Hope you guys enjoy, and review!
And thanks to all you who have reviewd
Vode walked quietly along one of the Resolute's numerous walkways. He was focused on the small data pad that he carried in his hand, taping it occasionally as he scrolled through the data. His lips were turned down in a frown, as he read through 501st's casualty list.
A small scrapping sound could be heard over the ruslting of his kama and the thuds of his boots. He stopped in his tracks, lowered his data pad and cocked his head to the side, and listened. The noise was coming from a door to his right.
He clipped his data pad next to his helmet which hung on his utility belt.
He opened the door.
It was a walkway, one that he had never been through. To his right was a giant window that filtered in light reflected of Coruscuant which spun lazily below the ship. But that's not what he stared at.
Rex sat there, on a small collapsible chair, all he had on was a pair of standard issue pants, his hands moved methodically as he scraped the blood off his Armor with a knife. He stopped and held up the small shoulder plate in the light, inspecting it. He then lowered it and threw it into a bin which held his armor. He reached down and grabbed the last piece his chest plate, starring at it for several seconds.
Rex gave Vode a quick look and went back to inspecting his armor.
Vode stayed quite as Rex went back to cleaning his armor. The small scraping sound was heard again as Rex continued.
He moved his hands carefully making sure as not to damage his gear. His hands moved back and forth, sending small little red flakes flutering to the floor like dead rose pedals. Then he stopped, and set his chest plate in the bin.
He leaned back in his chair holding the knife in his hand, "Vode did you feel anything when you carried out Order 66?" Rex's voice was quiet, as he if was afraid to speak. Vode looked at his brother,
"I felt pride Rex."
Rex looked at Vode, his eyes filled with pain, yet Vode continued. "Most of the Jetsi deserved to die. They've led way too many of our brothers to there death, on stupid hopeless missions, or wasted our lives, in their inability to command."
Rex looked away from Vode and sat there silently, he didn't know what to think, he began arguing with himself.
What's wrong with you Rex, they were all traitors, they betrayed the Republic and with it you.
Is that really what I think, I saved Ahsoka
What about your brother's would you have turned your back on them? Would you have taken the path of the hutu'uun?
Rex lowered his head and brought up a hand to support it, placing an elbow on his knee, willing his mind to stay silent.
"Is that really what you think Vode?" he finally asked back.
"Yeah for the most part, there are a few exceptions like General Sky Walker and Commander Tano. There good Jetiisi" Vode said as he walked over to the window and looked out, "and look what happened, to the good ones, they stayed and fought with the Republic, look at Commander Tano, she lost an arm fighting for what's right."
Rex jerked his head out of his hand, "What?" he nearly gasped, his mind racing a million galactic miles a minute.
He thinks she's a hero?
"Rex, don't play like you have no idea of what I'm talking about, the General told Echo all about it and he sent it to me after I sent him a tally of our company wounded."
Rex stared at Vode, "What did he say?" Rex asked.
Vode turned around and looked at Rex a bemused look on his face. "He told me all about how you and Commander Tano, had tried to rescue the younglings, only to be too late, as some Jedi master had killed them all, then she tried to stop the Jedi Master only to have him cut her arm off, at which time you saved her."
Rex felt his stomach drop. I'm the reason she lost her arm, Before Rex could say anything else his chrono started beeping. He quickly turned it off.
"What's with the alarm?" Vode asked. Rex didn't immediately reply as he stood up from the chair. "A medic told me that Ahsoka's sedatives will be wearing off in an hour from now. I plan to be there when she wakes up." Rex replied flatly as he folded the chair and placed it in the bin. "I also have to get geared up. I have to head planet side to check on the company." Rex continued as he lifted up the small bin. "Vode see if you can find us a transport to take us back." Rex finished as he slowly started walking away.
"Yes Sir." Vode replied, yet his voice fell on deaf ears. Rex was too engrossed in his thoughts to reply.
They think that Ahsoka's a hero?
Kind of Ironic isn't it?
Rex turned around a corner
I'm the kriffen reason she lost her arm, some Jedi didn't cut it off. Why would Anakin say that?
Rex opened the door to his room and walked over to his closet. He quickly began dressing.
None of this is making sense, and what about Ahsoka?
She must hate me for what I've done.
She said she hated you last night.
I should have deserted while I had the chance.
She would have died if you did.
Rex quickly checked himself to make sure his armor was on right, he then grabbed his helmet and stared at it briefly, looking at himself in the T shaped visor, the voices still spinning around in his, "Shut up." He muttered to himself. His mind went silent, and he sighed in relief. "I'm going crazy." He muttered as he clipped his helmet to his utility belt. He then reached into his weapons locker and grabbed his two favorite pistols and holstered them in his kama.
"Ahsoka?" The voice seemed too loud as Ahsoka slowly came to. She opened her eyes, and was instantly greeted by a blinding white light. She squinted as she lay there, and brought up her left hand to cover her eyes.
Yet nothing happened.
She could feel her hand, and her senses were telling her that it was there, so she tried again, still nothing happened.
She opened her eyes, her pulse quickening, "Hey take it easy!" she didn't know who was yelling at her, she didn't care.
She looked at where her arm should be, but instead she saw a small lump trying to push away the sheets.
She flung the sheet away and let out a startled cry.
It was gone.
"Ahsoka?" It was the voice again. She turned and looked at the speaker.
Rex stood there; she stared at him, she was confused, what had happened. He knelt by the bed, she watched him, as he came level, he looked tired and defeated. She reached out to touch his face.
Then flinched
He didn't say anything, as she quickly withdrew her hand and looked at him.
Then she remembered,
She remembered the yelling and the screaming, Shaak Ti yelling at her to get the younglings.
Then she ran into him.
She stared at Rex who now leaned against her bed, his head hanging down, it was him, he had saved her, he had yelled something at her master which she had stupidly decided to fight. Whatever he had said he had spared her from death on that night.
She had wanted to die
She was alive when so many others had died. She turned away from Rex and cried she was the only Jedi left, saved by a man who had been ordered to kill her.
Rex watched as the tears slowly streamed down her cheeks, an overwhelming sense of guilt filled him.
I did this to her
He reached out a hand and placed it on her shoulder.
She grabbed it with her good hand; then she buried her face into his arm and cried.
Rex didn't know what to do, he was a clone. On Kamino he was never taught on how to comfort people. He had comforted other troopers but that was different,
This is different, you made her into this.
Rex remembered something from a halo vid he had once seen where the hero took the crying girl and held her in his arms.
Rex reached out and gently touched Ahsoka's chin. He then gently pushed up so that he could see into her eyes.
She stared at him, her blue eyes filled with hurt, confusion, uncertainty, things Rex had never seen in her eyes before. He moved her closer, a she clutched his arm. He then wrapped his other arm around her, unsure of what he was doing.
Ahsoka felt both of Rex's arms around her. She continued to cry and buried her face back into Rex's chest. How can he kriffen care, and why me, I know he killed them, why not me, why am I still alive, there all gone. The thoughts echoed through her head,
"Easy Ahsoka, everything is going to be all right." She heard Rex soothing her as he stroked her back. She looked up into those golden brown eyes. She didn't have the will to reply. Rex placed a hand against her check and whipped away her tears.
"Rex I...Uh am I interrupting something vod?"
Rex looked away from Ahsoka and saw Vode standing in the door way. "What does it kriffen look like di'kut?" Rex growled glaring at Vode who seemed to shift uncomfortably where he stood. Vode brought up a hand and rubbed the back of his neck. "Well I thought you'd like to know that I found us a transport like you told me, but the pilots said that they couldn't wait as they have to ferry more injured."
Rex nodded his head at Vodes reply then looked back at Ahsoka, and gave her a quick smile then stood up.
She didn't let go.
Rex looked down at her, her eyes looking back at him pleading at him to stay.
"I'm sorry," Rex began and tugged his arm, "But I have to go." Ahsoka let go and looked at Rex pleading for him to stay, she needed him, he seemed to be the only pillar left from her old life.
"I'm sorry." He said and gave her another sad smile then left with Vode.
She watched the two of them leave. She alone in the galaxy and when she was with him she didn't feel it, why she didn't know. But to watch him leave pained her I'm going with him. She finally resolved, and threw of her blankets. She looked and saw that all she had on was a new pair of undergarments how those got on she had no idea. She quickly looked around and saw a box with her name scrawled across it.
Thus concludes this short chapter, sorry about that. Its shorter I know and a little slow, but I thought it was needed as a way to see into Rex's thought process. As many find it hard to believe that he fallowed what he did, yet realistically I think he would have fallowed order 66, and if Ahsoka wasn't around at the time of the order then he most likely would have done what everyone else was ordered to do. His General wasn't in harm's way. Any who next chapter we roll back into the story, the plot thickens, and I decide if Ahsoka fallows the path to dark side, If Anakin becomes Darth Vader, and if I fallow the already pre-established timeline of Star Wars, or do we head down another path. Well REVIEW people please! It makes me want to keep this going. Suggestions and Ideas would also be appreciated. And yes I do think I'm making Ahsoka a little out of character, but her whole world and everything she knew has been destroyed in a day, anyone would become different afterwards. But review, I need ideas, I myself haven't truly finished thinking this one out all the way. It just comes to me, and if you guys want to know what happens to Cody… We'll just wait till next time.