A/N: Hi! I've not updated my other fanfics yet, but… I did this in school and it's kind of okay-ish… Sorry, I can't update much, I'm busy with extra activities (like clubs and sports… Go softball!) in school on Saturdays and Sundays I have church and guitar… So anyway, enough ramblings… BTW, this is in the Marauders' Era. Review, Enjoy!

The Real Fourth Marauder.

Chapter 1: Feathers.

I can't take any more of Sparklepyres' shit. Merlin, I don't even like him, let alone love him.

You might be thinking, "Oh Bella, I thought you loved him and proclaimed your everlasting love to him?"
Well… I don't and didn't proclaim my love or some rubbish. I miss the gang. I bet I've missed loads even though I have only been away for… a few months? Oh, I have got to get on a broom and insult Snivellus as soon as possible or I'll explode and James (Prongs, not the vampire James) will have to hose me off the walls.

I miss Remus, my twin brother. Most siblings may not get along but, we do. Get along, I mean. The only kinds of fights we had is at prank wars and exam grades. He's a lovable, caring ass of a brother. He has a little furry problem that's cute…

Prongs, or James, my Lily obsessed friend. We're close like family, but all the Marauders including me are all very close and stuff. My go to guy whenever I'm in trouble and my detention buddy… in detention, obviously.

Padfoot, that git. The guy I go to when I need a shoulder to cry on… but it mostly ends up with me punching him and him staring blankly, muttering 'I don't understand girls' under his breath. He absolutely loves girls, and is accompanied by girls most of the time. I just have the urge to punch or prank him whenever I see him with a girl and I'm not afraid to do it. My mastermind behind a million pranks and my best friend.

And me, Snowpaw or most famously known as Bella Rayne Lupin. A girl who ''fell in love'' with a vampire, loves pranks and books.

James, Sirius and I became illegal animagus' to help Remus' furry little problem or that time of the month, the way I like to refer it to. James is a stag, Sirius is a black dog and I'm a white dog. I was supposed to be a cat but on the first time I transformed, Sirius chased me all over Hogwarts, and a growling black dog with human feet chasing a snarling purple cat with blue ears all over the corridors is not a nice sight. Anyways, I couldn't change into a cat anymore because I kept turning into a dog instead.

Back to oh-so-sweet reality, I was learning about witch burning. I was really useless, actually. We could just use a simple flame freezing charm and feel a gentle, tickling sensation instead of hot, scorching flames. I should know that because we had a prank war and James, Remus and Sirius shoved me in a floo connected fireplace which so ''coincidently'' was Professor McGonagalls' office. But in the end, it didn't work because the gits forgot to put the floo powder in. That was in our fourth year. Ah, sweet memories.

Well, back again, the sparkilng vampire was sitting beside me, absentmindedly twirling a strand of my hair. My fists twitched. That bloody git. The school bell rang, signaling that another boring day at the muggles' school was over and I could go home. Not to Hogwarts but with my squib uncle. Charlie's not really my dad, he's my uncle. Edweirdo dropped me off and I pretended to trip on the way in. Edward smiled after pulling me up and went off. I headed to the fridge and had a sandwich. After a nice, refreshing shower with lots of strawberry scented stuff, I pulled out some parchment and a quill I hid under my bed mattress. I wrote;

Dear Professor Dumbledore,
Could I possibly come back to Hogwarts? The stinking vampire thinks I'm in love with him.
It's boring here too, especially without being able to use my wand. The weather's horrible.
Oh, and here's some lemon sherbet to soften you up and allow be back home.
Remember, I gave you lemon sherbets, you're welcome sir,
Bella Rayne Lupin.
P.S. Remember, Lemon sherbets! Lots of them…

I snickered as I wrapped up the letter with a packet of sweets. I had to say that those lemon sherbet stuff was actually quite delicious. I tied the stuff on my owl's leg. Her name's Mocha, cause I accidently spilled a cup of ice cool mocha on her on the day I bought her. She nibbled me fingers after I gave her some owl treats and flew off. An hour later, she came back and dropped a note that read;

Hogwarts would be delighted to have you back for another term. I would be arriving to pick you up at seven in the evening today, American time. Tonight will be full moon and your brother and friends will be at the shrieking shack. They will be awaiting your arrival. Thank you for the generous amount of lemon sherbets, those muggle sweets are delicious. Have you tried them?
Albus Dumbledore.

Full moon- Remus' time of the month today, huh? I could go there right after I arrive at Hogwarts. I looked at the muggle clock. 6.30 p.m.
Another 30 minutes to explain to the Cullens and pack. I looked around my messy room and quickly shoved everything that was mine in my trunk. I ran to the trunk (without tripping, of course) and drove to their home. I stopped at their driveway and Edward came out instantly with vampire speed.

"Not that I don't like you over, but, why are you here, love?" He asked me after kissing my forehead.
"I have thirty minutes to explain, so hurry it up," I said quickly in my heavy British accent.
"What the? Um, sure, love," He said with a puzzled expression as we both went in.
"Hey Bella!" Alice chirped with a confused expression.
"Hello," I said as the others came down. "I have not been thoroughly honest with all of you. I'm leaving to London soon and I'm a witch."
After a brief second, Emmett snorted, "Yeah, sure. And unicorns exists."
"They do actually, I could prove it to you but I forgot to bring my wand and I can't do wandless magic." I lied, my wand was in my pocket, I just couldn't use underage magic. And I didn't know exactly why I even lied to them about that….
"Are you hallucinating, love? Did you bump your head somewhere? Carlisle could check you…" Edward patted around my head, finding for bumps or internal damage or something.
Bloody Merlin, (Sorry, Merlin!) now they're thinking I'm loony. I can't exactly do magic since I'm underage and stuff but… I just forgot I was an animagus. I can change into my animagus form and prove it to them, simple as that.
"Don't even think of eating me!" I shrieked at the Cullens before turning into a snow white dog. I stared at them with a bored expression.
"Hey, where's Bella?" Emmett exclaimed excitedl and Carlisle, always the calm one replied quietly ,"She is that white dog."
Oh, and I thought vampires were supposed to be super smart. Great, just take your sweet time, it's not like I only have ten more minutes before a wizard professor arrives in my room, only to be greeted by no one…
"Oh, Edward?" I said after I changed back into my normal form. "I don't really love you, and I'm going back to London in like, oh, um, eight minutes?"
I quickly ran back to my truck leaving seven dumbfounded vampires behind and a hurt vampire. I didn't want to hurt him but, if I laid him off gently, he would just ask me if I hit my head and continue not leaving my side.

I ran to my room only to be greeted by Professor Dumbledore who was reading my battered copy of Wuthering Heights.

"Interesting book." He commented calmly, setting it down on my trunk. "Are you ready?"
"Oh, I just have to inform Charlie." I said as I grabbed a muggle contraption named a cellphone? I dialed Charlie's number and waited as he answered.

"Hello?" Charlie's voice cracked through the crappy phone reception.
"Charlie, this is Bella. I'll be going to Hogwarts today."
"Oh, take care then. The food will suck when you're gone."
"I feel bad leaving you like this…"
"Hey, don't worry. My house will always be opened to you. You can stay or visit whenever you like."
"Thanks, you're great. I'll miss you."
"I'll miss you too, bye."
"Bye," I said as the phone line cut off. Charlie wasn't a man that freely showed his emotions. He was usually a calm and collected guy. He's a good man…
"We'll be apparating there. Take my hand." Professor Dumbledore smiled and offered his left hand towards me with his right hand gripping on the handles of my trunk.
I took his hand and suddenly we were swirling and something was pressing against my stomach, making me nauseas…
We arrived at Professor Dumbledores' office and came to a sudden stop. He conjured a bucket just in time for me to puke.
"Was that your first time apparating?" He asked me with twinkling eyes.
"Um, Yeah." I replied hastily.
"Your brother and the others are in the shrieking shack. You can go meet them. You trunk is in your dorm" He said with gentle, knowing eyes.
"Thank you, Professor," I replied with a polite smile as I hurried my way to the shrieking shack.

I transformed into my form and went to the shack. I was greeted by barks and whatever sounds that stags make. I nuzzled them. Padfoot sniffed my butt and I growled at him. Was it mating season or was he just a perv? He hung out his tongue and cocked his head playfully as Moony let out a howl. Prongs kicked a book to me.

'How're you' was scribbled untidily on a page.
Well, we're in animal form. Do you expect us to write in calligraphy?
'Sorry I sniffed your butt, Snowpaw. Dog instincts.' Sirius wrote.
'I'm fine and I'll kick your butt if you even think of doing it again.' I wrote using my mouth and I was dripping drool on the quill.
'That's disgusting, glad to have you back.' Moony wrote.
'I'm glad to be back'
'Hey Bella, I think Padfoot's doggy instincts came back'
'Stop sniffing my butt, Sirius Orion Black!'
'Sorry, blame it on my inner dog.'
'I'm a dog to you know, not a chameleon.'
'This is fun, I haven't heard you two bicker like a old couple for so long.' Prongs wrote.
'Yeah.' Moony dripped more drool to the already wet quill.
If I was in my normal form, I would be blushing like a tomato for no particular reason I could think of.
Moony scratched the floor, turning round and round.
'May as well study, lessons tomorrow.' He wrote, pushing open a book.
'Marvellous.' Padfoot wrote, sarcasm dripping heavily with drool.

James let out a little sigh, no doubt thinking about Lily, from what I gathered from the long and entertaining letters Remus, James and Sirius sent, Lily and James were already dating. Good, after so long…
'I'm going to take a nap, tell us about everything that happened in America tomorrow. I'm tired out.' James wrote. He accidently kicked Remus' ass. Moony growled softly, gnawing on a pillow, making feathers fly around.
Padfoot let out a happy bark and chased the feathers around, wagging his tail.
This is going to be a long night, I sighed as I joined Padfoots' chasing of the feathers. I wagged my tail and barked at Padfoot as we chased each other around and Moony and Prongs rolled their eyes.
Sure, it is definitely going to be a long night but I'm sure glad I'm home.