Diclaimer: I do not own Soul Eater

Chapter 18

"Let's ride home together." Raven said.

"Huh?" I said, walking out from my piano lessons from Soul. The guy had been cool enough to give me lessons and I was able to keep watch on him because Maka and Raven like to stay after and listen to us.

"Actually I kinda wanna get home. I promised Soul we would do something together tonight." Maka said, a bit nervously.

"What did you make here promise you bastard?" I demanded to Soul.

"Nothing." He said, smiling and taking off down the street with Maka right behind him.

"Well that leaves us." I said.

"Yep." She said, grabbing her bike from the rack.

"I'll pedal." I said.

"Ok." She replied.

We were peddling down the street towards our apartment which was a ways away. It had been 3 weeks since I defeated Ahriman. It was normal everyday though. Normal school. Normal everything.

'Tomorrow will probably be normal too…' I thought but was interrupted by a hand touching me. I noticed exactly where it was touching me and blushed.

"Pervert." I said.

"Who me?" Raven asked, acting innocent, "Like you wouldn't do the same thing if you were back here."

"Well… Ok so you win." I said.

"That's what I thought." Raven said, and bit my ear.

"Damn it. We are on a bike and nowhere near home." I warned.

"So?" Raven said, slightly biting my neck.

"So this isn't the time." I said.

"Well all of you isn't disagreeing." She said, touching me again.

"That's because your touching…" I started but stopped.

I concentrated on peddling and as soon as we got home I picked up Raven and took her to her room.

"You sit here and calm down." I said.

"Why?" She wined and pulled me in for a kiss.

"Because…" I started but got lost in her mouth. Our tongues fought for dominance and eventually she won.

"Ha." She said, pulling me onto her bed.

"Raven." I said.

"What?" She asked.

"Are you sure about this?" I asked.

"Yea." She said.

"Ok." I said.

She pushed me down and climbed onto me kissing me over and over again. She then slid down my neck and started unbuttoning my school shirt. After she had it unbuttoned she started kissing my chest, and running her fingers across it which was well built.

I pulled her a bit closer and started nibbling on her ear. I then slid my hands down to here butt and squeezed. This she liked and rewarded me with a bite to my neck in which I returned. I then moved my hands to the brim of her dark purple shirt and tugged a bit. She signaled for me to go ahead and I took it off revealing a white bra. She smiled at me and got my shirt the rest of the way off.

Then she proceeded on undoing my belt and unbuttoning my pants. I helped her get them off and proceeded to get her pants off. Once that was done we both stayed there for a few seconds with hunger in our eyes for each other. I pulled her close to me to kiss her passionately and then proceeded to undo her bra. Having a bit of trouble, Raven helped me to reveal her average sized breasts that always seemed to suffocate and tease the hell outa me.

I looked into her eyes for approval and she nodded. I cupped one and kissed her as well. She kissed back and signaled for me to continue. Slowly kissing down to her other breast I teased her with my tounge and mouth. Then I slid my hand down her body and into her panties. Slowly rubbing her entrance and then inserting one finger I pumped it in and out. She was now letting out moans and pulling my hair a bit. After a bit of this she pulled away and signaled for me to stop. She slid down placing kisses all over my body in a line until she got to the brim of my boxers.

Pulling them off she revealed my fully erect member and stared at me in all my glory. She slowly placed her hand on my member her cool touch sending electricity through my body and pumped me slowly but started to go faster.

Soon she took me in her mouth which just made me finally let out a moan of pleasure. Obviously satisfied with this Raven continued this until I was almost ready to explode.

Then she stopped and looked at me. I moved toward her and started kissing her. Slowly I went down to her panties and slid them off. Gazing at her entrance I finally snapped outa the trance and got to work. As I did this Raven was grabbing tufts of my hair and letting out squeaks of pleasure. She pulled on my hair which was starting to hurt but I didn't care.

Finally though I stopped and positioned her on the bed. Putting my member at the tip of her entrance I looked into her eyes.

"Be gentle." Is what they seemed to say.

And so with that I slid my member into her but gently and slowly. She was letting out moans of both pain and pleasure but eventually they turned into only pleasure. She signaled for me to go faster and so did. To my delight she was only letting out moans of pleasure. I continued this motion moving faster and harder until I felt my climax coming.

"Hawk… I'm gonna…" She said.

"Same here…" I replied.

Going a bit harder and faster we both reached our climax at the same time. Exhausted and breathing hard I pulled my member out of her and laid next to her.

"That was…nice." She said.

"Yea." I agreed.

"I love you." She said.

"I love you too." I replied.

With that we curled up under her covers and went to sleep for a bit.

I awoke wondering two things. 1 why was I in Raven's bed. 2. Why was I naked and she naked. Then I remembered what we did. Raven was stirring beside me.

"Hi." I greeted her.

"Hi" She replied smirking sleepily back at me.

"What do you want for dinner?" I asked her.

"Whatever." She said.

"Ok." I said. I slipped outa bed and gathered my clothes.

I headed for my room. There I changed into new fresh clothes which were track pants and a T-shirt. I went down to make dinner which was gonna be Tacos.

As Raven came down the stars in new clothes and hair wet from a shower, I had set the table with her tacos on her plate. I just finished making mine and sat down next to her.

"Well," I said, "You got what you wanted."

"Yea." Raven laughed.

"So what is Maka gonna think if we tell her?" I asked.

"She'll probably do the same thing with Soul." Raven teased.

The next day at School.

"Umm… Hawk. I gotta tell you something." Maka said, nervously.

"Hmm…?" I asked.

"Well you see…Soul and me kinda…" Maka began but Soul interrupted her.

"We had sex." He said, looking away from me.

"You. Damn. Bastard." I said.

"Wow. We didn't even have to tell her we had sex for her to do it." Raven blurted, "Wait, woops."

"Damn it Raven." I said.

"You did what?" Maka asked.

And the whole time, Black Star, Tsubaki, Kidd, Liz, and Patty were watching in amusement and laughing their asses off.