Title Death and Dying
Author landofthekwt
Rating K
Prompt "While I thought I was learning to live , I was actually learning to die"
Word Count 794
Warning none
Summary Kikyou is sent to remedial class
Part of Even Zombies Need Love
Kikyou felt like she was back at temple school Hell, if the sensei had been this tough on her she would have run away and avoided all the death and destruction that followed. That might have been easier, but her fate had never been easy.
Why did she need this course anyway? She was a kami. All knowing. All powerful. There was nothing that she did not know, especially about the subject matter. Who knew more about death and dying than she did?
The instructor was imposing. It was hard to stare at the image of Buddha every day. Just an incarnation of course. Everyone knew that the Buddha had reached Nirvana and was beyond teaching kami about "Death and Dying".
Instead, he chose to pick on Kikyou. Something about Kikyou just said 'kick me'. She just had to
hang in there. To quote a cliche " This too shall pass" She would say like giving birth but she had
never done that
Death and Dying she knew a lot about. Naraku killed her twice. She gave her kami status to be
reincarnated as Bella Flora Being killed as Bella Flora in one time line by the Zombie Inuyasha. In another by Sesshoumaru.
"So Kikyou you have had unique experience. None of the other kami in this class have ever died
Can you tell the class, what it felt to die"
She stared at him for a minute What the hell kind of question was that? "It felt like shit. Three times I was ripped apart by the claws of youkai. Once my body dissolved"
"Could any of your experiences be described as a good death?"
Kikyou thought "When I died in the arms of Inuyasha. Hearing him tell me he loved me, kissing me and crying for me made my death bearable. I was the first time in my existence that I felt like an ordinary woman. My only regret was that I had to leave Inuyasha behind."
" So it makes a difference how you die?"
Kikyou sighed " Yes, it does. The first time I died. I had regrets. I wanted to see Inuyasha again The times I died as Bella Flora were senseless deaths, which were wiped out by time line reincarnated as Bella Flora was not really dying since my divine essence remained in her until I was able to bring my Inuyasha here"
'Did you learn anything from your deaths?"
Kikyu thought about the question for a long time. Finally she spoke " Death is not the last word.
Each death is followed by life. What you do in that past life will affect what happens in future lives. I chose to follow Inuyasha in death, but the Jewel would not allow me to die. It forced me to come back as Kagome. My actions as Kikyou when revived forced Kagome to separate my soul from hers and my destiny from hers. My destiny has always been tied to Inuyasha whether he was hanyou or zombie. He was one who taught me that it did not matter what I looked like because I was the person that he loved. That is why I have been his fiancé as a human, his guardian kami after I died and his lover as a zombie"
"Does it ever bother you that Inuyasha is now married to Kagome and Bella Flora is now married to Kagewaki Hitomi?"
"No, they are with the persons whom they were destined to be with. I am not Kagome or Bella Flora. I am Kikyou and I am with the same person that I have been with for four hundred yearsin this time line. It does not matter that I am a kami and he is a zombie. I am still Kikyou to him and he is still Inuyasha to me. I can't imagine being with anyone else."
The teacher sighed. It seemed that his student had resolved her death and dying issues. She really did not this class, but rules were rules. He had hoped to have some fun with her, but the reports were correct. Kikyou was really no fun at all. Which is why she would never reach Nirvana.
Just then the bell rang and Kikyou rushed out before he had time to respond.
Kikyou arrived home to find her husband sitting at the computer. What could a zombie find on the internet that would interest him. She kissed him on the head, he looked up and smiled
"How was class?"
"It was a killer"