And, ehem.

Tis now that I realized that I hate some of my fics right now. Specifically, my KHR fics; stories that were written when I was like 12 or 13, edited a few months after it was written, and then left alone. Sure, I uploaded a chapter months ago (at least for CoF) but I never really changed anything.

I've decided to take out the whole point of the stories being humor with plot and quite crack-ish approach on romance (rather than plot with humor) and turn them into gen fics. Clockworks will probably be a darker fic while both CoF and Afterlife would be AR/Semi-AU exploration fics. For this story, it went like this:

I once had a plot bunny of Tsuna being reborn only to roleswap with Primo and the Arcobaleno.

I now have a plot bunny of Tsuna ending up at the start of KHR canon.

And last night, I've made the two plot bunnies have sex and thus, this baby plot bunny was born.

Oh, and thanks to Kyogre's Vigilante Tendencies. I lost interest in the KHR fandom, but that fic gave me new inspiration to continue. *applauses*

P.S. Thy chapters are drabble-ish. And Shimon is Simon, because what the hell, Shimon isn't an Italian word.

R & R.


Chapter Title: Here and Now

Chapter Summary: If you change the past, you change the future. But if you change the future and not the past, what happens next?

Warning: Major character death. Roleswap.

Let's think about what happened in the future. We'll label the pre-time travel ending as Decimo, and the future that follows canon as Neo Primo.

Tsuna and the gang grew up not knowing Byakuran will take over, meaning, they did not time-travel as they gained no knowledge of it beforehand. They arrive at the Decimo ending.

In Decimo ending, they bring their younger selves there to fight Byakuran. The younger cast won and returned to their original timeline. Thus, the younger cast paved the way to the Neo Primo ending.

However, in essence, both endings stemmed from the same beginning. And the Neo Primo ending wasn't possible until the younger cast broke the cycle wherein Byakuran wins. But that alone is also impossible, as there are infinite parallel worlds, and thus, all endings are pre-destined. They are pre-destined because they are all the possible endings that will happen taking our will—actions, personality, and thoughts—into account.

And it was said that the only world that Byakuran yet to take over was the Decimo ending; where their younger selves fought. It is then safe to say that the Neo Primo ending was also taken over, which was a contradiction; because there, they already defeated Byakuran of the future, Byakuran of the present was good, and the Mare rings weren't in said albino's possession.

For every action is a reaction.

For every action is a retaliation.

For every action is a consequence.

And Sawada Tsunayoshi, who defied the laws of the universe by unintentionally creating a reality contradiction, pays for it.

"Hey, Byakuran. I was just wondering."

Tsunayoshi Sawada, or Sawada Tsunayoshi in Japanese.

Formerly known as Vongola Decimo and widely known as Neo Vongola Primo.

He's lead quite the life; transitioning from that insignificant speck called 'Dame-Tsuna' to one of the most important influential people in the underworld (and the rest of the world by extension) as the big boss of Vongola Corporation— a restructuring of the former mafia famiglia. Yes, it took almost a couple of decades, but he'd done it. They were not mafia anymore.

(Oh, who was he kidding? Technically, they're just one of the good mafia now. And the term 'good mafia' never even existed until he came along.)

Some say that he's just a figurehead (after all, he'd been an overall useless person years prior to his success) whilst others look up to him as if he was an angel sent from heaven (or UMA from a distant peaceful planet, one Gokudera Hayato would joke) and the rest actually think he's a myth (Him! Dame-Tsuna of all people, some sort of a legend? Tell him that in his younger years and he'd say it's impossible!).

Along the way, the brunet had been given many titles. Neo Vongola Primo. Vongola Decimo (from those who weren't updated). Second coming of Vongola Primo. Il Santo di Cielo. Boss of all bosses. No longer Dame-Tsuna… Tsunafish (by your resident Tsunayoshi Sawada fanclub with his right-hand man as president), and many more.

And as for Tsuna himself? He wouldn't have it any other way.

Loving parents (even if his father was quite distant before), friends who are family, and subordinates who are almost fanatically loyal to him. What more could he ask for?

It was a given that everyone loves Tsuna.

And thus a given that when such a great person dies…

…they go out with a bang.

One of the greatest funerals (as they have all decided that Tsuna deserves no less) was held. It was two, actually. The first funeral was for only his closest people. The second one was for others to give their respects to the one man that changed the world in such a short time.

It was often said that humans bloom beautifully in the midst of that short life they were given. Tsuna was no different.

To be honest, people never expected the brunet to die first. Eh, sure he was like 60-something bordering 70, but people were thinking that others would go before him.

His family?

They weren't surprised.

Tsuna was happy. Tsuna had been asking around whether or not everyone was okay and had been accounted for. Tsuna made sure to secure everything for them. Tsuna was content with his life. Tsuna didn't have any regrets.

Of course, he would ask for a rest after so long a struggle.

And wherever he is now, he'd probably change that world, too.

Because that is how their Sky is.

"I know that when you change the past, you change the future."

Byakuran sat up from his bed with a start. He blinked a couple of times before humming amusedly to himself. He glanced at the shadows of his bedroom. "Why, hello there. What did I do to warrant a visit from you?" The white-haired man reached out to his sidetable and grabbed a pack of marshmallow. Decades have passed and the now elderly ex-boss of Millefiore had not grown out of his love for the sweet treats.

Opening it and popping one in his mouth, the albino continued. "Does this have something to do with what happened in future— or rather, what happened back when I had been after the Trinisette?" He smiled, wrinkles crinkling around his purple eyes filled with mischief and a gleam of seriousness. "What do you think, Checkerface?"

"What else could it be?" The man with iron hat replied. "Sawada Tsunayoshi was not supposed to be there in the first place. The only reason he was there, was also because of himself."

"I was such a naughty little brat back then, hm. If I hadn't done anything, the Vongola and Simon would've still ended up as close friends and allies, but the Arcobaleno curse wouldn't be lifted." He closed his eyes. "Tsunayoshi-kun is quite the anomaly, isn't he? Changing the courses of all parallel worlds and even eradicating the order of the world… and even now, he's the center of everything."

Checkerface nodded. "When he had broken the curse, I finally understood what Sepira had predicted back then. 'A flame burning brightly overpowers the rainbow'."

"His destiny isn't over yet." Byakuran only had that grin on his face as he ate more of his marshmallows. "Just don't be too hard on him, okay? Your other selves aren't quite as enlightened, after all."

"I make no promises."

Tsuna was done with the world, but the world wasn't done with him yet.

Everything is just beginning.

"But what happens if you change the future and not the past?"

His eyes opened and was surprised to find himself in an unfamiliar room. Eh? What am I doing here? How did I even get here? He figured he was in some sort of log cabin—as the walls were, well, made of logs—and the atmosphere was quite homey, even if the room lacked personal items or photographs or anything that evidenced this was a person's home, really. The brunet stood up from the bed—also just noticed that he was wearing different clothes—and he toured the house.

No one was home.

Not a single person.

He went to the living room, but there was nothing but a couch and a telephone (and a bunch of high-grade pistols hidden in a loose floorboard. He almost hiee-ed at that one.). He went to the kitchen, but all he saw were the usual— and the expresso machine; something that he appreciated (it was an acquired taste from Reborn himself). There was no indications of another person living there, so Tsuna realized…

…that this was his home, believe it or not.

He immediately returned to his bedroom and rummaged along the closets there (and hidden compartments that he was sure he'd use) to check out this possibility. There was also nothing. Or at least that's what he thought.

Until he saw a photo of himself and an old Italian-looking couple. The mother looked part-Asian, though. Must be my parents, wherever I am. At times like this, he could only remember one of Reborn's advices. Better check out the newspaper.

The brunet went outside to check the— his mailbox. He took it with him to the kitchen, brewed himself an espresso and started reading. The letters and entries were definitely Italian. At least he knew he was in familiar territory. Then he saw something above the headline. It was the date. Ah, He mused, today is May 31, 1964. He sipped calmly from his cup.

Tsuna paused.

He spit out his espresso and furiously raked his eyes over and over the date. 1964… 1964… 1964…

he was century back in the past!

Now that he thought of it, it was like, a few years less. So technically maybe around 95 or 96 years or so. It didn't make him feel any better.

He sighed and massaged his temple. What was he supposed to do now?

"That's a good question, Tsunayoshi-kun."

It took him at least a month to figure out what to do.

After panicking and reverting back to the Dame-Tsuna that he used to be, he finally gathered enough wits to actually plan something.Not to mention the fact that he himself had traveled back to the past as a hitman of sorts—if the guns hidden in the living room were any indication—and he had recognized a few people's faces in the underworld (Reborn had forced him to remember infamous people from the mafia history). He also lived in a forest on the outskirts of Palermo.

The hardest part was how to act amongst other mafiosi. It was kinda hard since he didn't know what his other self (as he had dubbed the real owner of the log cabin) had acted, so the brunet had to do a lot of investigating and snooping around the different circles just to get any semblance of personality.

He already knew he was a hitman, but after looking into what little of his belongings and rumors buzzing here and there, he discovered that his other self was fairly infamous— a deadly assassin with no ties to any famiglia, a smooth-talking con artist judging from his other clothes (there had been a lot of disguises), and probably popular with the ladies (with his new slightly baritone voice).

(Tsuna mentally cried tears of appreciation for that as in his original time, his voice became deeper, yes, but not by a long shot. Then he inwardly tugged at his hair as to why his other self had been lucky to be given such a voice. Life was unfair.)

Everything was quite overwhelming as well, with the Vongola Famiglia in its early Ninth generation along with Cavallone, the Giglionero Famiglia being less involved with other, the missing presence of the Simon, the unmerited Tomaso, the Bovino underdogs who have yet to complete their ten-year bazooka, and the Gesso Famiglia ruled by a stranger.

He was lonely.

(Dame-Tsuna, stop moping around and don't let my lessons go to waste. He hears the cocking of a gun. Instead of feeling fear, he felt longingness.)

And let's not forget that his inner thoughts occasionally manifested as Reborn. It was a habit that he developed just a few years after finishing his 'Neo Vongola Primo' training courtesy of the man-turned-baby-turned-kid who loved to torture him. Recently though, he thought it was his nostalgia speaking. And at other times, he thought that maybe the solitude was getting to his head and he's not imagining things.

(He half-expected to see Byakuran one day, but the white-haired man didn't appear no matter how much time passed. It seems that he was truly alone in his plight.)

Based on the mini-journal that his other self had been keeping, he owed favors to the former Vongola boss, Daniela, and he was to pay his debt by semi-allying with the famiglia— meaning, he was to be a member, but he was still free to accept clients as long as they are not enemies of the Vongola.

The brunet, who had taken over the life of his other, had no choice but to agree. He couldn't just ruin the other's life now, could he? Not especially since he had intruded without permission (not that he asked for it, but still) and not especially since it seemed he was stuck in this time period to live out his other self's days.

Currently, he was in the Vongola Headquarters lobby. It brought him such nostalgic memories that in some moments he had lost himself; seeing apparitions of his past life nad hearing laughter echoing in the room.

He shook his head. Focus, Dame-Tsuna. We don't want you to have a break down here now, do we?

Tsuna fixed his suit and tie, looking himself over his reflection in the window. Contrary to his previous appearance, his brown hair was shades darker, almost black in a certain angle. His eyes, too, weren't as orange or as bright as before. Maybe it had been a way to differentiate the him from now to the him from then.

He made sure that there was not a single hair in place before taking a deep breath and opening the door. Once he was greeted by the sight of a familiar, small yet kind smile, the brunet felt a small pang of longing in his chest. It had been years since he saw that smile directed at him.

He quickly crushed his arising feelings. This was not the place nor time to act on them. It wouldn't make a good impression on his future employer, either.

The brunet bowed. "Vongola Nono." Tsuna mentally berated himself as his voice almost cracked and gave away his inner turmoil. That wouldn't do. Not at all. Not since he planned to make a good impression towards the—younger than he remembered—mafia boss.

"Ah," The not-elderly-yet man replied. "You must be the freelance hitman we've heard of. We've been hearing rumors, and it seems they are true."

After that, it had been a rather rocky and unstable relationship with the Ninth, simply because he was yet accustomed to the quite hot-blooded and passionate man that contrasted the mild and blase person he knew. It was also because Tsuna had this small sense of vigilantism (and 'leading' habit) that made him do whatever he felt like it on missions.

And not listening too much to his new boss's orders.

And attracting trouble in general.

Granted, despite the fact that he was high maintenance, he was still efficient and the brunet thought that it was probably the only reason why the Ninth hadn't kicked him out yet.

Eventually, the hot-blooded Ninth mellowed out (maybe because he got married) and even had three sons— four, if you count his adopted son Xanxus. Tsuna's not-completely-obedient nature also grew on the man.

Hell, Tsuna even became one of the Ninth's trusted people; and top-secret missions were assigned to him by then. Mostly assassinations and recon.

His new assignment?

Well, you'll just have to wait and see.

(And let's not forget that he's a baby years after his arrival in this world, but that's a story for another time.)

"Didn't you know?"

Ieyasu, prefers to be called Giotto (as nicknamed by his dad), was the only child of the Sawada household. He was named after the Vongola Primo—Giotto something-something because the historians didn't bother to record what the Primo's surname was—who also shared the Japanese name (as his alias).

Not that our Ieyasu knew that.

His father was too much of a prude, an idiot, and a prudish idiot to tell his family. Or spend time with his family. Or see his family at all.

Anyways, Ieyasu was a bright and optimistic young man with a small rebellious streak and a hint of self-righteousness. He was also your everyday teenager with average grades and average friends (if one silver-haired student with explosion-happy tendencies could be counted as normal, then yes, he has average friends). He used to have an average crush, too, but sweet Nagi (now dubbed 'Chrome') hanged out with the spawn of the demon and a tropical fruit she called her brother, thus, all affections had been deliberately stopped.

One must wonder why Gokudera Hayato was there and why the hell Ieyasu preferred Giotto. It is because overlooking the fact that Iemitsu neglects his family, he wouldn't be heartless enough to send his son to a public school where there could be delinquents (he totally overlooked the pompadour-haired 'peace-keepers'). Instead, Ieyasu was enrolled in an international private school.

It was a wonder how his bum of a father could be so well-paid.

(Although, Iemitsu could just outright say, "Hey, we have lots of money because I'm a mafia man and distantly related to my boss!". Let's just hope it wouldn't come to that at the time of revelation.)

Usually, his days just consisted of randomly waking up late (and being beaten into a bloody pulp as punishment), going to school, and hanging out with his friends. Also, rarely, sulk over the loss of his first crush because of her brother who was all the way back in Kokuyo (He has yet to figure out how that Mayuri or Makuri or what's-his-name fended off Nagi's admirers whilst not stepping a foot in Namimori. He'll learn that once a certain tutor gets there).

Note the word, usually.

And his usual was broken by something unusual that appeared on his doorstep.

"Huh, a baby?" He fully opened the door in the sheer ridiculousness of it. There was no way a baby was standing in front of his house and pointing a gun at him, right?


The universe declares that Fate must go against him.

"W-W-Who are you?! And put away that gun!" It was just a toy, he was very sure of it, but the glint in the baby's eyes told him otherwise.

"A paradox occurs."

Technically, they were the same person now, so maybe the hitman—wherever he was—wouldn't kill him for this.

"I am the katekyo hitman," Tsuna said without missing a beat. "Reborn!"


Somewhere else, a black-haired man felt the urge to strangle someone.

Er, what? What?!

Anyways, did you see the hints? And yes, I purposely left out the part where Tsuna meets Checkerface (and his realization that he was Reborn of all people) just to give that WTF ending a bit more subtly.

As for the whole Tsuna became Reborn thing, why not just review your theories for now?

Ciao ciao~! -Flonne.