Disclaimer: I own nothing.

Nina's POV

I was sitting on a bench near the train station, waiting for my cab. A boy, he looked to be about a teenager, came and sat next to me.



"American are you?"

"Yeah. Could you tell because of the accent?"

"No, actually it was because of the American Flag on your suitcase."

"Oh, that's not a good way to blend in."

"No, not really." I took off my flag and put it in the trash next to me.

"Hi, my name's Nina." I put out my hand.
He grabbed my hand. "Hi, my name's Fabian, where are you going?"

"I'm going to the Boarding School about ten miles away. I got a full scholarship for the rest of high school." I raised my head higher, proud of the fact I was a scholarship student.

"Really? Me too! Where are you boarding?"

I searched through my paperwork. "I'm boarding in...Anubis House."

"Really? Me too. I have a feeling you'll like it there."

"Oh really? And how do you think that?"

"Well, considering you're a scholarship student, you're probably really smart, which means you'll get along well with Mara, but she can be fairly quiet. Most of the time, she's reading."

"Who's Mara? Your girlfriend?"

"Actually, I don't have a girlfriend." The cab pulled up then.

"I'm here to take a Miss Nina Martin and a Mr. Fabian Rutter to Anubis House?" We both stood up. The cab driver took both of our suitcases and put them in the trunk. Fabian opened the door for me and I slid in.


"Welcome." Fabian slid in after me and shut the door behind him. Then, the cab driver opened his door and started the car.

"I see you two have met," he said.

"Yeah, I was sitting on the bench when Fabian here came and sat next to me. We got to talking and we figured out that we're going to be in the same house this year," I said.

"Well that's good." The cab driver didn't speak for the rest of the car ride there.

"Okay, so you were telling me about our housemates. Tell me more."

"Well, like I said Mara's really smart. Like the school almost pays her to come here."


"No. But they should be." We laughed.

"Okay, Mara's roommate should be Patricia. Patricia can be mean sometimes, but once you get to know her, she's actually pretty nice."

"Well that's good."

"Your roommate should be Amber. Now I must warn you, when Amber asks you to go shopping, say no."


"Because once, Amber took Patricia shopping. Before they left, Patricia was one of the nicest people you could've ever met. Now, she tends to be mean unless your on her good side. Then there's my roommate, Mick. Before I left for the summer Mick and Amber were dating, but it could be a different story now."

"So don't mention Mick to Amber unless she mentions him first?"

"Yeah, unless you want to hear a long story about their relationship."

"I'll have to remember that." He laughed.

"Mick's also really sporty. He likes to wake up at five in the morning on Saturday's, and trust me that gets quite annoying, so the only two left, are Jerome and Alfie. All I can say is don't make them mad or else you may get pranked. They love to prank everyone."

"Okay, so let me get this straight. Mara is the smart one and is really quiet. Patricia can be mean, but once you get to know her she can be really nice. Amber likes to shop and was dating Mick last time you knew. Mick is really sporty and likes to wake up early. Jerome and Alfie are the pranksters of the house. Now, all I need to know about is you." I looked him in the eyes. I noticed his eyes were a dark blue. I liked them.

"So you want to know more about me?"

"I would like that yes."

"Okay, well my name is Fabian Rutter. I'm 15 and I've been going to this boarding school since I was ten. All of my housemates are like my family. Trudy is like my mother."

"You'll have to tell me about Trudy later."

"Oops, yeah I forgot about her. I don't know how I could forget Trudy's cooking. Anyway, I have four older siblings. Two sisters whose names are Serenity and Mollie, and two brothers whose names are Xavior and Dylan."

"Wow, you got stuck with the odd name out didn't you."

"Yeah, you could say that. My parents originally didn't want me to go to boarding school, they said I was too young and that they didn't have the money. Well, once I got a scholarship, they said I could go, but I had to go home during every break."

"Oh, so you're a scholarship student too? I guess they won't be too hard on me then for being a scholarship student if they all like you."


"Do you still go home during all the breaks?"

"Only Christmas break. But that's only if no one else is staying home."

"Guess I'll be hanging out with you for the rest of my Christmases' then. My Gran said I could only come home on summer break because she doesn't have the money to pay for an overseas plane ticket three or four times a year."

"That sucks."

"Not really. Not since I'll be spending Christmas with a friend." I smiled at him.

"Okay, welcome to the campus. I'll help you get your bags out of the trunk," the cab driver said.

Fabian opened my door for me again and held out his hand for me to grab onto. I blushed slightly and held onto his hand slightly longer than I should have.

We walked to the back of the car and grabbed our suitcase. We each payed for half of the fare and split the tip. We thanked him and started walking towards our house. "Okay, so I've told you pretty much everything I can think of about me. How about you?"

"Well, my name is Nina Martin. I'm 14, but I turn 15 in two weeks. This is my first time going to school away from home, in fact this is my first time ever leaving the time zone. My Gran didn't want me coming here because it was too far away, but after convincing her all summer, she finally said yes. My only family is my Gran and my dad's parents."

"Why do you live with your Gran? You don't have to tell me unless you want to of course."

"No, it's alright. I moved in with my Gran when my parents died in a car crash. I was only three and was in the car with them when it happened." I pulled back my sleeve to reveal the four inch long scar on my arm that I'd had for as long as I could remember.

"My Gran told me it was a miracle I survived. I don't really remember my parents. The only thing I remember about them was that my mom used to sing to me before I went to bed and my dad would take me for a ride through the car wash because I loved the car wash."

"Wow, I'm sorry. I had no idea."

"It's no big deal. It happened 11 years ago. I just thought you should know. Your the first person I've told ever since my best friend Charlotte back in America saw my scar."

"I hope that means you trust me, because if you do, then this is the beginning to a beautiful friendship," said Fabian.

I looked at him. "Yeah I guess I do trust you."

We walked in a comfortable silence until suddenly, we were in front of a large house with vines growing all over the windows. I gaped at the house in awe.

"Welcome to Anubis House."

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