Chapter One

Once upon a time, in a kingdom far, far away there lived a beautiful princess at the ripe old age of twelve. She had skin as white as snow, eyes as blue as a frozen river, and long hair the colour of clouds. Her mother was a very powerful witch and many feared her and her power. She ruled over a large expanse of land and had many loyal subjects.

This beautiful princess spent her days in the library reading as she could. From a young age her mother had be train with a sword to make sure she could protect herself. They discovered, much to her mother's annoyance, that she had no magical power and therefore sword training was needed, and now fully mastered.

She had been tutored on the history of the land and everything she needed to know, except how to be Queen, those lessons didn't come till she was sixteen. So everyday she would read as much as she could. The books were put in the library that the Queen had built just for her daughter, and the books were taken from raids of insubordinate civilians.

Her mother didn't approve of her reading so much but was glad that her only daughter stayed out of the way. Now you wonder, if she didn't approve of her daughter reading than why give her a library, it is because she didn't approve of what her daughter read. She liked to read tales about princes in shining armour coming to save the princess and live happily ever after, and her mother found those stories to weaken the mind.

Still, day by day, the young princess would read as many princess books as she could, imagining she was the princess being saved by the prince, but she knew that would never happen…or would it.

The day started off like any other day. Princess Eleniel was sitting in the library reading a book of poetry while the sun was setting outside. Seeing the light change, she closed her book and made her way to the large window. She knew it would be dinner time soon so she wanted to watch the sun set before she was called.

She loved watching the snow and ice sparkle in the sun light, it just made everything seem so magical and had a calming effect on her. Then when it was dark the snow would light the darkness. Eleniel loved the snow and ice, but that was because that was all she knew. She loved the way snow would gently float down from the clouds and replaced the dirty snow on the ground.

She continued to look outside at the grounds surrounding the palace when she saw a figure moving towards the castle. It was moving slowly, struggling in the snow, when she saw that is was a person, just like her. They came into the palace and she made her way from the library down to the throne room. She stayed hidden behind a doorway and listened into what was going on. If her mother hadn't specifically called her in, then she was not allowed to witness what was going on. Her mother usually wanted her near to learn how to govern the kingdom, but there were the occasional times when her mother did not want her near. And this was clearly such an occasion.

"Then how dare you come alone!" she exclaimed quite loudly that made Eleniel jump a bit, but luckily not bringing any attention to herself.

"I tried," cried the boy in fear at the outburst. Her mother could be quite intimidating.

"Edmund, I asked so little of you," proceeded her mother.

"They just don't listen to me," stuttered the boy, Edmund, still in fear of her mother.

"You couldn't even do that," she said.

"I did bring them halfway," said Edmund in an attempt to appease her mother, "they're at the little house at the dam, with the Beavers."

A pause.

"Well, I suppose you're not a total loss are you," said her mother after a while of thinking over what he had said.

"I…I was wondering, could I maybe have some more Turkish delight now?" asked Edmund becoming a little braver.

"Our guest is hungry," she said softly to whom Eleniel could only assume was her toadie that followed her mum around.

"This way for your num-nums," replied said toadie confirming Eleniel's susppitions. She heard footsteps lead away before her mother called in Morgrim.

"You know what to do," she instructed the wolf and that is when Eleniel left because she knew that those wolves could pop up anywhere and if she was caught she would be in almost as much trouble as that boy.

Edmund was being dragged away when he turned his head and looked towards a stairwell in the back. That's when he saw something he wasn't expecting. It was a girl, no older than himself and she was been watching before turning around and running off. He tried to get a better look but the knife in his back told him not to. But he was now curious about this unknown girl. Who was she?

She quickly made her way back to the library and sat down and opened and book but was not reading, she was busy thinking. This boy had to be human but who else was he suppose to bring, who was at the house by the dam? She would try to get answers from her mother, this was seemingly important and Eleniel did not want to be left out of the loop, especially if she was suppose to rule at some point.

Eleniel sat there trying to piece the puzzle together until one of the servants came and retrieved her for dinner. She closed her book and made her way down trying to figure out how she was going to start this conversation with her mum.

Eleniel was sitting at the dining table with her mother and soon dinner was served and they quietly began eating. Eleniel desperately wanted to bring up the boy but she was not allowed to talk unless her mother started talking at dinner.

"So, Eleniel, what did you read about to day?" she asked as she stirred her dinner around on her plate.

"It was poetry about all sorts of things. I feel this was one of the older books we've uncovered," she said before taking a bite of her dinner.

"Oh, why makes you say that?" she looked up at her daughter.

"Because the pages and cover were very worn, and it spoke of running rivers and trickling springs. I found it very hard to follow though since I have not seen these things."

"And do you wish you could?" her mother was becoming sceptical of her daughter. She was reading way to much about times before her reign and was worried that her daughter will betray her and wish for something more.

"Only for understanding purposes. I want to be able to know as much as I can so I can be at least half a good a queen as you, surely you know what a running river and trickling stream are like, right?" she asked. Yes, she truly believed her mother was a good queen for she had respect from everyone she saw, but she only saw those at the palace. All her life her vision of her mother had been skewed and she wished she could see more of the kingdom but she wasn't allowed and her point of view will continue to be off.

"Of course, I do, daughter, and one day you might experience those things if I let you."

"Thank you mother," she said and they both continued to eat but Eleniel had to ask.

"Mother," she asked and her mother looked up at her, "I was looking outside when I saw a person come into the palace."

"Yes, they are still here, but I had to put them in the dungeon for he displeased me."

"Was he, a Son of Adam?" Her mother froze, "is that why he is in the dungeon?"

"Smart, child, yes that is why."

"But isn't there suppose to be two Son of Adams and two Daughters of Eve. If there is only one out of four do you think we should be worried by him?"

"You've read a lot haven't you?"

"Just trying to make sure I know all I can. I've read about this prophecy and somebody called As-"

"Don't say his name!"

"Right, I apologise, mother. But there is only one, does he count as a threat?"

"He is one of four siblings. And all of them are here. He is locked up to lure his siblings here and preventing the prophecy from coming true. If it does, then you will never get your chance to rule."

"Right, but do you think his siblings will come here?"

"They would want to rescue their brother wouldn't they?"

"I do not know, is a siblings' bond that deep?"

Her mother smiled, "it is, daughter, and it is with that bond, we will be able to secure our reign in Narnia forever." Eleniel smiled as well. They both went back to eating dinner and once they were finished Eleniel retired to her room and changed into her night gown and was brushing her hair as she thought of everything that had happened since the sun had set.

When she saw the boy earlier he looked so naïve about everything that was going on in Narnia, but he also seemed to be the key. He was the answer to why Eleniel always felt like something was missing, and it wasn't knowledge. She felt this ice land her mother had created was covering something precious and the true Narnia. Eleniel did believe her mother to be right and loved the snow but she was curious and wanted to know what lies beyond the snow.

She knew her mother couldn't tell her, so maybe this boy could. He could be her night in shining armour, and she, his princess. Together they would be able to fit the puzzle that is Narnia together, so then when she was Queen, she'd be able to be the ultimate Queen that everyone respected and were loyal too, just like everyone in the palace was loyal to her mother.

"I must speak with that boy," she said to herself.

A/n: I know I didn't list that I was going to write a new Narnia story, but I got inspiration and decided to just write this out and so far it is pretty good. It will cover Lion, Witch, and the Wardrobe and during the reign of the Pevensies in Narnia and it will continue on to Caspian and Dawn Treader as so far planned.

So please keep reading and once I do a little re-writing I will get the next part out.
