"Phineas stop throwing sand, or im telling mom!" A 9 year old Candace said in an annoying squeeling tone.
"No." Phineas said.
Then he picked up a handful of sand and threw it at her.
Candace screeched.
"You got sand all over my new dress! Im telling mom!" Candace sobbed.
Then she ran inside. Phineas smiled satisfied with himself.
Then he heard sobbing from over the fence that seperated his yard from the next door neighbor's yard. Phineas didn't like the sound of sobbing, because his sister and mommy always cried when they were sad, so he got up and walked onto the sidewalk, and then turned and walked into the neighbor's front yard. There was a little girl his age with dark brown hair, and big blue eyes. She was wearing a very light pink shirt and a blue frilly skirt with purple socks and red velcro shoes. She was looking at the ground sobbing with big tears rolling down her face. She didn't even notice Phineas had walked into her yard.
"Why are you crying?" Phineas asked in a worried tone.
The little girl looked up looking suprised. Her eyes were puffy and red from crying.
"My baby bwother... had to go to the doctor and get a...big boo boo...shot." The little girl choked out in between sobs having a hard time pronouncing brother.
"A shot?" Asked Phineas.
The girl nodded with tears streaming down her face.
"One time, my big sister had to go get a shot, but when she came home, she was all better." Phineas said smiling.
"Really? Was she sad?" The little girl aksed.
"No, she got a big lolipop!" Phineas said gleefully.
The little girl smiled and her tears dried up.
"Yay!" She shouted.
"Whats your name?" Phineas asked smiling.
"My name is Rosalie!" Said the little girl called Rosalie.
"Rosamie?" Phineas attempted to pronounce.
"Rose-a-lee." Rosalie corrected.
"Rose-a-lee?" Phineas repeated.
Rosalie nodded gleefully.
"Yay!" Phineas clapped from himself.
"Whats your name?" Rosalie asked still smiling.
"Phineas." Said Phineas.
"Phin-ay-es?" Rosalie atempted to pronounce.
"Phin-ee-as." Phineas pronounced.
"Phin-ee-as?" Rosalie repeated.
"Yay, you did it!" Phineas smiled.
Rosalie grinned happily.
"Do you want to play?" Phineas asked.
"Yeah!" Rosalie nodded quickly.
"I have a really really big sandbox in my yard! Do you want to build a sandcastle?" Phineas asked.
"Yeah! I wove building!" Rosalie said pronouncing the word love wrong.
"Me too! Lets go Rosielie!" Phineas smiled
"Rosalie." Rosalie corrected.
Then she stood up and she and Phineas ran back to Phineas's yard, and built a huge sandcastle using Phineas's natural building abilities and imagination and Rosalie's perfectionist instincts and style. Before they knew it, Rosalie's mother was calling her inside.
"I have to go to my mommy. Lets be friends Phineas!" Rosalie smiled.
"Best friends." Phineas smiled.
Then the two four year olds hugged, and Rosalie ran back to her yard and into her home.
Ever since then, Phineas and Rosalie were best friends. They saw eachother every day, even if one of them was sick, they would insist on seeing eachother. That went on for 6 months, until the day of July 18th 2005...
"Phineas, Rosalie's mother just called, she wanted to know if Rosalie could come over for one last playdate." Linda said to her son, who was staring up at her looking confused by her sentence.
"What do you mean one last playdate?" Phineas asked.
Linda smiled sadly at her son.
"Phineas honey, Rosalie is moving to Florida. Her plane leaves tomorrow. It was very last minute or I would have told you earlier." She said sadly.
Phineas gasped and his eyes welled up with tears.
"Rosalie is going away?" He asked with a single tear rolling down his cheek.
"Yes honey, im sorry." Linda said sadly.
Phineas then started sobbing uncontrolably.
"Do you want to see her sweetie?" Linda asked her son.
Phineas nodded, still soobing. Linda picked up her phone and started dialing the number of Rosalie's mom. Phineas couldn't beleive it. His best friend was going away forever! Soon his mother was talking to Rosalie's mom. A few minutes later she finished and hung up.
"Rosalie is coming over right now Phineas.' Said Linda looking worriedly at her son.
Phineas nodded. Then the doorbell rang. Phineas walked over to the door and opened the door. Rosalie stood there. Her eyes were red from crying and her cheeks were tear stained.
"Hi Phineas..." She muttered.
"Hi Rosalie." Phineas muttered.
The playdate was quite breif. They rollerskated for about 15 minutes, then they colored with chalk for 25, then finally they painted pictures. Rosalie drew a picture of Phineas and her holding hands and gave it to him, but then her mother was calling.
Phineas and Rosalie looked at eachother.
"Bye Phineas..." Rosalie said choking back tears.
"Bye Rosalie..." Phineas said also choking back his tears.
Then they hugged until Rosalie's mother called again. Rosalie sighed and walked out the door. That was the last time Phineas ever saw Rosalie.
7 years later...
Ferb and Isabella stood alone outside. Phineas had went to the bathroom, so they were left there with nothing to do. It was a regular Friday morning at 7:00. Suddenly, the gate creaked open. Ferb and Isabella turned there heads. A friendly looking girl with long dark brown hair with bangs and big blue eyes was peaking through the gate smiling nervously. She was wearing a purple short sleeved dress and blue tennis shoes with green laces.
"Um, hi...Im Rosalie...I just moved here, well moved back here. I used to live here, but anyway, im trying to meet new friends..." The girl called Rosalie said nervously.
"Oh, welcome to Danville, I mean welcome back to Danville Rosalie! Im Isabella." Isabella said walking over to her.
"Nice to meet you." Rosalie said shyly.
"Im Ferb." Ferb said quietley.
"Nice to meet you to." Rosalie said shyly again.
"Ferb doesn't talk much." Isabella said.
"Oh." Rosalie nodded in understandment.
Then there was the sound of a door opening. Phineas came out carrying a lemonade.
"Hey, im back!" He said gleefully.
"Hey Phineas, this is Rosalie! She says used to live in Danville, and now shes back!" Isabella smiled.
Phineas looked at Rosalie, and his jaw dropped, as did his lemonade glass from his hand.