a/n: hey there :) so, this is a five-shot I randomly came up with. It's very Zammie filled and it'll only be five chapters, so yeah, i'm going to try to squeeze a whole plot in five chapters. i'll try not to make it horrible, but no promise xD this is a non-spy story, so everyone is normal, yeah? and Cammie and Zach do not go to a music school. They go to a normal high school, but both take classes after school at the fictional Roseville Academy of Musical Arts :Dand Characters are OoC!

please leave a review, if you'd like to.

RATING: semi-STRONG T for language, sexual references, mature themes, and mild-violence. (but nothing too severe, it's not like anything's graphic)

disclaimer: i do not own the Gallagher Girl Series, the characters (except Benjamin Parker (my OC, yo!), or any songs mentioned in this story. All rights go to their rightful owners :)

I hope you like it:

/ C r e s c e n d o /

( adj: gradually increasing in volume, force, or intensity )


"Cause when I'm with him I'm thinking of you, what you would do. If you were the one who was spending the night. Oh, I wish I was looking into your... eyes," Cameron Morgan sang the words to the song into the small microphone. She ended her performance with the sound of her guitar strings fading out. She looked at her audience, which was her after school classmates at the Roseville Academy of Musical Arts, feeling her cheeks burn a little.

It was a moment of silence for awhile as her teacher applauded lightly and even nodded approvingly. All her fourteen classmates nodded and clapped encouragingly. A round of "Great job, Cammie's!" filled the small music room. Cammie smiled a little, thanking them all with a small nod. She jumped off the black stool she was on and walked over to her desk.

"Nice," Her best friend, Zachary Goode, smirked while twirling his pair of drum sticks between his fingers. He was dressed in his usual; black band tee with a blue polo over it with the buttons undone, dark jeans, and a pair of Converse.

Cammie smiled, "Thanks."

"Want to hang out later?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. Cammie just nodded, it was their usual routine. She and Zach were best friends. They lived right next door to each other, causing them to grow up together and become good buddies. Everyone usually expects a person to lose their childhood best friend by the time they reached high school. Both Cammie and Zach were juniors, and were still as close as they were when they were seven. Cammie assumed what kept them close was their similar interests in the same movies, TV shows, Oreo cookies, and music. With similar interests, it caused both of them to attend the same after school classes.

"Okay class," their music teacher, Madame Dabney clapped her hands together, "We'll be working on duets this week and next week, we will be performing them. So I want you to partner up, pick a good song, and be ready to prepare a little show for the class."

"Want to be partners?" Zach mumbled over to Cammie but she heard it perfectly.

"Sure," Cammie mumbled back.

Madame Dabney continued then walked over to the center of the class, "Be prepared students and make sure your duet is filled with passion, that you're feeling the song and not just singing the words."

The students who stared at her all nodded intently. Madame Dabney smiled again, folding her pianist slender fingers together, "Ah, good. I'll see you all tomorrow. Class dismissed." She nodded at everyone and went off to her desk.

All the students collected their things; shoving papers into their bags and closing their instrument cases. Both Cammie and Zach were the last ones to leave the room along with Madame Dabney who was arranging music sheets. She looked up at them, "I assume you two will be partners?" She smiled, while straightening out her pile.

Zach nodded, while twirling one of his wooden drum sticks, "Yup, we should do a rock song though."

Cammie rolled her eyes then swung her tote bag over her shoulder, "We should do an acousitc song."

Madame Dabney chuckled, her hair in a high bun. "Well, I'm sure your performance will blow the class away."

"Hopefully," Cammie interjected, "If Zach can keep up of course." She looked over at her best friend and smirked. Zach just rolled his eyes, tapping the edges of his sticks against one of the blue desks.

"Whatever Cam, you know I'm awesome," He grinned cockily.

Cammie stuck out her tongue in his direction.

Zach stuck his right back.

Madame Dabney let out a laugh, "You two are cute." She stuffed the music sheets into her open black brief case. "I'll see you both tomorrow, alright?" She smiled then closed the lid of her brief case.

/ /

Cammie sat in the front seat of Zach's car as he drove both of them home. He was intent on the road, being careful not to dent his-already-dented-numerous-times car. Cammie pulled her feet up on her seat, hugging her knees to her chest. She stared out the window, watching as they passed by the same old oak trees that were aligned against the pathway by the highway.

Zach's phone, that was on the car's dashboard, began vibrating. Cammie looked over at Zach, as he extended one hand out, trying to reach for it. Cammie looked at him dubiously, "You're going to kill us." She stated bluntly. Cammie reached her hand out, grabbing the phone before he could. She looked at the screen, "It's from Tina Walters." She clicked the read button then instantly dropped the phone onto the car's floor.

"What?" Zach asked glancing over at her. "What's wrong?"

"That message was highly inappropriate," She cringed and shuddered, "Why would she text you that?"

Zach smirked, "Well, Tina is a great writer." He bent down and grabbed the phone from the floor, still looking onto the road. He slowed down to a red light, taking the opportunity to read his message. He smirked and typed back a reply.

"Ew, you're replying to it?" Cammie scrunched up her nose as if the text radiated an awful scent.

Zach shrugged, "Sexting requires a reply, Cam."

"Eww," Cammie shook her head, rubbing her hands on her ripped jeans. "Just ew, Zachary. Does your mother know what you're typing on that phone?" She stuck her tongue out, disgusted.

Zach chuckled, "Don't be a prude, Cammie." The light turned green and he started driving down the boulevard.


The two drove in silence for awhile, except for the retching sounds Cammie tried to make. After a moment, she spoke, "I didn't you and Tina were... were... doing that." She gestured to his cell phone.

"She kind of just started it and I ... kind of replied." Zach shrugged carelessly.

"You guys are dating now?" Cammie asked, raising her eyebrows.

Zach shook his head, turning the car into the Goode's driveway. He drove into the garage, parking it in place. He turned off the engine, then turned to look at Cammie. "We're not, we just... hang out every now and then. I'm still kind of seeing Veronica," Zach said.

Cammie made a face. Zach was her best friend in the entire world, he was cool, smart, funny, witty, a good listener, and gave the best advice. But when it came to love, Zach was -in a way- the best. At their high school, Roseville High, he was a notorious player. He was only a junior, but he already dated half the senior girls, most of the junior girls, and a quarter of the sophomores. He dated, made out, played Seven Minutes in Heaven, and maybe even had sex (Cammie didn't dare ask) with most of them. When it came to fooling around, Zach was a relentless king. Half the guys worshiped him, half the guys were jealous of him, and all the girls loved him. Including Cammie, just not in the romantic way.

"You know, with all that fooling around, you're going to get an STD and die," Cammie cringed.

Zach looked over at her, his emerald eyes sparkling in the low light, "And you don't want that, now do you? Because you'll miss me."

"Psh," Cammie scoffed, "If you're lucky, I'll miss you."

"Please, I'm your best friend, of course you'll miss me. I know I'll miss you," Zach smiled towards her before opening the driver's side door. Cammie got out as well, following him into the Goode's all granite and stainless steel kitchen. Zach walked over to the refrigerator and pulled out two plastic bottles of soda. He tossed one over to Cammie and she caught it with ease. She plopped herself cozily onto the high rotating stool. "Why Tina Walters?" She asked while unscrewing her white bottle cap.

Zach just shrugged, "Tina's cool." He replied and took a long sip from his beverage.

"You mean, she's hot?" Cammie teased knowing guys only liked Tina for her perky, bubble butt and large C-cup boobs. It couldn't be her personality, she had as much personality as a wet blanket.

Zach just shrugged again, "Yeah, whatever. So, can we know pick a song for this duet project?"

Cammie made a face, but agreed to drop the topic, she pulled out her binder from her bag, "Fine, anyway, suggestions?"

Zach's phone buzzed again as it laid on the granite counter top. Zach peered down at it, tapping his fingers against his bottle of soda. Cammie looked down at it, "It's your booty call, Zach."

/ /

"Are you guys going to eat dinner?" Zach's mom's voice asked as she walked into the living room. Cammie looked out the window, the sun was completely gone and it was almost fully dark blue. Cammie and Zach were both seated comfortably on the couch, feet up on the wooden coffee table watching re-runs of Everybody Hates Chris on the family television.

Zach turned to Cammie, "Are you staying over?"

Cammie nodded, "I guess so, let me just text my mom." She said while sticking her hand in her bag, fishing around for her phone. Mrs. Goode nodded with a sweet smile, "Okay sweetie, tell your mom to come over if she wants to." She said then left the room.

The Goodes and Morgans were close, very close. They always had Sunday brunch together, had dinner at each other's houses, and sometimes family movie nights. Cammie was like the daughter Mrs. Goode always wanted but never got and Zach was like the son Mr. Morgan always wished for when Mrs. Morgan was pregnant with Cammie (before they knew she'd be a girl).

Once Cammie got the approval from her mother, she dropped her phone back into her open bag and laid back on the soft couch, melting in the dozens of soft, plush pillows. She casually draped her legs over Zach's, then turning to him, "Why don't you just have one girlfriend? One relationship and that'll be it."

Zach tore his eyes away from the TV screen, "What?"

Cammie repeated, "Why don't you just have one girlfriend instead of fucking around with every other girl who breathes air?" She widened her eyes for emphasis, "That's not healthy Zachary."

"Well, I'm sorry if I disappoint you, Cameron." Zach smirked and lifting one leg over hers so it was a stack of legs with Zach's then Cammie's then Zach's. Cammie chuckled then placing her other leg over Zach's.

"Seriously," Cammie said, looking into his eyes, "You're the sweetest guy, you deserve a full on relationship with a decent girl."

Zach sighed, "Cam, you're forgetting that that kind of stuff doesn't really happen. Believe me, I try to find a girl like that, but they all turn out to be slutty." He made a face. Cammie rolled her eyes and smacked him, "You're no better! You humor them by being just as lustful, you're such a slut." She teased.

Zach chuckled then shrugged, "Hey, I'm sixteen, my testosterone level is out of this world." He hit her lightly with a plush pillow, "besides, none of the girls... none of them... I don't know. I guess I just haven't met the right one, yet. And believe me Cam, I'm waiting for her."

Cammie hit him back with a round pillow, "In the mean time, you're sexting Tina Walters?"

Zach just hit her with another pillow.

Cammie giggled.

"Zach, Cammie! Dinner's on the table!" Mrs. Goode's voice came from the insides of the kitchen. Zach and Cammie quickly untangled themselves and stood up. Zach, who was taller than Cammie by at least eight inches, looked down at her, "I'll race you." He challenged.

Cammie folded her arms across her chest, "What are we nine years old?" She discarded his offer, his face falling a little. But Cammie just smiled then smacked him in the head with a thicker pillow, "Ready, set, go!" She said and ran towards the kitchen.

"Cheater!" Zach called after her, while laughing.

a/n: what do you think? good? bad? should I continue? please leave a review and let me know :) oh, and if any of you would like to suggest a song for Zach and Cammie, please do. It doesn't specifically have to be a duet song but a song good enough to be broken into a duet. yeah :)

have an awesome day, everyone (: