-A/N: This has been messing around my head for a few days and I want to see this one through at some point. I love throwing Kurogane and Fai around into AU settings.
Umm...rated for obvious reasons. Yaoi, future smut, slight violence, nudity...erm yeah the list goes on.
Tsubasa doesn't belong to me. -
The country of Kopash is split into four even kingdoms. The Kingdom of the North, the people called the Borealins, in honor of the Aurora Borealis. It is officially named Indegri Kingdom. To the South, the Mindis people of the Mindiro Kingdom. To the East, the Okals of the Okalus Kingdom. And to the West, the Hurans of the Huranin Kingdom. Created thousands of years ago when four warring tribes brought themselves together to form one country and split up the land. There was peace but with many years of prosperity, populations grew and tension has grown once again with demands for more space.
Currently the Hurans and Mindis have agreed to a unity, under the marriage of Prince Syaoran of the West and Princess Sakura of the South and their peoples will be free to move between these two territories.
Unfortunately, Indegri and Okalus have yet to come up with such peace. The Okals have always been a warrior culture. Fighting is their life and violence is usually a normal way to earn the throne. It's very rare for a king to last long enough to bear a son. But You-ou, the current king, has been powerful enough to defend himself and his wife to bear an heir. Trained in the arts of the ninja, Kurogane has also survived long enough to earn the throne. A trained assassin, he's killed nearly all his competition before they killed him.
Much like the other kingdoms, his people are in need of more room, and due to their violent nature Huranin and Mindiro have denied access for immigration in fear of them killing their people for no good reason. So the only choice would to conquer Indegri. Cause the very thought of some peaceful agreement is extremely foreign and unheard of. Practically taboo in their culture. News was that the king of Indegri was dying and the young Prince was to take throne. So what was to be done? Kill the Prince and take his throne. It was a win-win for Kurogane. He would take his throne in Indegri and when You-ou would pass, he would take control of Okalus. The Borealins were peaceful and spiritual beings. They were the ones that suggested this 'split kingdoms' and that made Kuro's blood boil. How the Okals managed to not kill everyone in these thousands of years was beyond him. Bah. His ancestors were weak. He would be the one to strike fear back in these people's hearts and show that the Okals were frightening people and should be leaders simply because they were stronger.
Kurogane thought upon all of this as he camped out on a hill in the distance. A gift from his father resting in his hands, he was directly in view of the Prince's room. The palace was the only extravagant thing the Borealins had and it served a dual purpose as the main temple to their religious practice. Otherwise they lived simple lives in tents that could be packed up and moved around. They migrated with the herds much like their ancestors. "Savages…" Kurogane snarled as he looked down at the numerous fires from the camps below. Back to the gift. Technology was sweeping the three other kingdoms and weaponry was no exception to the advancements. A rifle with a scope and killer accuracy would make for a quick and easy kill without being caught. He set up the large weapon and peered through the scope to make sure the aim was right.
And the timing couldn't have been more perfect. The door had opened and the Prince had entered. Just a few more steps and…
Kurogane hesitated. He had never seen such perfection. The Prince was…"Beautiful…" He whispered. The Borealins were of the most secretive races. Seldom did The Prince ever make a public appearance. Since the day they are born, the royalty are put under strict religious training, locked in cloisters and trials to hone and perfect their devout ways. This was only known since someone of another kingdom questioned the lack of a Prince. Usually, Princes were out communing with the people to win their affections in order to prevent an uprising when he would take throne. Borealins were different. A Prince even showing his face before eighteen years was taboo and blasphemy and would be exiled. After eighteen years it was rare. Only appearing to those privileged in the Holy Court when he would stand in for his father to learn about his future role. In this palace, the Prince's room was placed so high up that anyone not at the right angle (or without a scope) could see him anyways. Other than that, if you weren't a Borealin yourself, one knew nothing of the religion, the practices or culture. The theory was that if you left them alone, they'd leave you alone.
The pale skin glowed under the moonlight, the golden hair shimmered and there was the most beautiful set of sapphire eyes. It was nothing like Kurogane had imagined him to be. The Prince stepped out into the balcony and leaned against the railing with a sigh. No doubt he was tired. The King was also Head Priest of their religion and dealt with many more duties than any of the other royalties in the neighboring kingdoms. He let out another sigh and looked up at the moon before looking at, or so it seemed, Kurogane. A soft smile played those pale lips. Something was up. Was he aware of his presence? The man shook it off. He was nervous, that's all, and he was getting jumpy. He watched the blond closely and his eyes widened when suddenly he lifted his finger, which glowed blue and he spelled his name out in the air. F-A-I-D-F-L-U-O-R-I-T-E
Right. The Fluorites had been royalty as far back as he could remember. So his name was Fai. Why did he spell it out? Now Kurogane was getting seriously suspicious. The smile was still played on those soft lips as he turned around and back into the room but didn't close the door, leaving Kuro's vision more open. Now he was just curious. The decorative robes were suddenly discarded to the floor and Kurogane had nothing but an eyeful of pale skin. The only thing that marked this flawless body was the sapphire blue tribal tattoo of a phoenix. Fai was practically a woman. A skinny, long frame with slight curve to the hips, a nicely shape butt and silky legs that were probably shaven for some religious reason or another. When the Prince started to walk to his closet, Kurogane almost lost it. Those hips swayed and that straight back curved back and forth like a snake as the male walked. He opened the door and picked out a night gown. However he didn't put on yet. He turned around, forcing Kurogane to turn away with a heated blush on his face. He felt as though he shouldn't see such a display. Bah! When had he turned into a gentleman? He could watch if he wanted! So he went back to the scope and was sad to find that the door to the balcony was closed and curtains covered everything. Kurogane blinked and pulled away from the gun. He had failed a mission. He missed countless opportunities in exchange for watching a practically voyeuristic display of The Prince.
The image would never leave his head.