A Midnight Summers Dream Chapter one Oh No He Didn't

Yes I know you guys are waiting for me to update The Game well I had a brain fart so yeah anyway I might have a Jatricia one shot up so yeah anyway this might be only 5 chapters but it will be interesting ~Darketh

Everyone in the household was doing their normal things. Amber was forcing Nina to help her pick out clothes and look at her many fashion magazines. Patricia was upstairs listing to what Alfie and Jerome called "Gothic Pixie Trixie Music ". Fabian was in his room reading as he normal does wishing he still had his sighed copy of the solar system is your friend. Alfie and Jerome we planning their usual after school prank-a-thon. Mara was helping Mick outside with his sports.

Victor just came up from the attic with a little tiny bottle of it looked like kool aid with a mixture of glitter in it. Jerome suddenly popped completely out of nowhere and through a perfectly round and shiny water balloon. Victor was so consumed in his little bottle of mystery that it hit him straight in the back of the head. "Clarke" He yelled placed his bottle on the countertop and went after Jerome.

Trudy walked in it was almost ready to cook dinner. She saw the little red kool aid looking drink on the countertop. "Oh" she exclaimed" The students must have made kool aid this afternoon I bet they would want this for dinner". She called everyone down for dinner and served them with the weird drink. "Uh Trudy what the heck is this" Patricia looked down at her drink. "Kool Aid deary" Trudy said. "Yummy Kool Aid "Alfie chimed. Everyone shrugged and drank their drink but little did they know that little drink was something bigger than they ever expected and that little drink was going to wack the Anubis house way up the wall for that little drink was a LOVE POTION !