Hello Again

Hey guys! Thank you to everyone who has reviewed or added this story to alert/fav ect. Sorry it has taken me ages to upload again, I've been busy. Hope you enjoy this chapter, I think it's the longest chapter yet!:)

Chapter 6

Clary walks through the library doors to find Alec standing behind a big oak desk; Isabelle and Sebastian were sitting on a chair, she finally looked across the room to find Jace lying on the sofa with Aline sitting on his lap.

"What is she doing here?" Aline spat. Running her fake nails up and down Jace's arm, while he just stared past her looking through the window.

"I could say the same to you!" Isabelle retorted, crossing her arms. Sebastian looked surprised by her outburst.

"Alec would you care to explain?" Aline said sweetly.

Alec rolled his eyes and placed his hands on the desk. Clary moved further into the room and leaned against a side table.

"Mom rang me this morning to say that the Penhallows had got in touch with her and asked if Sebastian could stay with us a little longer so he could experience shadow hunting over here, in New York. They wi…"

"That still doesn't explain why she is here." Clary interrupted, gesturing her head towards Aline.

Aline sent her daggers and was about to retort back but Sebastian interrupted.

"I asked her to come." Sebastian said.

"Well, why did you do that?" Isabelle muttered, tossing her hair over her shoulder.

"I needed someone familiar around." Sebastian replied.

"What, you can't go somewhere without a babysitter?" Jace said with a smirk.

Clary noticed it was the first time he had said something since she had walked in, She also noticed he didn't seem like his normal self, there was something distant in his eyes.

"It's not as if she is going to be with me anyway, she will stuck on your face all the time!" Sebastian snapped back. Clary couldn't help but snort. Jace's eyes flickered towards Clary and then went back to glaring at Sebastian.

"Your right who wouldn't want to be next to this all day long" Jace spat.

Clary rolled her eyes and said "Right Alec, is this meeting over?" before Sebastian and Jace got into a fight.

"Erm, Sebastian and Aline will be staying with us for a month and were going hunting again tonight." Alec replied.

"A month!" Both Isabelle and Clary shouted.

"Yes a month, get over it." Aline sneered.

"You will be under me in a minute with my fist in your face, if you don't shut it." Clary snapped back.

Everyone in the room went silent with shock written on their faces from Clary's outburst apart from Jace who had a smirk on his face but still somehow distant.

Clary cleared her throat, tore her gaze from Jace and said, "Right if this meeting is over, im going to get something to eat."

In the end they all ended up going to Taki's because there was no fat free food for Aline at the institute, Typical Clary thought. When they got to Taki's they all sat in a booth in the corner at the back. Clary was squashed between Jace and Sebastian, while Aline sat opposite Clary glaring at her continuously. Clary felt something warm spread throughout her arm and realised Jace had brushed against her as he reached for the menu, Clary blushed and looked away to see a blonde waitress with barely any clothes on walking towards there table.

"What would you like to order?" The waitress asked focusing entirely on Jace. Jace gave her a smirk and ordered a burger with extra fries. Everyone else made their order and Clary ordered coconut pancakes with a milkshake.

Clary was halfway through her pancakes, thinking about her and Jace in the training room this morning when Jace said to her quietly "You all right there?"

Clary looked up into his eyes and said bluntly "Yeah, Im fine."

"What were you thinking about?"

"Nothing." Clary blushed.

"Your body says differently."

"What ever Jace, just leave me alone!" Clary was starting to get frustrated and everyone seemed to notice and was looking at her and Jace.

"You okay Clary?" Sebastian asked.

"Yes I am fine, why does everyone keep asking me that?"

"You don't seem to be yourself today that's all." Isabelle said, concern written on her face.

"Oh, well I feel fine honest." Clary gave a small smile. Everyone at the table seemed convinced apart from Jace and Isabelle.

As soon as Clary got to the institute she went to the training room to let off some steam. Clary picked up some daggers and started throwing them at the dummies. She had hit the dummy right in the head for the 5th time in a row when she realised she was being watched. Clary turned around to find Sebastian leaning in the doorway with a lopsided smile on his face.

"Well aren't you talented." Sebastian said as he unhitched himself from the doorway and started to walk towards her.

"Um yeah, I suppose." Clary said uneasily as she picked the daggers up and placed them back on the table. Clary turned around to find Sebastian standing right behind her.

"Excuse me," Clary said as she tried to side step past him, "I have to get ready for hunting."

Clary started to walk away when she felt Sebastian grab her wrist and pull her round with a bit too much force.

"Im sure the others won't mind if you're a few minutes late." Sebastian said looking directly into her eyes still holding her wrist.

"Get off me." Clary said through clenched teeth.

Sebastian let go of her wrist but was still staring at her. Clary rushed out of the training room holding her wrist and straight into someone's chest, Clary winced as she could feel her wrist starting to bruise and looked up to find gold eyes looking down at her.

"Jace." Clary sighed with relief. Jace saw her cradling her wrist and concern showed in his eyes.

"What's wrong?" Jace asked as he took her wrist and looked at it.

"Nothing, I just hurt it when I was training that's all." Clary lied.

"Don't lie, the bruise is forming in a hand shape." Jace's voice was deadly quite.

"Im fine, I better be going anyway, don't want to be late for hunting." Clary said with a smile as she started to walk towards her room.

"Yeah, you keep saying that."

"Saying what?" Clary was confused.

"Saying that your fine, when your obviously not." Jace sighed.

When Clary got her all gear on, she made her way towards the elevator where everyone was waiting apart from Sebastian.

"Where's Sebastian." Clary asked. Hopefully he's not coming, Clary thought.

"Im right here." Sebastian said as he rounded the corner and stood next to Clary.

Clary stiffened and saw Jace notice. Jace's eyes clouded over with an unreadable emotion.

"We better get going." Said Alec noticing the tense mood.

During the whole walk to the destination that Alec said there was reported demon activity, Jace never left Clary's side. Clary assumed he must have worked out that her bruise was from Sebastian and was being over protective. They rounded a corner and found them selves in an alley.

"Here we are." Alec said, holding his sensor that was bleeping madly.

"I don't see any demons," Aline said, "Let's go home."

"Don't be so stupid Aline, they will be here any second now." Isabelle snapped.

"You got that right." Jace said drawing his seraph blade from his belt looking towards the end of the alley. Clary withdraw her seraph blade as well and looked to where Jace indicated. Slithering there way towards them from the end of the alley were four ravenor demon's. Clary prepared her self and get into her battle stance when she heard a hiss and a flick of a tongue from behind her. She spun round to find four more demons making there way towards them from behind blocking them in.

"Crap!" Jace muttered noticing the demons from behind too. Clary pulled out another seraph blade as one of the demons lunged at her. She sidestepped, spun round and kicked it in the back. It hit the wall with a screech, and then lunged at her again swinging its tail towards her. Clary stepped back and sliced through its tail just in time, the demon screeched again as Clary stabbed her sword into its chest. She didn't have time to see it collapse into itself, because another demon jumped at her and knocked her to the ground. Clary rolled over as she felt the swish of the demons tail merely miss her head. The demon was then on top of her and clawing at her face. Clary kicked her leg up knocking the demon off her; she got up with lightning speed and stabbed the demon in the back, then watched as it collapsed in on itself.

Clary looked around the alley to find Jace stabbing one in the back, Sebastian kicking another, Alec and Isabelle fighting against two more and Aline on her back with a demon on top of her. The demon on Aline was tearing at her clothes as Aline screamed and tried to push it off her. Clary saw Aline had tears running down her face. Clary ran over to Aline and kicked the demon off her, She hauled Aline up and asked "Are you alright?"

Aline nodded and muttered a "Thank you."

"Its oka…" Clary couldn't finish what she was saying because the demon's tendril was around her neck, strangling her. Clary dropped her blade tried to pry the tendril off her neck but it just caused the demon to tighten its grip. Aline picked up Clary's blade and went to stab the demon but it just whipped its tail and sent her flying into a wall with a crack, Aline slid down the wall blood flowing from her head.

"I found you, Master is going to be so proud of me." The demon hissed into Clary's ear. Clary started seeing black dots clouding her vision as she kept trying to get the tendril off her neck and allow air into her lungs. Suddenly her neck was released and air rushed into her lungs as she fell to the floor. Clary looked up to find a flash of gold and the demon folding in on itself and then it went black.