is a nursery in the making. So what can make the work go by faster while amping up the sexual tension?... A little music and some grinding bodies! This time, everybody gets some action. (Minus Lorne since yet again, I have him on babysitting duty. Poor Pylean. Pretty soon, he's going to be demanding a lead role if this keeps up. LoL)

Disclaimer: No, I do not and will never own ANGEL. Simple, really. And I don't own the song, 'I Like That.' Houston has all rights to it since it was his first single that hit the top of all the charts in such a short amount of time. And yes, the version I have in this story where Houston, Nate Dogg, I 20, and Chingy (not to mention the CD) didn't come out around the time these Angel characters are doing their thing. I know that. Again, I'm doing a time warp thing where it's earlier and already done in this fic verse. For plot purposes.

And another thing, I found different yet almost identical versions of this song. Eventually, I just went with the one on my MP3 player. So, I hope this verison will make this as hot as I entended it to get.

Cleaning Day Yumminess In The Hyperion Hotel: Epiphany

Part 2

I Like That

The signs of losing your mind is not always simple or easy to detect if you're the crazy one in the first place. It's worse when you're a vampire known to go off in the deep end when the mood strikes. Having a soul makes no difference, sadly. At times, it seems to makes this condition worse. Here's a few signs that Angel has finally detected in his decent into madness.

1. Having sexual thoughts that for a moment seem as real as the hand in front of your face. Especially after witnessing your seer turning a must do task of cleaning into a lap dance without actually dancing in said lap.

2. Not going through with the realistic fantasies when having the chance.

3. Having impure thoughts of best friend on a daily basis, every hour, every minute, and every five seconds.

4. Remembering just how much your best friend means after nearly losing her twice due to an evil, dead ex showing back up and undeniably and impossibly pregnant with a human child. And when the visions put the girl occupying smutty dreams in a coma that would have been the death of her if she hadn't taken a loophole that put some unknown demon DNA in her blood. It really shouldn't take catastrophes to remind you that without her, this redemption gig would lose meaning to you…. Scary thought.

5. Allowing the little, oblivious seer in sleeping over due to your excuse in, "Help! I'm a blood sucking creature that has absaloutly no experience with infants other than draining them for kicks!" Seriously, baaaaaaaad decision. Especially when that control you're famous for is no longer in healthy functioning order.

6. The feelings you admit that are there are finally revealing to be more than you bargained for, thus causing you to become a total and complete dork with both dysfunctional motor and verbal skills. The word 'Spaz' has been whispered during suck dork moments by the very one who's responsible for it!

7. You allow the memory of a certain known, formal (though that is still up for debate) crazy person from Texas who mentioned and explained in great detail about two words she learned while in a sorta human hating dimension called Pylea, (take a deep breath after that long run on sentence) to tattoo itself on that vampire brain of yours that never…. ever…. forgets anything it stores in there…. Unless it's suppressed, which as it turns out you're pretty well at when it doesn't concern your lust and feelings for your best friend.

8. And last but no way least, you allow this beautiful friend that you can't seem to escape from, to convince you to tear a whole in your former bedroom wall to create a space to put in a door. In which in turn you will be converting the smaller but handy hotel space into a nursery for your miracle baby. It's costing you around... well, let's just say allot, but that's okay. Because if you allowed the sneaky brunette to convince you to hire professional contractors to do this, it would have cost you way more than the cost of supplies and other stuff for doing it yourself… With the help of your grumbling friends. Sure, she calls you a cheapskate, but all you have to do each time is to quote on how much you're spending in giving the infant Connor his own hotel room, when in fact he could make do with his old man's bedroom till puberty begins. That surprisingly stops her from her name calling and rants of you being tight with a buck… Still, you're still going insane because you allowed it to happen in the first place.

The list is as far as Angel is concerned, are facts that will never be disproven. He was going crazy, and it all was thanks to Cordelia. The comman denominator in each and every case. The sad thing is, he doesn't know if he should despise that or…. accept it.

Not prepared to answer that little question, he instead concentrated on scrubbing the determined stain of unknown origins from the would-be nursery's carpet. Yes, cleaning was a great distraction! It kept unstable vampires from thinking about wringing his little seer's neck, or what color is her panties she's wearing today. Would it be a silky, little number? Cotton? Would it be a thong? Or…. she could be wearing nothing under those too tight, too short, proud to own black, jean Daisy Duke shorts!

Scrubbing harder and faster was the thing to do at this moment. It was the safest too.

The sound of Fred's laughter over some stupid comment made by Wesley had his ever changing focus on something other than ravaging a certain curvy brunette. Now there is something he can handle. Misplaced blame and anger!

Yup. All of this was Fred's fault. All those ideas about fairy-tales, knights, champions, and Kye-rumption have turned her into some romance loving cheerleader. And the teams she's always rooting for were himself and Cordelia. She just couldn't keep well enough alone!

Giving him those smirk-y looks, as if telling him that she knew every single detail of his no-where-near platonic thoughts of his best friend…. Giggling and calling him chivalrous every time he walks Cordelia out to her jeep, and then saying that damn word Moira when Cordelia gives him that 1000 mega watt smile, in which it somehow causes paralysis in his feet and legs as he stumbles or walks straight into a wall.

All Texans in the state of California need to go, in Angel's opionion. So far, the two he's met so far are nothing but trouble…. Wait, actually it's four, counting Fred's parents. But they don't live in LA, and technically that weasel Lindsey no longer does either, and….

Angel's eyes widened when he felt more than saw or heard Cordelia enter the room. All thoughts of tying Fred up and leaving her on Cordy's steps with a big postage stamp that read, "RETURN TO PYLEA," in bold, red letters had soon vanished. Along with every single, somewhat decent thought in his mind.

Don't look up. Don't look up. Don't look up.

That mental chant was his only grasp on his suddenly flaring feelings and hormones. Mouth watering, brown eyes turning glassy as breathing coming into play were the beginning of his very much turned on signs. Something that was easily done now days whenever the brunette entered his hotel. These reactions were easy as flicking a light switch, and deeply embarrassing and hellish on the body and mind.

It was all he could do but stay still and not taste every inch of her body. And that thought woke up a part of him that needs to stay sleeping. It's not like he was in the privacy of his room where he could take care of the problem. People were around. Two of them who would turn him into a true eunuch if they every found out just how dirty of an old manpire he really is when around Cordelia.

"Angel," Cordelia spoke softly as he scrubbed the spot in what could almost be described as obsessive.

Just ignore her and the way she smells, the way her cute foot is tapping with annoyance and the cute little figures painted on each, gold toenail. Wow, the detail they put into things like that now days is really-"

"Uh, hello! Earth to Mr. Clean!"

His scrubbing instantly stopped as the realization of how he had started to ramble on the foot part of Cordelia's anatomeny like it was the feet of Christ himself. He's sunk that low on the manly man scale.

"Is there something you want, Cordy?"

To his dismay, he finds himself doing what he had tried to stop just seconds ago. Looking up and into the face that about ninety percent of the time makes him babble incoherently.

"Nothing, I just thought you would like to know that you defeated the stain. In fact, it looks like you did a little overkill."

Angel quickly looked back down, and grimaced. The stain was definitely gone…. And so was the original navy blue coloring as well.

"The directions on the bottle said it was bleach free," Angel grumbled, instantly shifting the blame on the cleaning product.

"Don't sweat it, big guy. This is actually the perfect spot for the crib. It's out of reach of the western Mr. Sunshine exposure in the evenings, keeping you from getting any killer sun-burns."

True. But what's going to save me from the light that comes from your smile, when it rivals the sun itself?... Great, I'm becoming another crappy, love sick, poet… Like Spike, only worse… I can't even rhyme.

"That sounds…. Great."

Those tempting little feet turned and walked away as she continued to talk, though in all honesty, Angel didn't hear a single word.

Please don't go…. Damn it! I might as well go grab me a bottle of peroxide and-

"So what tune are we going to listen to while we get down and dirty, Barbie?"


Angel dropped the brush and quickly got to his feet, brown eyes wide with terror as the too hot for her own shorts exaggerated thinking upon that question. Did Gunn not know that there are no places to hide and secretly watch Cordelia as she bumps and grinds?

Looking at Wesley, expecting to see the ex-watcher blushing and stammering as he usually did since that fateful cleaning day…. Only to find him sharing a knowing grin with the over eager bald man. His eyes narrowed as he added Gunn and Wesley's all too soon demise to his mental list of to do things in the near future. The very near future…. Especially Gunn. He knows that the down and dirty comment wasn't just a one meaning thing. They called those innuendos, and those innuendos shouldn't be directed toward Cordy….

They just shouldn't.

"Mmmmm…. I think we need something that isn't too fast…. But not too slow…. Something with a little hip hop that has the added flavoring of R & B, with a side dish of naughtiness on the side," Cordelia replied to Angel's dismay.

This wasn't happening. Not again. Surely, Fred would-

"Oh! How about that CD you just bought at the mall the other day. You know, the one you fought over with that rude pregnant lady."

Damn it, Fred! You did it again! I swear, you're moving in with Cordelia- Wait a sec, Cor actually fought with a pregnant woman over some CD?... Huh, I really should be more surprised and repulsed by this new information. Strangely, I'm not. Maybe it's because just picturing her getting mad gets me all…. I… am so…. Screwed.

Angel was yet again so wrapped up with thoughts of impure nature, that he missed the gasps of surprise from Wes, and the snickers from Gunn, and little lecture that tried to fallow. That had soon derailed when Cordy pulled out the CD from her little CD black case and handed it to Gunn. The excitement that followed that had took the spotlight off of Cordelia and her shopping horror tales.

"Daaaaamn! Girl, this is tight! This has been sold out everywhere," Gunn exclaimed with a young boy's enthusiasm.

"I have connections at about every mall and music store in Los Angeles," Cordelia replied with a smug grin. She flipped her just above shoulder length hair with one hand, a sign of just how pleased she really was. "As soon as Jake-the-cute-cash- register-guy gave me a heads up on another shipment of Houston's CDs, I snatched Fred up here at the hotel and broke the speed limit to get to the mall. By the time we got there, there was like a million people there! Luckily, Fred spotted the last CD. And the rest is not so interesting history."

"The not so interesting history being how you battled a helpless, pregnant woman for a CD named…. It's already written?... Actually, that title is quite catchy, and made in Fred's home state is an added bonus."

"What?... Wesley, this wasn't made in Houston Texas, you American-culture-deprived retard! That's the singer's name."

As she teasingly bruised the Englishman's ego, Angel's eyes tuned in to her hand as she pulled out the popular CD that was the main topic. He pictured himself grabbing the CD before any of the humans in the room knew what was happening, then fleeing to the rooftop of the hotel where he would successfully fling it as far as his vampire strength allows. Thus, preserving what little of his sanity he has left.

It was the perfect plan…. If this was a perfect world, that is.

"I resent that remark."

"Of course you do. You're English."

"And what does exactly my linage and home country have to do with-"

At this moment, Lorne walked in and interrupted the normal little spat between Wesley and Cordelia before it could entertain Gunn and Fred further. The added bonus was that Angel wouldn't have to go through with drastic measures with the music deal. It was a fifty percent chance that he would end up dust at the end of the day for destroying every CD player, radio, and CD that would give the brunette an excuse to shake her…. Body.

"Hey, my little band of heroes! Somebody just got through with his supper, and figured out that his favorite people were nowhere to be seen."

Everyone, (including Angel) all softened and immediately began to talk and chuckle over the happy, cooing bundle of drool and happiness. Wrapped tight in his blanket, the infant was soon offering little smiles and cute gurgles when seeing that he was once again center of attention. With an added kick of his feet in his night time booties, the fang gang melted into a different kind of puddle of goo than the one Cordelia was about to turn them into.

Once Connor spotted his daddy, the little nipper lost the Happy-Go-Lucky attitude, and immediately settled into his patented pout then cry endlessly face. Angel immediately took off his cleaning gloves and reached for his son, who by the way grinned when he found himself in Angel's strong and steel like arms. The sound of Cordelia groaning had snatched his focus away, instantly causing protective Alpha Male instincts to kick in.

"What's wrong?"

Her eyes rolled as she placed her gloved hands upon her hips. Her head was raised high and her regal brow was arched, unknowingly delivering a tousled, sexy visual that went straight to the vampire's groin. Mr. Perky was suddenly very…. Um…. Perky.

"What's wrong? Does the phrase, 'Dirty people. Not touching baby,' seem familiar to you?"

And that was the thing needed to put Mr. Perky down. His white wife beater wasn't long enough to cover anything that would draw embarrassing attention to himself.

"You and Fred had just been scrubbing the floor and smoky debris, Cordy. Besides, that was just a distraction to get you out long enough to get your surprise birthday party ready."

He instantly regretted his words when the hidden gold flecks in Cordelia's dark brown eyes lit up like sparklers on the fourth of July.

"Ah-ha," she announced dramatically, holding one finger in the air as she pointed at the irritated vampire. "So you admit that floor cleaning isn't bad enough for us mere mortals to get some Connor snuggles."

"No! Dirty hands are still dirty, Cor-"

She pulled off the gloves to reveal clean and flawless tanned hands…. Looks like she chose to match her fingernails with her toenails job. Each perfectly manicured nail was painted with glittery gold nail polish, with little figures that again were detailed and interesting to look at…. Looks like Mr. Perky has a hand fetish too.

"See? Clean!"

Clean? Yes. But I would love if they got dirty, little girl.

"Do I sense a little bit frustration," Lorne teased the brunette pouting beside him, though Angel somehow got the feeling that the question was directed toward him as well.

Gulping, Angel fought the desire to cross his legs or… to turn around to hide the evidence of the deep frustration.

"You're da-" Cordelia paused, wincing at her almost slip. "You're darn tootin' that I'm frustrated. I fell asleep last night before I could get my Connor snuggles."

Wesley of course picked up on the not intentionally evasive reference of her sleep over. Suspicious eyes landed on Angel, who now felt his earlier, frustrated, smaller friend downstairs to suddenly go back to a blessed relaxed state. Somehow, his lower anatomy was finally getting a radar concerning older Cordelia-self-adopted brothers. Which is a blessing in disguise since he's pretty much commando now days, thanks to the still fresh memory of Cordelia's Hyperion cleaning day.

"Darn toot'in?" Gunn repeated with a snicker.

"It was all my brain could come up with on such short notice," Cordelia replied with a shrug, still a little miffed that Angel was hogging the little bundle of joy.

Angel offered his beautiful friend a apologetic smile, feeling a little guilty over the hogging Connor part. After all, last night wasn't an accident on his part. After Cordelia had mentioned going home after snuggling with Connor instead of sleeping over like she's been doing, he had purposely given Connor another bath, prolonging it as long as possible without putting his son's health at risk. And like he had hoped, she was fast asleep in his bed. After putting the tired little guy to sleep in his crib for a change, he quietly stripped down to his grey boxers, then stripped her of her pants, shoes, and sock before slipping into bed.

Cordelia quickly and instinctively honed in on his lack of body heat and became his human blanket….. It was a long while before he actually got some sleep, but for the long while…. He was in sheer heaven. Snuggling wasn't as bad as he once thought… Especially with the lush female form his best friend had.

He really is a dirty old manpire.

"You can snuggle with him now, if you want."

That simple statement earned him the adoring gaze and sigh Cordelia only used for him. Grinning from ear to ear, Angel helped close the distance as Cordy reached for him. But they were both intercepted by none other than…. Lorne?

"Sorry, my little, pouting, love bunny. But you people do need to get the cleaning done so that over the weekend, you can be ready for turning these digs into the nursery of Connor's dreams."

Again, was he making a reference to both Cordelia and himself? Because yeah, he's openly pouting now. And not just because of the reminder of being talked into doing this project, but because his arm wouldn't have the chance of accidentally brushing up against his unwary seer's breast during the hand off of his son! He wouldn't be surprised if the loud mouth green demon purposely stopped the interaction, as if to gauge his reaction to it.

The mischievous twinkle in Lorne's crimson red eyes confirmed his suspiciouns…. Surely, Cordy and Fred wouldn't miss the former Caritas owner too much if he suddenly disappeared, would they?

"I guess it's okay," Cordelia sighed, her plump lower lip pooching out.

Angel nearly snatched her up and sucked on the flesh displaying itself so temptingly.

"Alrighty then! You kids have fun," Lorne said with his usual air of enthusiasm/sarcasm. But just as he reached the doorway, he stopped, then turned around with a impish smile. "Oh, and I would like to suggest for you guys to play number 2 on that new CD of yours. It's a song that," Lorne paused, giving Angel a long, humorous look, "will suite the occasion."

Cordelia smiled thoughtfully while the others resumed to getting back to the chore at hand. The prickling sensation on the back of her neck drew her gaze toward the silent vampire with the clenching fists. A little taken aback with the only subtle sign of his not so pleasant emotions, she gave him a concerned, questioning stare. He in turn simply glared. Or more to the point, glared at the CD in her hand.

Shaking her head at his mood swings, Cordelia tuned and bent down to where the small CD player lay. Angel's eyes were drawn like homing beacons to her ass so temptingly set out for him to ogle. The black daisy dukes rose even higher, barely revealing where her leg met the generous cheecks. The anger he had been feeling since Lorne offered a suggestion on exactly what song Angel should be tortured with, was now fueling the lust. It was a toxic combination for a vampire such as the former Scourge. So in part self preservation and protection for his unknowing ball of energy friend, he quickly fled to one of the old, dirty windows where some of the cleaning supplies had been placed. Snatching himself a rag and Windex cleaner, he immediately tackled the duty set out before him…

No physical contact with your seer allowed...

Do not watch her lose herself in the music…. In fact, don't look at her at all…

If these two plans fail, fake hearing Connor crying uncontrollably, and quickly make your escape. IT should work, since everyone here has experienced firsthand your obsessive Father side since Connor was born. If anybody stops you, pull the old Guilt-Over-Past-Sins routine over children you've murdered. The mention of the old days always has them back peddling.

As he discussed and reviewed over the plans in his mind, the music of the song Lorne suggested began it's catchy, seductive tune. True to the genre it was inspired by, the blended R&B and Hip Hop of the ear catching song held a certain energy to it that wasn't over done. It held a feeling of seduction to it that was low key, slower, but somehow prepared the body and soul for the words to come. Especially when the small group of friends Houston had with him, began introducing themselves in the beginning….

Houston, bounce

Yeah, I like that

Chingaling, bounce

Nate Dogg, I 20


Yeah, I like that

Angel had absolutely no idea who Nate… Dog was or what a I 20 exactly is or if it was actuall a who, but he did faintly recollect something about Chingaling…. Especially that voice who that said it. Chingy something.. Angel whipped around as the song suddenly sweeped up into the chorus that was filled with the men singing together. One of the voices was really familiar... Chingaling did bring back something…. He was the singer who sang the song that has seriously screwed him up…. Which means...

And by the looks of Cordelia slowly circling her hips with each wave of the 'Whoa'oohs,' he knew that this song would be yet another one that created heat, friction, and….

Now would be a good time to supposedly hear Connor screaming.

Whooa ooh whooa ooh whoa ooh whoa! (I like that)

I like that

I like that

Girl twirk that back'


I like that

I like that (Whooa ooh whooa ooh whoa ooh whoa!)

Girl freak that back

And she did. Her back was turned toward him as she smoothly rotated her hips, while at the same time moving her shoulders and arms that caused the back muscles to clench and release. Her tight, red tank top had both a low back and neck line, revealing golden flesh and muscles to all eyes. At the same time, her shirt was molded to her body enough to see muscles working…. And her bra line.


I like that

I like that

That's where the money at


I like that

I like that

Girl freak that back

By the time the last line was voiced, she quickly turned, her eyes instantly capturing his own. Angel knew then, he was being hunted, and claimed. To the beat of the music and Houston's words, she began to almost literally busting through his walls as she made her way toward him…. Seeing him… And never taking her eyes off of his darkening ones.

Houston bust straight through

I see me, I see you

Your body's callin'

By then she was standing just a few inches away, One hand trailing down his chest and tightly clenched stomach with a soft carresss…. And then….

Ima blow yo back out

I'll show you

She roughly pushed him around, facing the window that he was supposed to be cleaning. Angel gasped and kept his hands that were clenching the spray bottle and rage from dropping their items and grabbing her wandering hands. He had failed one plan in ignoring her completely… But he could at least not touch-

Put ya hands up

Shake it fast on me

I'm tha pimp you need

Angel felt her hands furiously and quickly touch every inch of his torso, speaking a thousand words that he could clearly understand. Possession…. Obsession…. Passion… and primal animal attraction.

10 G's in tha pocket and I'm ready to roll

I'm on fire like a rocket and I'm ready to blow

He couldn't say it better himself. At this moment, he was on stage red of a nuclear meltdown in his pants. Angel's eyes became glassy and nearly closed as he nearly gave into the sensation. So what that he would officially embarrass himself in front of his friends and the woman he…. Likes…. A lot… He's a vampire, damn it! Vampires may have a great pain tolerance and all, but they were still sensitive to touch. And that meant a hair trigger on certain… things if one was excited enough.

Don't stop get ready drop

Turn around and make it pop. (Pop!)

Cordelia allowed Angel to turn, as she herself also turned around and slowly lowered down, her bottom doing just that. Then….. Pop!

Oh Mary, mother of Jesus!

Ahh (don't stop girl) just drop (Drop)

Yes! Don't stop! Don't ever…. Oh, oh God!

Speaking of hair triggers, it was time to stop the near explosion that was about to happen. As soon as Cordelia put a little space between them to dance her way over to the rags and cleaning products in front of the window Angel was going to clean, the vampire quickly set to work on another window… across the room and closer to Wesley, Gunn, and Fred.

He immediately regretted it since he now caught glimpses of the three bumping and grinding in a threesome sort of dance. Fred was the white stuff in the oreo cookie while Gunn and Wesley played the cookie part that kept the yummy frosting nestled nice and tight in place. At least he wasn't going to embarrass himself now, not after seeing those two doing that…. Freaky dance with the not so innocent southern gal from Texas.

Whooa ooh whooa ooh whoa ooh whoaa!

I like that

I like that

Girl twirk that back


I like that

I like that Girl freak that back (whooa ooh whooa ooh whoa ooh whoaa!)

Angel began to spray the window, keeping his focus on the light blue liquid that mixed with the dirt and grime. He frowned as a suddenly clear thought that didn't involve ravishing Cordelia there in front of The Powers and everybody, emerged. He forgot to put his cleaning gloves back on…. Then the thinking process lead back to his dancing seer….

Neither did Cordy, since it was her hot little hands that burned him through his white tank.

I like that

I like that

That's where the money at


I like that

I like that

Girl freak that back

Suddenly, he felt a presence that held searing heat around it. Small, usually gentle hand gripped his arms almost painfully and forced him to move away from the window. Not liking the fact that he was being herded by a twenty-one year old woman, he pushed her hands off and whipped around. His stormy expression warned her to step away from the personal bubble she was demolishing. Cordelia's answer was to roughly push him up against the wall, her eyes telling him to suck it up… She was going to get what she wanted.

The soldiers widin' out

Got me back against tha wall

Girl I like it (I like that)

It was true. This was a very tame version of vampire foreplay. He of course prefured the role Cordy was playing, but in this case it was hot to be the one who was manhandled…. A forbidden thought crossed his mind as she brought her lips close to his, her hot breath caressing his own as her hands rubbed, caressed, and explored his cool flesh underneath his tank.

Cordelia would be a perfect vampire consort.

His soul felt the darkness inter a little more, unwillingly attracted as the image of a paler, golden goddess stalking her prey, feasting, and submitting to his beastly, beyond dark sexual appetites.

While you feelin' me grindin' in between on fighting temptation

Comin' over me (comin' over me)

Guilt mixed with his dangerous imaginations as the word consort turned into another word…. Possibly… vampire…. mate. Angel instantly put down the three second long fantasy, leaning more on the weak man's dreams as he allowed Cordelia to take him on a journey that could either start them on a new and beautiful coarse… or end with their friends blood on their hands.

I can feel the vibration (feel the vibration)

Getting' off on me (whoa ooh whoa ohh!)

Don't stop get ready drop

Turn around and make it pop (pop!)

Ahh…. Just drop (drop)

As the chorus began, Angel maneuvered them both around till Cordelia was facing the window, her back flushed up against his body. Her near silent intake of air didn't escape his notice, nor did the gentle push back she gave his now noticeable and eager excitement. Some of the control she had was now being stolen by Angel as he took lead, once and awhile rotating his hips to create more friction.

Angel's already going to hell… He might as well enjoy the journey.

Meanwhile, the current love triangle of the day were having a great time. The young woman dancing with the two men had no clue that she had captured both the men's interest, and possibly their hearts. In this one instant where two men are interested in the same girl, neither tried competing for her. Both were enjoying the equal attention bestowed on both while getting the cleaning work done faster and with much needed fun. And with the lack of rivalry there, certain things that would go unnoticed before were now more clear and obvious….

Such as the way Angel and Cordelia were cleaning together…. Although, there was absolutely nothing clean in their partnership at the moment.

"Whoa! I didn't know the vamp had it in him. Hell, I've never seen him even dance before."

"If you can call that dancing or…. cleaning in the first place," Wesley commented with a disapproving frown…. Never mind the little sandwich dance he had performed with Fred and Gunn a minute earlier.

"Looks like Moira to me," Fred sighed a happy reply as she stopped her dusting long enough to give the pair a dreamy smile, then to start a dorky version of hip bumping with Wesley.

"Who's Moira," Wes asked, enjoying this little dance with his crush and hopefully future lover.

"Well," began Fred as she turned and began to shake her ass up against Wesley's pelvis, unknowingly causing the already not so coordinated boss to drop his feather duster and to freeze like a deer caught in the headlights of a approaching car, "Moira is one of the words I learned in Pylea. It basically means a gut, physical attraction between two larger than life souls. Angel and Cordelia have that in spades. You know, I'm going to see if Cordy will let me burn a copy for me from this CD."

"Me too. This CD is more than tight! You know what I mean?"

"Wait a minute," Wesley kept dancing as he tried to stir the topic back to the more alarming subject. "I know that Angel is quite aware of Cordelia's…. physical attractiveness. I'll even dare to say that he's developed a crush on her, even if he's not willing to admit it. But as for Cordy, well, she's never shown any interest in him other than friendship and family love."

"Think again, English. Because you can't tell me she ain't feelin' him and the mojo goin' on," Gunn sighed as he jerked his head in the engaged couple basically dirty dancing while scrubbing the window clean.

As the chorus was coming close to the end, Wesley came to a split second decisions. And it was painful and a sacrifice on his part. Because nothing in this world could make him want to leave the lovely Texan's arms…. Nothing but the possibility of a reaccurance of Angelus in the future, that is.

"I think that window is clean enough. We should have the two join us in the dusting."

Fred frowned, and shook her head. "No, let's not bother them. They're in their own little world. Besides, we've got this corner cov-"

But Wesley would not be deturred. He made his way to the couple and tapped on Angel's shoulder. After all, it is the polite thing to do when cutting in on a dance.

Angel looked over his shoulder and growled. Deeply shocked, though Wes was expecting some sort of unpleasant verbal reaction or glare, the younger man took a step back with his duster held in front of him like a shield. Brown eyes were tinged with gold, reminding him of the time when he interrupted the heist for that evil shroud. He actually hoped that there was a duplicate of the shroud hidden within that room. That at least would be a cause and reason for the demon part of his friend to be so close to the surface.

Before a word could be spoken, Cordelia pushed Angel to the side and led Wesley to the middle of the room. There, as the next verse came into play, she began to dance enthusiasticly with her greatful yet troubled friend. Sadly, her choice of a new dance partner wasn't the best since it was clear that he still danced like a spaz…. But a spaz with style, at least.

Yeah, yeah, yeah

Drop… then let me see ya bring it back up top

She hot like a boiling pot

On the stove like whoa here we go (here we go)

Angel was forgotten for the moment as Wesley danced without reserve, enjoying his friend's moves. But then, as the verse continued, his enjoyment lessened as Chingy revealed his true goal in keeping Cordelia and the fuming vampire by the window. And by the looks of it…. Angel caught on right away when their eyes met. There, Wesley saw his painful future.

Maybe Fred will be his nursemaid as he slowly heals at the hospital. That would score him some alone time with the willowy brunette, without any of the others to get in the way.

Yea, I got me a reason and a plot tonight

And I'm leaving wit somethin' hot tonight

She gett'n got tonight, aiight

Dear merciful heavens! Did the man have to put it that way?

Stop… you though I lost ya

This 12 inches it'll cost ya

What I say ya gett'n tossed up

24's on tha whip I stay floss up

Thank God that Cordelia but some distance between them as she began to dance further away. Wesley could feel the heavy stare of the vampire lesson by degrees with each inch that grew between them, though it never left since they were still technically dancing with each other. Sending Gunn a look that was a silent cry for help, he hoped that his friend would take the oblivious seer off his hands and play the game, "Keep Away From The Vampire" with him.

She wann hang wit tha stars so I showed her my bracelet

I'm getting' yal chicks and rubbin' it in ya faces

By the time the verse ended, Angel had already slowly came back on to the scene. But before he could snatch Cordelia away from his sneaky friend, Gunn seemingly came out of nowhere and stole her to a corner of the room where he and his two friends had yet to dust.

Angel's brown eyes were nearly black with rage as Cordelia gave the handsome, tall man a grin and accepted the duster while dropping the rag. Then together, the two began to dance expertly while keeping absolutely no space between them as they dusted the shelves.

Yeah, yeah, yeah

Yeah jackpot give it back shouts n' broads

Look at ass drop forward back clap n' pause

We sweep all the broads and they all for choosin'

Then holla at ya nigga, is that a problem Houston?

Hell yes, there's a problem! This game of 'Keep Away' was really pissing Angel off! The only reason that Gunn still had his arms still attached to his body is because of the soul. Though anymore dancing like that will change even the soul's reluctance of primal violence.

Waisting no more time, Angel sped over and encircled Cordy's waist with his arms tightly, and gave his surprised friend a meaningful warning with his eyes. Charles Gunn merely winked and danced his way back to a not so pleased looking Fred and Wesley, though the two were displeased for different reasons.

As the chorus played out, Angel enjoyed the feeling of having Cordelia back in his arms, her entire backside of her body plastered to his front. The way her hips never lost timing with their seductive circular motion created the friction he had been missing since Wesley had whisked her away from his aching arms. It slowly calmed the beast within, allowing him to drop any violent fantasies of putting both Wes and Gunn in the hospital.

Slowly, the duster was transferred into his right hand, allowing Cordelia to snake her hand up behind and cup his face as he nuzzled against her neck. Both of them groaned simaltaniously at the sparks playing upon their nerves. Tingles and pleasant heat raced both inside and out as their dancing/dusting lost rytham. Both were in their own, private, universe that was created. Everything else melted away till it was just the two of them.

It felt so right and so wrong…. And neither wanted to stop, especially when the next shorter verse came into play.

(Whoa) turn me all over ya body

Big Nate Dogg can jump start a party

We ain't gonna hurt nobody

Gimme that , gimme that, gimme that

Angel's hands nimbly sang the words Nate Dogg had just declared. Brushing alongside her breasts with a sweet caress, then rubbing in circular motions up and down her flat tummie while adding a slight squeeze with each, 'Gimme that.'

(Whoa!) turn me all over ya body

Big Nate Dogg can jump start a party

We ain't gonna hurt nobody

Gimme that, gimme that, gimme that

And she did give it to him. His silent reassurance and demands gave her the liberty to do so. Together, they lost and found themselves within each other, uncaring that they were rubbing and moving to their own beat. Warrior and seer. Man and Woman… Vampire and…. Not as much human now days… Together, the two became a whole.

Whooa ooh whooa ooh whoa ooh whoa!

I like that

I like that

Girl twirk that back


I like that

I like that (Whooa ooh whooa ooh whoa ooh whoa!)

Girl freak that back

The two didn't notice the three pairs of eyes that watched them, each of them thinking different things on this new development.

For Fred, it was something she inwardly jumped for joy over. Something she wouldn't have been doing when she had her understandable crush on the vampire in question. Even then though, there was something to the two of them that seemed different. More intimate, so to speak. Though true, neither had ever given a sign of anything going on between them, the ex-slave of Pylea had often wondered if there was more to their growing story that went beyond friendship, and the kinship they had for the mission….

And as she suspected, there was. Now, it looks like maybe they too were now realizing it… and possibly a mutual fate that was meant to be.

Wesley, on the other hand, was way less romantic and starry eyed over this thing. Like Fred, he's noticed the bond between the two when first coming on the scene there in LA. Though there was absolutely nothing romantic to their relationship and quite frankly would be laughable then, there was connection and closeness that nobody could quite partake in. At first, he tried to fight for that spot himself. But then he found his spot in the small family, and realized that his role in it was different, but no less important or less loved.

As time went on, that friendship and bond he witnessed between the two grew stronger and more durable. Especially after Angel came back to the fold. Since then, their places in each others lives was cemented. Which meant in Wes's mind, that nothing could break that ever again…. Or change it. Apparently, he was wrong. So very wrong. And since it is now mutual, he knew that only trouble could come from it…. And that saddened him, because both deserved some happiness. He didn't believe in soul mates destined to be, but he did believe in love.

But in their case, that love mustn't be allowed to grow.

AS for Gunn, he was more simple than his two cleaning buddies. Frankly, he didn't like any guy pawing and feelin' Cordy up. He saw the curvy brunette as a sister. That's something that he doesn't bestow lightly. So yes, it did bother him that Angel was treating Cordy like a sexy woman he wanted to hump on the very spot they were dancing on.

But…. He also knew that the brooding, way too serious vampire would never cross any lines Cordelia would set. Especially one that could turn him into Darth Vamp again. So, as long as he respected her and knew that there could be no games of hiding the salami, then Gunn might... could step back, and let this thing develop. Besides, why not seize the day when you have the chance? With the line of work they were in, it was clear that at one point, they're gonna die. So when some happiness comes your way, snatch it up before it disappears.

As the end of the song neared, the three watched on silently as they allowed the two to their one moment in time and space before reality would come crashing down. They at least owed them that much.

Yeah, yeah, yeah

Turn around from tha back and um, I like that

Let me see it from tha front and uh, I like that

Yeah, you know how we do

Turn around

Let me see it from tha back

Cordelia had given Angel a mock glare as he made her do what the song had demanded. By the time the last line had ended, the poor vampire lost his Angelus like smirk and began to actually wonder if she was offended. But as she walked away from him, she tossed him a teasing smile. With a grin placed firmly on his face, Angel eagerly caught up with his seer and dipped her as the music ended.

The sound of Fred and Gunn's enthusiastic clapping was the dose of reality they needed, but didn't want. The two parted and gave their small audience owlish looks, as if not quite understanding what just happened…

"That was just – Oh my gosh – it was so… so-"

"Hot," Gunn finished with a lazy grin.

"Oh yes! In the hot and pleasantly sweaty kind of way!"

Cordy and Angel sneaked a peak at each other. Both of their clothes were ruffled and yes, sweat did lightly sheen their skin like some sexy moment on screen.

Expecting to see her ever stoic friend to look embarrassed and shy, what she got from Angel was the opposite. His usually milky, chocolate eyes were like black, sparkling diamonds. There was no shame or anything that would tell a story of regret to be found. Instead, she saw passion, heat, and a storm of emotions that she's only seen directed at one woman before. The girl then was blond, petite, and was destined and called to kill his kind. But now, it was directed on…. On…..

Whoa! Since when did I become the gal he wants to share forbidden kisses with?

The growing heat pooling in her belly and quickly spreading to the rest of her already sensitized body, was a even deeper shock. Especially since it wasn't caused by the song that now was currently playing.

And since when did I wanted to play the gal who gets all the Angel smoochies that her body could withstand?

"Well, I think we're doing a marvelous job in here. We might just get this place cleaned in no time," Wesley announced to interrupt the hungry looks being exchanged by his two friends.

Blinking, Cordelia managed to be the first one who broke the staring. Licking her suddenly dry lips, she gave Wesley a blind smile as she quickly walked toward the opened door to freedom.

"Well, duh! I told you Houston was the only way in getting the job done quicker. But I think we should take a break, get something to drink, possibly cool off before we…. Continue."

"Good idea," Wesley mumbled gratefully, walking over to the CD player to pause it. "How about a five minute break?"

Cordelia paused and looked over her shoulder at the silent and still vampire. None of the passion and absolute rawness she saw just seconds earlier had diminished. If anything, it only increased.

"Better make that ten."

"Ten it is," Wesley said with a understanding nod, studying the vampire as he watched Cordelia leave.

Nine nights later…

The high of smacking that big toothed, more muscle than brawn, Pylean champion had left as soon as Cordelia saw the state of her boy toy, and had immediately began to coddle the dumb ox with her Florence Nightingale routine. His obvious feelings he now recognizes for his best friend aside, it really rubbed Angel the wrong way in the way she put the already healing half demon first! Lavishing all her tender loving care on him when Angel was the one who saved that pain in the neck's ass. She's barely glanced at him, not noticing that he was hurting too…

Just not as much as the bruised dumb-ass… Angel smirked, remembering every punch he gave, every word he spoke; the entire thing had been a great outlet for his growing anger and frustration. Plus seeing that Groo's impulsive nature was more a flaw than an asset was pretty damn satisfying. Mr. Perfect wasn't so perfect after all.

But in the end, who really won here? It certainly wasn't Angel, since it was Groo who was being fussed over by his seer. And watching as she in a uncaring manner ripped his shirt open, was just yet another kick in the teeth.


Angel looks at the useless shirt that now hung from Groo's manly chest and arms as Cordelia dabbed at the closing wound.

"It's, ah – it's okay. It, ah, was already ruined."

"Well, if it's any consolation, I planned to rip it off him later anyway."

And the damn kicking just keeps on coming.

Cordy whipped her head around to look at Angel. "You did get the potion, didn't you?"

He was really tempted to tell Cordelia that the flask had been broken during his part in rescuing their friends (and the dumb ape) from the tree demon. In all honesty, Groo would probably back him up on the lie since the dark eyed Pylean didn't pay attention to the material of the flask that held the potion. For all he knew, it was made of glass. And since he was 'Good-Friend-Angel' who would never lie about this, then yeah he could get away with it without the guilt. Angel would officially put a halt to the would be com-shucking activities Cordy had planned, giving him time to….

Do what? Hell, nothing has changed. He's still a vampire trying to make up for a past that could never really be forgiven or forgotten, he lives in a hotel with only a small part that was safe for human living conditions, he had a curse that could strip him of his soul, and he's a single father of a child who he helped create with his sire, who was a key of many elements that had him flipping out a year ago. It was clear that Angel knew and could admit that he has nothing to offer Cordelia. But Groo, he… he could give her a lot more than he can….. Even if he is a dumb, pretty boy…. With big teeth and…. Angel's hair style, clothes, and….

Huh, she really did go all out in his makeover… Turning Groo into himself….

Wait a minute…. Why would she do that? And it can't be because my clothes are the only ones that fit him. Gunn wears ruffly the same size shirts and pants as I do. Besides, Gunn's a inch or so taller than me, and apparently Groo grew some since Pylea because no way was I shorter than him! So it makes since that she should have gone to Gunn's closet for clothes, not mine. So the question is…. Why the same hairstyle, clothes, and cologne that I have?

"Angel?... God, he's doing it again!"

"Doing what, princess?"

Angel blinked and came back to the present. And with his little mental side trip, he found some clarity. The threat Groo represented was no longer there. Not when it's so obvious who she was trying to turn Groo into. Oh yes, he's figured Cordelia out. And from what he now sees, it should be Groo who's worried.

After all, he's a home owner. Groo has nothing since being dethroned by his citizens. Angel also owns his own clothes, car, and own self style. The poor slug had to take a pointer from him when Cordelia became his hair, clothing, and soap specialist. And then there was his weapons. Again, Angel has his own collection that Groo had to barrow from.

But hey, Angel's a fair guy. He can for one moment put all of the trivial things aside for the comparison in who would be a better match for Cordelia Chase. And here were the results.

1. Groo has only known Cordelia for officially about forty-eight hours or more. The night and day they spent together in Pylea was included in that estimate. As for Angel, he's known Cordelia for five years. Though technically, they were more acquaintances in Sunnydale. It wasn't till they bumped into each other here in LA did he begin to learn and get to know who the real Cordelia Chase is.

2. The only kind of relationship they have had time to build, is during the fairy tale champion thing in Pylea, and then some make over thing here in LA. Basically, the only thing they have going is the urge for sex. (Something Angel admits he wouldn't be able to do since it's clear that he is in love with Cordy, therefore the sex would in the end cause the curse to kick in.) Still, no talking or dating would mean that their relationship would be based upon the foundations of sex. Sure, that's fun for awhile, but then when that starts to get less…. exciting, that leaves you with a person you virtually know nothing about and you really haven't taken the time to get to know.

3. Angel owns a hotel and has a job. Cordelia lives in a apartment meant for one or two people. What they make with their job is enough for each of the team members to live a comfortable life…. But anything beyond that is stretching it. So having a unemployed, ex ruler moving in with you would put a lot of stress in the money department. Though yes, both Wes and Cordy both mentioned taking Groo on as another member to their team…. So that gave him employment and some income…. Still, the guy has no green card or proof of ever being born in this dimension. That's got to make it harder, since who knows what the future holds. The agency they run could go under, and then what? Hmmm?

4. Angel would make a better lover for Cordelia. He didn't need to use a certain part of his anatomy to bring mind blowing pleasure to her. As long as he didn't allow himself to find the bliss in the oral aspects of love making, the two of them would be sated and completely satisfied. What experience does Mr. He-Man have? From what he heard in Pylea, none! The guy would probably hurt Cordelia, not knowing that she's only been with one other man with ulterior motives.

The list could go on and on.

"Don't worry, princess, our mission to the brothel was a success. I gave Friend Angel the potion while I…. went to confront the beast that held Fred and Gunn prisoner."

"Thank you Groo. At least someone is actually listening to me when I talk."

"Sorry," Angel replied, though he clearly and purposely showed Cordelia he really wasn't.

"Whatever, just tell me that it's safe and sound."

Angel pulled out the blue flask to her intense relief. Cordelia then turned her attention back on Groo's bare chest.

"Well, this isn't so bad. You heal almost as fast as he does."

Angel smugly added that bit of information to his mental list. Almost is close, but still not good enough.

"Princess, I – I have a confession to make."

Angel for a moment panicked, thinking Groo was going to explain in details how he had pummeled him to nearly a bloody pulp while being fed on by the tree demon. That would definitely not help his case in convincing Cordelia that he was the guy for her.


"A confession? What – what confession? Did something happen at the brothel?"

Suddenly, those eyes of menace honed in on the too silent friend of hers.

"You were supposed to look after him!"

Again, he was tempted to let Cordelia come to her own conclusions. It would really help his cause…. But like in Pylea, he really is too noble for his damn good.

"Nothing happened, Cor. I promise. We went in, got the potion, then went straight to the park to do a little saving. That's all."

"Oh…. Well, good. Thanks," Cordelia replied a bit awkwardly, a little shamed face at her instant accusations directed toward Angel. Then a dreamy smile replaced it as she thumped Groo on the shoulder. "You big hero!"

"No. I was reckless! I put everyone in grave peril…. Angel is the true champion," Groo said as he looked at the surprised hero with admiration. "He saved us all."

While keeping her eyes on Groo, Cordelia softly asked, "Did you hear that?"

With a growing pleased smile, Angel replied, "Yeah, but-"

"How many guys would just give away the credit like that? That is just so noble," Cordy interrupted. She then held out her hand with a demanding look. "The potion."

To her surprise and utter astonishment, Angel placed the small bottle back in his pocket.

"Angel, stop messing around and-"

"Just humor me for a second," Angel replied softly before turning his attention on Groo's questioning face. "She won't be long. I just need to talk to Cordelia for a second, about what she owes me."

Cordelia's mouth hung opened with the gall of the vampire who she claimed was her best friend. Especially since this was a small favor that frankly, didn't require that much effort on his part in the retrieval of the expensive portion. And what made it even more shocking was that her new boyfriend just stood up and told Angel that he was sure that Cordelia was just as eager and happy as he was in repaying him for his noble acts that day. Then with a smile offered to her, he left the warrior and seer alone in the lobby, going outside to wait for her.

Hands placed themselves on her hips as her mouth finally snapped shut. The two simply stared at each other, one clearly annoyed and suspicious, while the other was calm and Serene.


"Well what?"

Most would take heed when that foot begins to tap and those lips tighten up. It was the signs of a verbal spar match that nobody but the young woman would come out of alive. But not Angel. Not tonight. He was ready, and what's more he was running the show now.

"Don't play mind games with me, Angel. Tell me this favor that I owe you so I can go and actually have a sex life."

"Don't count your chickens before the eggs hatch, Cordelia."


Angel motioned for her to come closer. Rolling her eyes, she complied. After all, when she thought about it, she did owe him. He completed his mission and made sure that Groo came back alive…. And still a virgin. So yeah, there was some definitly owing here.

"What can I do for you? Buy you some more shirts? Back rub? Never reorganize your weopans in alphabetical order again?"

"Yes to all of those, but that isn't the favor I'm asking for."

With a small shrug, she gave him a puzzled look and asked, "Then… what do you want?"

There are many things Angel wanted. Cordelia was just the one thing that topped his list.


She nodded, urging him to continue.

Suddenly, Angel grabbed Cordelia's hands, and pulled her up against him as he held her hands outstretched till she was virtually spread eagle, and completely plastered up against his hard body. She was too shocked over this new position for them to even think about handing him his family jewels to him on a silver platter. And even if she could think that far ahead that wasn't the mental mantra, 'Oh my God! Oh my God,' her body was already betraying her by melting into his dominant hold.

"I want you."

Angel's voice was low and gravely as he declared this against the delicate shell of her ear. The baritone in his suddenly deep voice had set off an instant reaction in her body. It started with a shiver that went from her ear, to her spine in which it traveled down till the shiver became heavy trembling. His words and voice held all the intent that she needed to know.

A squeak left her lips as he lifted his head to allow her to see. And dear God, were those eyes that she secretly admires were way beyond intense! He looked like a ravenous wolf that was ready to swallow her whole. And with those intense tractor beams concentrated fully on her, her breathing became erratic, causing her breasts that were already flush against his as near as possible, to rub and cause a delicious sensation that went straight to her now curled toes.

"Wha…. What?"

"You heard me, Cordy."

Angel was enjoying every bit of this. As long as he can remember having a soul, he's never felt so free and in control of everything around him. Embracing the love that had sneacked up on him was the best therapy he could have gone through. No longer did he have to fret over this new chapter in their lives. Somehow, he knew that everything would be alright. They could make this work.

Poor girl. She really has no clue to what her heart already knows. Guess it was up to him to make that part known to her over worked, intelligent but completely clueless mind.

"Cordy," he began as she shook her head in denial. "Denying this isn't going to stop what's already happening. For some time now, we've been dancing around each other, trying to understand what was changing with us."

"Angel, j-just stop-"

"I know for myself that I was already struggling with my attraction to you. Then again, you already knew this, don't you?"

Her dark brown eyes widened impossibly further as she tried to deny it verbally. But Angel chuckled, which caused her to gasp as the wonderful sensations vibrated from his chest and into hers. Plus, Angel chuckling was so damn sexy!

"I guess for myself, it really became noticeable when you forced me to face my secret, dark fantasies about you."

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"You remember, I'm sure you do," Angel replied in a all too innocent voice. God, she wanted to smack that all too evil smirk off of his smug face!... Or kiss him till he's the one melting against her.

"It was the first time I got the pleasure of seeing your special cleaning routine."

The way he said it almost sound as if he was a little miffed that she hadn't done it for him before. Of course, that is all his fault since he was the one who fired them in the first place.

"That's when I realized that my attraction for you was more than a male friend just now noticing that his best friend has breasts after all. I had feelings behind the desire. And thanks to you and two of our nosey friends… well three, but Wesley was actually warning me to don't even think about pursuing you."

Cordelia's mouth dropped again as some irrational anger toward their English boss for butting in like that came… then went when she realized that she should be glad at least someone didn't want herself and Angel to be….. couple-y.

"Thanks to them, and your inclusion of me in your cleaning fun, and the ballet, I had to put a name to those feelings. And that is-"

"Angel, don't!"


Cordelia shivered again and sagged against him, placing her head underneath his jaw. She didn't need to hear that! Angel couldn't be doing this, giving her his heart when she didn't ask for it. Especially since she finally has a guy who loves her unconditionally, and who can handle her life style…. What was his name again?

"I love you. I'm in love with you, and there's no going back from that."

"Angel, please, we can't."

She heard and felt him sigh. And it hurt that she was breaking his heart. More than it should. But he was her best friend! This thing that he thinks he has for her isn't real. It's just some left over residue from the possession last night…. And her stupid mistake in trying to get Angel to loosen up while cleaning up Connor's new nursery... Right?

"Still in denial. But that's okay, because I'm not asking you for permission, Cordelia. Or to even give up the potion you bought for you and my clone waiting outside."

And that instantly put a stop to all her swirling emotions. Easing her head back, she gave him a glare that would chip paint right off a wall.

"Excuse you! He's not a – where would you – he… uh…."

"Groo," Angel offered since she clearly couldn't remember the name of his clone.

"Yes! Groo! He is his own-"

"Nice hair cut, by the way. And the clothes. I have to admit, my look I have going is attractive."

She let out a low growl and struggled to get away, but she was still playing the little lamb caught in the big bad wolf's hungry jaws. And as much as Cordy hated to admit it, she was at the Dork's mercy…. When has she sunk this low without even realizing it till now?

"And you know what? I'm not afraid of being replaced by him anymore."

And just like that, her anger deflated like a balloon at his comment. Angel felt threatened by Groo?... Great, how did she miss that?

Well duh! You were too busy giving Groo Angel's favorite weapons, clothes, and stating over and over just how hot he makes you to even notice your best friend feeling pushed out of his champion status. Great job, Cor! That 'Bitch of the Year' title may be given back to you after all.

"Angel, I'm sorry if I-"

"I mean it. He's no longer a threat to me."

Again with the interrupting! Wait – what does he mean by that?

"I realized something tonight. You're subconsciously trying to turn Groo into me since a relationship with me wouldn't be the easiest. And I can understand that."

Well, good!... I think.

"But you need to understand something too. You're worth fighting for."

Angel's grin grew as her reluctant eyes flared with lust and the love that she's so busy denying.

"Yes, you are. We both deserve to be cut a break. And unlike our previous relationships, we have an ingredient that will make us work."

Color me stupid, but I can't help but be a little curious and…. No…. NO! Not hopeful!

"Friendship. We've become friends…. Best friends, and that is something that makes us different."

Suddenly, his lips lightly brushed against hers. The kiss was chaste, unlike their body positions at the moment. But it was in no way boring or simple. That small kiss held a world of passion, love, and a security that made her breathless in its wake.

As Angel finally released her from his embrace, she found her legs to be like jello. Thankfully, he reach out and held her steady till she could stand on her own. At least, that's what she thought he was doing, till he placed her hand over where the demon had stabbed and attempted to feed off of him through the unbeating heart.

"Don't worry about me, Cordelia. I don't need any more patching up here. Not since I know who I want, and who I want to make happy for the rest of her days."

And boy howdy, does she want to jump his bones at that moment! Who needs a Pylean when she has this endearing, sweet, good manpire offering her the world?...


She cursed herself for being weak. After all, she's tried avoiding the vampire for nine days now. Keeping all contact to a minimum thanks to their little cleaning day. All kinds of feelings that she's kept locked up had overwhelmed her with their intensity, and yes it scared her. After thinking about it, she came to the same conclusion that he should have done as well. It would never work. Somehow, the obstacles that the curse represented would become too much, and would cause them to eventually to resent each other. Which in the end, would destroy their friendship and family. And since nobody could leave as long as she had the visions, they would be forced to live in pain till one or the other dies.

Their friendship meant far more to her than another romance angst saga that she's witnessed in Sunnydale. Angel was too vital to her very being to ever lose emotionally or physically. Why can't he see that they have too much now to risk losing evertyhing someday in the future?

Before she could reject him, Angel spoke up.

"My favor should be having you…. But that would be wrong. Just be grateful that I have a soul, or else I wouldn't be so reasonable on this."

And how is that supposed to make me grateful? And since when did he stop splitting hairs on the whole Angelus/Angel debate?

"It's simple. I want you to hold off on the comshucking with Groo."


"Leave the potion with me, and give me seven days to prove to you how we fit each other perfectly."

"Again, WHAT?"

"That's it. Don't use the potion, no com-shucking, and give me the chance to convince you to leave the Pylean Nat, and become my lover."

She should really tell the vampire to stuff a stake up where the sun don't shine till he's spitting out splinters… Really, she should.

"And what if I don't?"

Apparently, her mouth is not taking any messages from her brain. Especially since his sexy smirk is turning into something she can never fight. A full tooth, light filled smile that enhanced his eternal youthfulness.

"If you still have any doubts and reservations of the possibility of there ever being an us, and," Angel paused and gave her a serious look that kept her mouth shut, "if you are not in love with me, then I'll give you the potion that you spent way too much money for."

Cordelia considered just reaching in his pocket and taking the damn thing, but she had too many odds stacked against her. And that's not counting his super vampire speed or strength…. Besides that, what he's proposing isn't all that bad. Maybe, he'll realize by the end of the week that they're just friends and will always be just that.

"Okay, I'll do this as the favor I own you for getting the potion, and taking care of Groo for me."


Taking a step back as he released her hand, Cordelia wondered just exactly what has she gotten herself into. Offering a hasty goodbye, she quickly turned and fled toward the glass doors. But yet again, she stopped when Angel called out her name. Turning around, she gave him an impatient glare.

"Don't forget, no sex with Groo."

Cordelia rolled her eyes.

"Angel, I already know that. Besides, I don't have the potion to allow me to do that with him."

"Sex has a wide range of things, Cordy. So when I say sex, I mean everything that is associated with it."

Okay, she knows there's things you can do without penetration, but what exactly all those things are is a mystery due to her only one time experience.

"You mean-"

"No oral sex, no heavy petting, no nakedness of any kind, and absolutely no kissing," Angel counted off the list off of his fingers.

"Now just wait a damn minute, Angel! Kissing isn't a part of sex at all."

Angel crossed his arms, giving her the immovable stare. God, she hated that stare!

"True, but it can lead up to sex. And since he's living with you and has never known the touch of a woman, I can't trust-"

"God, Angel! I'm not some sex crazed teenager with no self control!"

"I trust you, Cordelia, but I don't trust him. You forget, I'm a male. And I was once a man. I know how us males think since I was probably the worst of the lot."

"This wasn't a part of the deal, Angel," she whined.

"Everything associated with sex is part of the favor. And if you keep pushing it, I'll add cuddling to that list as well."

The gall of her studly, hot best friend was just…. Just…. ERRRRRRRRRRRG!

"Fine! I hope you're happy, Angel!"

He smirked, giving his pissed seer a wink.

"Oh yes, very happy. But not blissfully so. Otherwise, Groo would be…."

Cordelia couldn't help the flabbergasted expression that covered her face as he teasingly made a cutting motion across his neck.

"You're sick, you know that?"

"So I've been told."

"Can I go now?"

Angel nodded, telling her to have a goodnight with sweet dreams. She wasn't amused.

Alone, he turned around and began to whistle. And standing in the doorway of the office, was his nosey friend Wesley. But even the disapproving glare he was receiving wasn't enough to ruin his good mood.

"I thought we talked about this, Angel."

"Actually, you talked and I listened. It didn't mean that I agreed."

After some good long seconds, his boss and good meaning friend gave a weary sigh as he took off his glasses and began to clean them.

"There are so many factors you have to take into consideration, Angel."

"I have. Believe me, I have been wrestling with this for a long time. Longer than you know."

Wesley simply looked at him with exasperation. "Then you know that pursuing a relationship with Cordelia is not only dangerous, but will be stopping her from having a normal life and family."

Low blow, but it had to be said.

"Yes, I do know," Angel spat out, his face hardening. Then he softened a little towards his worried friend. "But you also know that there will never be normal for any of us."

He had him there… up to a point.

"Yes, and Cordelia has made it known that she isn't interested in anything normal, and has accepted that fate. But Groo, he can…."

Wesley stopped as he remembered what he told Angel earlier about the Groosalug and himself. He would only be contradicting himself and throwing all of Angel's limitations in his face.

"He can do things and give her what she needs and deserves," Angel finished. "I can't give her walks in the sun, or anything normal that a human can. But…. I can still try to give her everything else, including happiness and love."

Angel really did hate repeating himself, especially since Wesley already heard his declarations and intentions regarding Cordelia.

"Wesley, I'm fighting for her. For this and what it can be. I love Cordelia."

Despite his reservations, Wesley had to admire him. Despite knowing that the woman he loves has chosen another, the vampire was still going to fight for it all….. Wesley wished he could say the same for himself and Fred…. But there is some differences. One of which is that Gunn is his best friend. To fight for something that is already a lost cause would put a rift between himself, Charles, and dearest Fred. Despite the fact that love and Fred are worthy causes to fight for, it wasn't the right thing to do…. And neither was this favor card Angel was pulling.

"And what if she doesn't choose you, Angel? What if she really, truly, does love Groo? After all, wasn't it love at first sight for you when you first laid your eyes on Buffy?"

When Angel didn't reply, Wesley thought he got his point across at last. He found no joy in that, and felt a sad kinship with the champion. Maybe, men like themselves were meant to be alone, always looking in from the outside…

"Yes, I loved Buffy. I still do, just not in the same way. She was the first to love me, and to accept me for being a vampire, Wesley. For that, I'll always cherish our time together."

A smile spread across his solemn face, causing Wesley to pull himself from his personal pity party.

"But I'm no longer in love with her. My heart has moved on, and is in the best hands capable. Fort Cordelia not only loves me and accepts the demon within, but she loves 'it' as well. So if Cordy isn't in love with me and chooses that…. Chooses Groo, I'll give her the potion. The selfish, weak man that still lingers will follow the agreement we made."

The seriene smile turned wicked as he added, "But I'll never stop trying to capture her heart. And that is what my demon side has decided. And so has the man. Even when she's old and grey, I'll continue to love her and tell her that. What can I say? I'm a hunter by nature. I always have been, even when I was that lazy, pathetic, drunken, womanizer Liam."

Wesley watched the vampire eagerly jog up the stairs, jaw dropped and open for a fly to come rest in if it felt like it. The words his somewhat obsessed friend had said kept repeating themselves over and over…. And bloody hell, it made him feel hopeful for himself!

A chuckled filled the lobby as the depression and darkness that had settled within lifted.

"Love is a funny thing," the Englishman said softly as he turned off the lights and left the prophecies on his desk. Unknowingly repeating what another fellow, dead Englishman had said to the Buffy and Angel twosome. His chuckles turned into full blown laughter as he locked up the doors before turning and walking to his car. "Poor, innocent, care free Cordelia! She really doesn't know who's pursuing her…. I almost feel sorry for the girl… Almost."

When you think about it, it is kind of funny. The former Scourge of Europe plotting and romancing a half demon seer for The Powers That Be…. Yes, love is truly a funny thing.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed it! Actually, writing this version became really fun and easy, especially when I switched gears and changed what I had planned for it. Now, if my… uh… description of the lust moments were bad or whatever, sorry. I'm just not used to going there, as you can tell. I'm more for the plot than the…. Smut in writing. Though I like to read some Angel/Cordy smut occasionally. (Blushes) Well, there ya go. Please tell me which scenario you prefer so I can finish the last instalment. In other words, click the review button. (smiles hopefully.)