Federico had a hard time holding back his laughter. Really, this was too much fun. It had taken him two weeks to get his trap ready, working only at nights, hiding his progress at day so no one would notice. He had told Ezio about his plans, of course, but he had only shook his head and called him stupid for even trying something impossible. Difficult? Sure. Extensive? But of course! But impossible? No, not at all. It was totally something Federico simply had to try. And it worked out perfectly fine, he was relatively save from being discovered, and he had his lover right beneath him. What more could he want?

The assassin smiled fondly down at Vieri, who must have been completely blind in the darkness surrounding them, while Federico had sharper eyes, due to his constant activities at night. The Pazzi was lying completely unmoving right now, but Federico knew just how easy it would be to make his lover squirm deliciously under him. For someone with such a violent nature, Vieri was extremely sensitive, and Federico knew all his weak spots. Like the patch of sensitive skin right over Vieris left hipbone, which Federico started rubbing through his clothes now, grinning heavily again when he felt Vieri tensing.

"You stupid…" Vieri tried to rage, but he didn't get further when Federico covered his mouth with his own, the assassins tongue slipping into Vieris mouth, rubbing his tongue lazily against the others for a moment before pulling back.

"You know, you should be a little quieter, unless you want some guard up there to check on the mysteriously swearing and screaming carpet." Oh, Federico was having fun. He didn't give Vieri the chance for any other sharp remark, reaching down between them, cupping the other's crotch warmly and rubbing him through his pants. He watched Vieris face closely when the Pazzi bit his lower lip to keep back a moan, his hips bucking upwards, pressing himself into Federicos touch. Bending down and tugging the collar of Vieris tunic out of his way, Federico suckled at the skin revealed to him, trying to kiss and lick as much skin as he could. He felt Vieri struggle against him, another hardly suppressed moan escaping the Pazzi's mouth. Really, Federico almost considered fucking Vieri here, against his original plan, would the hole not be so small, making each movement difficult. He wanted to take his lover, he wanted to hear Vieris desperate moaning and gasping, he wanted to hear his own name from those delicious lips, every squirm and noise showing him what Vieri never would admit verbally: That he wanted the assassin as much as he himself wanted the templar. Still, it was too narrow down here. Federico made a mental note to construct a larger trap, someday, though…

Reluctantly, he stopped all movement against the Pazzi. Looking down he was satisfied with his handiwork. Vieri was blushing brightly, his chest heaving rapidly, his mouth slightly opend. He looked up to Federico with half lidded eyes, seemingly startled by the sudden stop.

Federico smiled widely at him. "Time to leave, caro. The guards are gone for now and we have a few minutes to get up and get you into your palazzo before anyone can see us together." And that said, he stood up cheerfully and climbed out of the hole, looking back to see Vieri perplexed and kind of paralyzed still lying in the trap.

"What the…? What now, Auditore? " Fuming Vieri climbed up, too, and made a show of brushing the dirt out of his clothes under the amused eyes of the assassin.

"Seriously, what the fuck? First you nearly kill me by letting me fall down there…" At this, Federico laughed openly. Really, Vieri was too cute when he was at a loss of what to say, trying to cover his embarrassment with swearing.

"… then you fucking molest me down there, and leave like nothing happened? I thought…."

"You thought I would fuck you down there?" Federico stepped closer, gripping Vieris shoulders firmly and staring at him with a dark sparkle in his eyes that send shivers down the Pazzi's spine. "Amore, it's just a dirty hole in the earth, shouldn't you know by now that I have more style than that?"

"But why...?"

"… why I made all the effort to get you down there? Oh, that was just to prove a point."

"And the point is?" Vieri growled, not liking the intimidating tone in Federico's voice.

"You're mine."

Silence followed, Federico gazing at Vieri intently, for once all play and all smiles gone from his voice and face. He was serious, and he wanted Vieri to know that. The templar was his, and he better not dare to run or hide from Federico. Even if Vieri denied it, they were lovers, and Federico had all right to touch his lover. He would do it, again and again, no matter how much the other struggled and snapped at him, since it was a façade anyway.

Vieri was visibly shaken, he opened and closed his sweet mouth a few times in confusion, searching desperately for words while he had no clue what to say. It was adorably, and Federico fought back the urge to hug him and kiss him affectionately.

"…stronzo." Was all Vieri could get out, pouting and turning his head to the side. It made Federico chuckle again, and he softly shoved the Pazzi into the direction of his palazzo. "I love you too," he grinned, ignoring Vieris demonstrative huff. At the door, he spun the Pazzi around and kissed him soundly on the lips. "Kiss goodbye?" he laughed before jumping back when Vieri as predicted tried to hit him.

"Vaffanculo. I hope you die by a stone smashing your ugly face." With that, Vieri disappeared inside his palazzo while Federico roared with laughter. Oh, how he enjoyed their little banters. He loved to work Vieri up, teasing him until he finally snapped. And thinking of it…

Exhausted, Vieri climbed the stairs up to his room. He was seriously troubled, not knowing what to make of the past few minutes. He was shocked when he fell into the trap, he wanted to hate Federico for hunting him down like that but couldn't, he even felt kind of flattered that the Auditore had made such an effort. Really, no one else would care to do something like that for him! And just when Vieri was getting into it, even if his pride was stopping him from admitting it, the fucking bastard just stopped and left! And here came the trouble with his feeling again, since Vieri couldn't deal with the mixture of disappointment, anger and hurt of being rejected.

Sighing heavily he entered his room. Running his hands through his hair, he decided to drink some whine and go to bed, suppressing his feelings before they could consume him. He made sure to lock his door, should anyone walk into his room he could not guarantee to not hurt that person. Vieri placed the key to his door in a commode nearby before walking to the window which he had left open. It was a rather warm night, and Vieri didn't like sweating in his sleep.

Sighing again, Vieri looked out of his window, strangely hoping to see any sign of that bastard Federico, but he couldn'd find any. Huffing, he closed his window and the curtains and froze when he heard a voice behind him.

"Did you really believe you would get away that easily?"