A/N: Since I haven't been producing fan fictions in a while because of school, as my common reason, with a hint of GTA gaming and some other stuff, well this is my chance to once again publish one.

This fan fiction will contain 12 chapters and that's final. This is actually a challenge from a friend who likes AiCon pairing but requested a ShinRan centered fiction. What a weird person -.-, but I love that person. A little weird at some point, I know.

Anyways, hope you guys stay with me until 12 chapters are finished and hope you all like it. Don't forget to review by the way ^^.

DISCLAMER: I don't own Detective Conan. It belongs to Gosho Aoyama and his other colleagues or associates that created over 600 episodes… and counting.

Chapter 1: Nightmare


Just like every morning, she wakes up; her ears bleeds because of her dad whining like a 7 year old child or something much worse asking for a quick breakfast as he is starving to death. Geez, Conan is way more mature compare to him in some occasions. Anyway, woke up then fix breakfast for her dad. First hurdle, done.

After doing her morning household chores, which she by the way loves to do, she started to get ready for school. Stepping out their front door was much of a challenge to Ran knowing that Shinichi is not going walk with her as he is still 'missing'. Her life has been in a cycle for months, still because of Shinichi's absence. She can at least manage to stay focus at her every class in school, talk with her 'girl' friends, particularly Sonoko. But her day will not be completed without, at least, taking small glances at Shinichi's empty desk with sad worried eyes.


The wind blew her hair back and forth as she leans on a big, beautifully grown tree right on top of the hill. The weather is typically calm and sunny. Ah, a perfect day to have a walk in a park or better, rest under a beautiful tree. She sits down, holding her hair, so the wind will not mess it up. Her beautiful face in which every guy would die for, is calm and radiant, as if it is not facing any sadness in her, at all. Minutes have passed. She closed her eyes for a moment, and opened it quickly enough to get a glance of a man-like silhouette approaching her position. She tried to illuminate the figure while it's getting closer. Ran stood up, as the man's figure is becoming familiar. It's her childhood best friend that took off without a word; all he does is call, and now appearing out of nowhere, Shinichi Kudou. Mixture of relieve, happiness and anger burst out inside her. She wants to punch him and give him a lesson that he could never forget, but changed her mind as he drew closer to her. There's worry on her face now. The mixture becomes one, and it's all sadness.

The gloominess, pain, and hardship that he's been carrying all on his own is shown clearly by his lean, bruised, weak body. 'What's going on?' She questioned herself that obviously cannot be answered just yet. She wanted to help him, but she's stuck. Someone or something is holding her and preventing any movement she will make. The fair, beautiful weather become dark. It's like going to rain so hard with loud thunder claps and sharp lightning. And it had begun. The rain came pouring down to them. Is it just the two of them or there is or rather, ARE with them at that particular moment? Shinichi is curling with pain in front of her. Why the hell can't her body move, neither her voice won't come out even she shouts as loud as she can manage. She looked behind her and there's a kid holding her. Not too tight to prevent her movements, at all, but unfortunately it did. 'Let go of me. I have to help him!' She begged, but still no sound. The boy looks familiar. Does this day couldn't get scarier? It's her 7 year-old 'adoptive' brother Conan.

"Don't Ran-neechan. You'll be in grave danger!" The boy warned her with a zombie-like tone that is creepy enough to make a normal person run like hell. But Ran did the opposite. Her mind keeps telling her to run away from his 'tight' grasp, but her body won't obey. That's not the only main reason she can't or won't move, it's also the fact that she's worried why he is there and wanted to unravel the truth behind this whole 'Don't, or you'll be in danger' kind of fiasco. Still in confusion, she couldn't help turning her attention to Shinichi once more. Surprisingly, two men, a guy that is tall, scary looking, who wears a long black coat with a black hat above his beautifully down, long white hair, and smoking a cigarette, and another guy who wears a black blazer and trousers, also with a black hat and sun glasses, smiling like a psychopathic maniac. Little Ran did know, these two are the reasons why is Shinichi is in peril. Obvious enough to recognize, she once again weep, but the sound is being resistant.

The two men began to do something to him. The tall guy pulled out a gun and pointed at his head, while the other punches him like there's no tomorrow. His beautiful face, one of his price possessions, is ruined. Still helpless, Ran just watched him bleed, bruise, and whimper. She watched them, with tearful eyes and shocked expression. Her body felt light at one moment. The kid loosens his grasp and started to run away, nobody knows the reason why. She can finally move. She stood up and started to run towards Shinichi to save him, but it's too late. Both men in black clothes had already taken him away in a dark hallway, wide enough for them to walk through. Every step they make, Ran can hear little mischievous chuckles from both men. She managed to catch up with them. That's when everything gets worse!

She reached the end of the hallway, in which it immediately lit up everything. She can see everything again, and a part of her just tells that she shouldn't have seen everything again. She should've listened to the boy who held her a while ago. Her entrance is too noticeable for the two men. They both turned to her direction, smiling like they're going to eat her alive. Well, the truth is they'll not. Instead, they will kill her using those guns.

"Aniki, I think we have another pest here!" one of the men in black clothing said.

The long haired one smiled, not heartily, but evilly. "Heh. I know. I'm not blind. I think we can still have a room for this lady. Beside him!"

She really should've listened to him! She's really in grave danger as she stood before them. She started to shiver when the one of them walks up to her.

"Aniki, should I go first or should you?" he asked his partner while pointing a gun on her forehead. She's immobilized,again. She felt stupid and useless. She's the champion in karate for effin's sake, and she can't even move a finger and teach the guy in front of him a lesson that he could never, ever, ever forget in his entire life!


"Shut up! I'm getting a good aim for this guy so it's instant." He continued to aim for Shinichi's head and finally pulled the trigger. One bullet on his head and Shinichi Kudou, the renowned high school detective of the east, was history.

"NOO!" Ran finally found her voice but it's too late. She shoved the guy in front of him and ran frantically to Shinichi. She cried beside him as hard as she can, but she knew about the fact that how hard and how long she'll cry beside him, her tears would and never could bring him back.

"A perfect spot don't you think, Vodka?" The taller guy said while 'admiring' the scene in front of him. But Ran couldn't care less. She would rather shoot herself right now, but she thinks that someone would do it for her. It's like in Romeo and Juliet, the only difference is someone will do it for her.

"I couldn't agree more, Aniki." The other guy laughed, points the gun at her and then…



His daughter's scream woke up his sleepy mind. "RAN!" He let his 'paperworks' on his desk scatter all over the floor. Who cares about it anyway? It's not even a real paper work. With worry, he hurriedly ran to his only daughter's room, surprised with the scene he's seeing in front of him. It's her, usually strong daughter, now in cold sweat, shivering and crying her heart out.

He wanted to ask her why she screamed, but it's not a good time to talk about it is the first thing that came into mind. He walked to her bed, sat down and hugged her. "Everything's gonna be all right. Don't worry. Whatever it is, it's just a nightmare."

~chapter 1: Nightmare ends here~

A/N: Oh man, that is one dark fiction I can tell you that. Sorry I have to kill them. I just wanted to make an expression ^^

Anyways, so yeah this is the first chapter which has a totally blunt plot but I think I can still make this work. ^^ Hope everything's good. Please review,. Thanks..

Pray for Japan!