I know some of you must be sick and tired of checking my stories for updates, only to find seemingly useless Author's notes. And I know a lot of them sound kind of the same. I'm really sorry about that. I've really been letting down anyone who's stuck with this story from the first chapter and anyone's who's been nice enough to review or read it. I know I keep promising to update regularly, but I really can't. I'm a college sophomore and apparently, that's always the hardest year. So, studying and class work's really been piling on and I just can't write new chapters as often as I'd like too, let alone update regularly. So, I'm really sorry about this. But, I'm placing this fic on an indefinite hiatus. I'll probably update it when I have more time... But, I just can't seem to find any at the moment. Also, my Beta reader, InuApril1445 has gotten really busy lately so she won't be able to help me out for a while and I just don't feel comfortable posting anything that hasn't been edited. So, if any registered Beta readers who like Soul Eater fics are reading this. I'm asking you... could you do me a favor and Beta my fics? As least temporarily? I really like writing and I really want to put my best writing out there for anyone who wants to read it.
On an unrelated note, I'd like to thank everyone who left a review, added my stories to their favorites list or just plain read it and liked it. I know it's a bit overdue, but thank you and I really mean it. You guys, and you know who you are, you let me know that not everyone on the internet is out to tear each other apart. I didn't start writing here to gain recognition on the internet, I just came to because I loved writing and most of the ideas gravitated to fan-fiction. But, a lot of what you're reading in my fics was spur of the moment stuff that really sounded cool/good/funny at the moment. And... looking back on some of it, I have to say I could've done better. So, I'm asking everyone one last time... Could you please review? Not because I want recognition, but because I want to write something that you'll enjoy reading as much as I did typing it up. If there's anything wrong with it like inconsistent characterization, OCs that seem like Mary-Sues, gaping plot holes or something that just bugged you to no end. I want to know so I can go back, fix them and give you guys something good.
Again, I'm really sorry for putting you through all this. But, if you don't see anything new from me by 10/31/12, assume the fics are dead and I'm not coming back. Once again, I'd just like to say I appreciate all the support you've given me since I was a newbie on the site. Thank you, Wolfsbane706 for being a good sport, giving me advice and letting me use your OCs. (P.S. Can I still use them?) Thank you, InuApril1445 for being a fantastic beta reader. And thanks, everyone on for letting a geeky sophomore like me post stuff and not trying to kill me. I'll try to come back and hopefully, I'll give you something worth the wait.
-Stay Shiny!-