Two pink lines

A/N: New story? I thin so! Lol, so Hogwarts will never be normal. Even after the dark lord is gone. K? K. blah...yadda...blah..yadda.

Pairings: H/D R/L H/G

Rating: T (4 now.) for mild sexual references, heavy language , mild violence, teenage pregnancy.

Summary: June 30th The day I had sex for the first time. With my enemy. Now, I look different and am different. I'm prettier, richer, and pregnant-er. I've always had a label. Bookworm. Mudblood. Harry Potter's best friend. The Brightest With of My Age. Now it's The Pregnant girl. My friends and I wanted one normal year at Hogwarts... that won't happen because of the two pink lines

Disclaimer: Ownage= Not mine. JKR, but the plot if mine.

Chapter One: Going back to school.

Hermione POV September 1st. 10:29 am

"Hermione, dear?" called a worried voice from outside the bathroom door. My heart was pounding.

"Y-yeah?" I stammered. Get a grip!

"It's 10:30, we are leaving in five minutes." said Mum.

"Okay, I'll be out in a minute." I said shakily. I stared at my reflection. Over the summer I had changed. A lot. After the war, I gained a lot of money and was able to get a nicer wardrobe and magically fix my hair. It was now straight, like legit straight forever. It was a reddish brown now and pretty.

People noticed too. I went out with Harry, Ron, and Ginny soon after the war to a bar. I got a bit too drunk and went home with someone. That someone was Draco Malfoy. Of course I didn't know that during the sex, I was too smashed. So we had sex...then went to sleep. The next morning I woke up before him and disappeared. I left a note saying sorry for leaving blah blah blah.

Here I was today. Holding a muggle pregnancy test. The one with a line is not pregnant, and two lines is expecting. Bet you can guess what mine said. It explains the lack of periods and morning sickness. Who would have thought, the Abstinence Princess would become pregnant. Not me, that's for sure.

But I was, because of the two pink lines.

September 1st 7:35

"Miss Granger, Mr. Potter." called Professor McGonagall. I looked up.


"I want to show you to your dorms."

"Dorms?" questioned Harry aloud.

"As Head Boy and Head Girl you are premitted your own bathroom and dorms including common area." said McGonagall. I nodded absently. We walked up several flights of stairs to the North Tower. I'd never been up here before. We came to a portriat of the founding wizards and witches.

"Victorious." said Mcgonagall.

"Correct!" said a plump witch in yellow. Helga Hufflepuff! We went down a short corridor into a room similar to the Gryffindor common room.

"Hermione, your room is too the left. Harry to the right. The bathroom is through that door. I trust you can figure the rest out. Goodnight." McGonagall left without much else.

"Mione?" asked Harry. I looked up.

"Yeah?" I asked back absently.

"You okay?"

"Yeah. Harry, can I borrow your cloak?" I asked. I was going to get a book. On pregnancy.

"Sure.." He dashed into his room and returned with the silvery cloak. I smiled.

"Thanks. See you in the morning." I said before pulling on the cloak and leaving.

September 1st, 10:55 pm

I held my wand, my breath shallow. I had spent the last two and a half hours creating a potion. It was a wizards pregnancy test. Er, witch. Anyway I had to go the muggle way and pee in it. If I turned pink I was pregnant and if it turned black I wasn't. 'Course it took five minutes to calculate.

"Come on." I mumbled, flopping down on my queen sized four-poster bed. I stared at the digital clock. I know it's cliché to say that it was the longest five minutes ever but it actually is. Finally the wait was over. I sat up, and lifted the potion up.

It was a fushia. I was pregnant?

September 2nd, 12:07 pm.

Thank god it was Saturday. Last night I literally stared at the potion until I crashed. It was midday and I hadn't moved from bed. Harry stopped in several times, to check on me. He thinks I'm just tired. Ron stopped in too. But now Ginny banging on my door.

"Hermione." she shouted. I relented.

"Come in." I whispered. The redhead appeared.

"Hermione, why are you in such a funk?" asked Ginny flopping down on the chair by the window.

"I'm not in a funk." I defended.

"Well I know for a fact Hermione Granger doesn't mope around all day."

"Well Hermione Granger does sometimes just sleep all day." I retorted irritably, laying back down.

"At least come to lunch!" whined Ginny. I sighed.

"Fine." I stood up and slid into a long sleeved white shirt and skinny jeans with navy ballet flats. My hair was perfect, as per usual, and I walked with Ginny to the Great Hall. I wrapped my arms around my belly. Funny, now that I know I'm pregnant I noticed it has grown. Not signifigantly but a slight bump is visible. Not super big and barely noticeable. I was three months along. Shit, I'd have to go to Madam I wouldn't I could go at Hogsmede days.

Speaking of... "Ginny when's the next Hogsmede day?"

"Oh well since you're an eighth year you can actually get permission and go anytime. But the next one is...whoa wait, it's tomorrow!" said Ginny. I nodded. That's awesome news.

"That sounds about right, we always have one on Sundays if we come on a Friday or Saturday." I said, thinking aloud. We entered the Great Hall and the overwhelming scent of food hit me. My stomach lurched.

"Shit!" I said, covering my hand with my mouth. I darted to the corner and emptied what was left in my stomach. I moaned as I cleaned it up with my wand.

"Mione, are you okay?" asked Ginny worridly.

"Y-yeah." I gave her a weak smile. She hesitantly returned it. We went back into the hall and I sat down, breathing slowly. I took a piece of bread and some chicken soup.

"Mmm." I moaned as I ate it. Then something caught my eye. Someone that is. Draco Malfoy entered the room and I stopped eating. He caught my eye and smirked before winking. I blushed.

"Hermione! You're out of your room. Finally!" said a booming voice. Ron plopped down next to me. He kissed my cheek. We had been officially been going out since July 5th.

"Hi." I mumbled. I pushed my soup away as my stomach rolled. I. Hate. Morning. Sickness. Even though I've been putting up with it for a month. Funny, during the second month I barely had any. Wonder if it will last later...shit. My stomach lurched again. I shot up and sprinted to the bathroom before vomitting my guts up. I slid down with my back against the wall and began to sob. I was pregnant at 18 by my mortal enemy.

A/N: Whooo! I got this up and bypassed the retarded ass error. anyone else getting that? can you ff admins pleaaaase fix it! lol, revie. i've got the next few chapters written so yeahh