A/N: This story is like Phantom of the Opera, but in a high school, and it has to do with public speaking. I am basing this story partly on that, and myself. (Semi-autobiogr
Chapter 1: The Renaissance Man
When Erik was born, doctors thought he had autism. Erik did not speak for the first few years of his life. But soon learned how to. He was finally able to express joy, but also immense sorrow. Sadly, Erik would get to know a lot of sorrow in his early life. His grandfather and father died the same year. He was only six years old. For most of Erik's life, he had been a target of bullying. Despite Erik's positive attitude, the bullies wouldn't let up. They mostly made fun of Erik because he wasn't the most attractive person on the planet. However, Erik learned that making friends was not working. As much as he tried, Erik could not fit in. For many years, Erik did not speak to anyone outside his family for the most part, and even they never heard much from Erik.
When Erik's father died, he found many movies that belonged to his father and began to watch them. Such films as "Frankenstein", "Dracula", and one of his five favorite films, the 1933 "King Kong" were in the collection. Erik also enjoyed the musical, "The Phantom of the Opera". He strongly admired the title character, and genuinely understood his pain. Erik eventually became a huge Lon Chaney Sr. fan. He often related to how Chaney could not relate to others when he was young. Erik always wept when Chaney didn't get the girl at the end, and he found Lon Chaney to be the closest thing he had to a friend.
Erik remained a "reclusive" person, until high school. In his sophomore year, Erik, as well fellow classmates were stunned by Erik's voice. It was deep and charismatic. This ended bullies bothering Erik ever again. While Erik spoke more in school, he was still a quite person.
Then, there was the class.
Public Speaking. Erik chose to take this class merely to enhance his skill with the spoken word. The first assignment required the students to speak about a person they admired. Erik spoke about Lon Chaney.
When Erik first spoke, everyone was like, "Holy Shit!" and they all chuckled and admired the power of his voice.
"Lon Chaney portrayed villains not as hateful, loathsome creatures, but as humans with a the capacity to do good. He had great movies, and he never got the girl at the end.
All of the girls in the class went "Aw!". One girl, however, took interest in him.
Her name was Christine.
Christine was only a freshman, timid, and very shy.
Erik leaving the podium was like a valiant knight dismounting from his noble steed.
For the rest of the day, Christine was constantly thinking of Erik. She only met him that day, but she was very impressed by the few words he gave. Christine was perplexed by how charismatic Erik could be.
Then, Christine saw something she just couldn't believe. Erik was on her bus!