Chapter Sixteen: Revelations

It was a small funeral.

Just the members of Task Force attended.

No family.

No friends.

It was as if no one knew L existed other than those who worked so closely with him.

It had come as a surprise to them who Watari really was, but L's true identity remained a mystery until the very end.

Matsuda stood beside Light at the funeral.

He kept sneaking looks at the Yagami boy; L's death had to have hit him the hardest seeing what their relationship was.

Matsuda couldn't help but feeling kind of sorry for him. It had to hurt to lose a lover.

Matsuda hadn't approved of their relationship, he doubted he ever would, but that was only because he wanted Light to himself.

"Matsuda… Swear to me you won't make the same mistakes that I did."

L's last words came back to him.

It was as if the detective had known his end was about to come, but if that was so, wouldn't his last words have been for Light, his lover, not Matsuda, his jealous subordinate who had blackmailed him for such a long.

Matsuda pushed the thoughts out of his head and took a step closer to Light.

"Light," he said softly. The police chief son looked up at him with chocolate brown eyes hidden partially behind cinnamon bangs, "I know that Ryuuzaki was special to you. I'm sure you're going to miss him a lot; I just wanted to let you know that I'm here for you."

"There you go making the same mistake that I did."

Light looked a little confused before a slow hesitant smile spread across his face.

Oh how Matsuda loved that smile.

"Thanks Matsuda," Light said. "You're right he was special to me; I'm going to miss him a lot."

"Don't make the same mistakes that I did, Matsuda,"

"I know no one can replace a person like Ryuuzaki in your life, but just don't forget I'm here for you. I'll always be here for you."

"Thanks Matsuda," Light said. "Really, I mean it."

"Light Yagami is incapable of loving anyone but himself."

Matsuda pushed L's words out of his mind and smiled lovingly at Light.