Title: Strike To The Heart
Author: PurpleOrchid85
Rating: M – for possible strong but non-explicit adult themes, references to violence, and strong coarse language.
Fandom: Karate Kid
Pairing: Daniel/Johnny (Slash)
Spoilers: Pre-Halloween Dance in Karate Kid
Summary: Archenemies Daniel LaRusso and Johnny Lawrence are paired off for a History project, which spells trouble...or not?
Long ass AN Intro:
This fanfic starts sometime between after the beach scene and just before Halloween Dance. Daniel was trying to avoid Johnny and the Cobras in between then and now, but was always caught and constantly beating up Daniel. I will be switching POV's from Daniel to Johnny and back sometimes. The idea of Mr. Harris's project came from Roswell's episode "285 South".
I have altered certain things to set Daniel and Johnny on a different path:
* Daniel, Johnny, the Cobra Kai boys, Freddy & Ali are all in the same History class with Mr. Harris
* Daniel is on the soccer team with Johnny and the Cobras since he did not pick a fight with Bobby when Bobby tripped Daniel on Johnny's orders at the tryout. Daniel just glared at him and ignored him.
* The Halloween Dance is slightly AU, (but outcome is still same as movieverse) which you will find out when it comes up. *hint* Johnny won't be the provoked one *hint*
* The Miyagi-Kreese confrontation at the Dojo the morning after the Halloween Dance ends differently.
* There is no Karate Championship, but Miyagi will still take Daniel on as a student later on.
*Daniel is 16 whilst Johnny is 17 (turning 18 in later chapters) and the other Cobra Kai's are at a various ages of 16-18. In addition, Daniel, Johnny, The Cobra Kais, Freddy and Ali are seniors.
Just for this fanfic, I made up the three Cobra Kai members without surnames with ones such as:
* Dutch's surname as "Dutchinson" (therefore "Dutch" as a nickname)
* Tommy's as "King"
* Jimmy's as "Kirkland".
I was inspired by gloryblastit's Daniel/Johnny slash fanfic "You're Pretty" and this fanfic is crossposted on here and on AO3 (and when I get around to it, I will also cross-post on my LJ)