I don't own anything.

A/N: Alright well this is the end of this trilogy (I still can't believe I did this) and I hope you like this first off I want to thank my reviewers from last week; Quizas, nickynicole, Yson, ShadiyaRay,babyshan211, David Fishwick, Phelycia and NaeNae1495. I hope everyone enjoys this and please don't forget to Review.

Chapter Thirteen

Two years later. . .

"Okay gentlemen I want to be done with this before seven." Benjamin said as he dusted off his black suit without looking at the two men behind him. The one to his left sighed and nodded his head while the one to his right just smirked and patted him on the back.

"Of course Fil, besides I think all of us want to make it back before seven." The other man laughed and shook his head while watching Benjamin tense at the use of the that nickname. Moving up, he spoke while looking down at their intended targets.

"How many times does Benjamin have to tell you not to call him that name?" he asked as he looked over at the other guy who merely sent him a shrug. "At least don't do it while we're on missions, Damon." Looking over at Benjamin, Damon sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Stefan, he likes the name just like you like the fact that your nephew has your name. He's just putting on." he said with a wink.

"Get your heads in the game." Benjamin grunted out cutting off the brotherly conversation before it could continue. He gave them both a look before continuing. "I really want this to get done so stay focused."

"Whatever you say Fil." Damon said as he looked down at the scene they were currently overlooking. "So these vampires are picking up humans for what again?" he murmured his eyes fixated on the man who was leading a girl from a nearby club down the street. He looked over and saw the look that Benjamin and Stefan were sending him and sighed. "Right, for a human blood farm. I read that in the report now I remember." he mumbled as he continued to watch. "Although I have to say I've never really been around vampires that did that."

"Damon you weren't really in the business of making friends back then." Stefan replied as he looked over at his brother, Benjamin returned his gaze back to the man and sighed.

"All we have to do is subdue the subject and his companions-."

"I thought he was alone."

"For a Contour, you certainly aren't very aware of what's lurking in the shadows." Benjamin murmured as he looked over at Damon who frowned at the name that he had made for himself once he started using his abilities to their fullest potential. It turned out that Hecate, the goddess of witchcraft had made him into new supernatural entity through Bonnie so that he could help Benjamin or Azrael as she liked to call him. The powers were out of this world. Anything within the shadows he could control, he could make them grab someone and hold them in place as soon as their body landed in the shadows. Not to mention the kick ass fighting skills these powers gave him. His brother received the gift as well so the official name for what the Salvatores now is Contours and he loved it. He loved the name because it still kept part of their surname and that made him extremely happy.

"Oh please I was paying attention." Damon muttered as he closed his eyes and focused and then he saw them, following closely to their leader staying within the shadows, his official domain now. "There they are." he stated with a small smirk.

"Good glad you're finally ready." Benjamin stated with a roll of his eyes. "Now all we have to do is get him-the others I don't really care what you do with them. All we need is information out of him and the W.A.D.A. will clean up the mess." Damon crossed his arms over his chest and nodded his head.

"I take it that we won't be meeting any big baddies, huh?"

"The mission is simple Damon."

"You're right it is just wanted to make sure that nothing unexpected would happen cause I'll be damned if I miss my son's birthday." he said before pointing down towards the ground. Stefan saw a shadow lurch up as Damon continued to talk. "Besides I'm sure if anything happens you'll get us out of it cause my son is your grandson and you don't want miss his birthday either." With that said, Damon jumped off the side of the building and landed on the ground barely making any noise. Benjamin and Stefan watched as he quietly made his way towards one of the hidden vampires.

"Sometimes that boy-I just question my daughter's sanity sometimes," Benjamin murmured with a shake of his head as he kept his eyes on Damon. "You get where I'm coming from Stefan." Stefan could only smirk as he watched his brother deck the stunned vampire.

"I completely understand, I question my sanity too sometimes but when it comes to Bonnie I just remember that love is a hell of a drug." Benjamin laughed aloud at that and slapped Stefan on the back.

"Oh I gotta remember that one the next time Bonnie does something crazy because of that boy," he said as he wiped beneath his eyes. "Come on let's go and give that brother of yours some help." he suggested as he jumped over the ledge, Stefan waited a beat before following right behind him. They both jumped into the fray and hoped that the fight didn't last past seven.

They finished the fight in thirty minutes, Benjamin held the head vampire down and stepped onto his back. "Do you mind telling me where you were going to take that girl?" When the vampire didn't talk, Damon rolled his eyes and knelt down in front of him.

"Look let me tell you something, that guy standing on your back can give you a quick death an easy death or a long agony filled one. The choice is really up to you."

"So decide real quick what you wanna do." Stefan added from the side, as he looked at the vampire who was slowly coming to terms with who had him. He struggled for a moment, before relaxing his body.

"Damon hold his body down, I don't want his dust getting on my Stacy Adams."

"And why do you wear them out on a hunt? Please answer me that question." Damon sarcastically replied even as he manipulated the shadows until they were cuffing the vampire to the ground.

"Because unlike you I dress in style."

"Da hell, all I do is dress in style." Damon countered, as Stefan sighed and shook his head.

"We really don't have time for this," he stated before mumbling underneath his breath. "Crazy I swear."

"I'm not crazy, Stefan so you must have been talking about-."

"Blah, blah, blah-Damon's crazy, please come up with something original." Damon said waving off their little joke, he focused his attention back on the man tied to the ground. "So what's it gonna be, you gonna stop wasting our time and tell us what you know or are you just gonna-."

"I believe we can handle it now gentlemen." All three turned around and saw a full unit from W.A.D.A. standing behind them. "Good work Azrael. . .Contours." he said giving a quick look at the Salvatore brothers. They both squared their shoulders back but Benjamin quickly spoke up cutting off what would have been the hundredth fight that Damon and Stefan had with this man.

"I think we all handle it well, DeSantos."

"Of course with these two-." he paused and Benjamin was sure the man was thinking abomination, as he looked at his son-in-law and his brother. "You had better handle it well," he walked over to the man who was still struggling on the ground against Damon's bonds. "Do you mind releasing him?"

"I do." Damon stated with a shrug of his shoulder. "We just caught him, I don't want him performing a disappearing act on us cause you wanted me to let him go." DeSantos raised a hand and they all watched as the ground grew darker as the man's blood left his body. He paused and looked back at Damon with an arched eyebrow.

"He's not going anywhere now-release him." Damon did as told but frowned at DeSantos. "You can all go now, we can handle this." he said as he kicked the man's leg. Benjamin nodded his head and turned and walked away with Damon and Stefan on his heels. As soon as they were far enough away, Damon growled and shook his head.

"I hate that guy."

"He's the new leader of the W.A.D.A., you don't have to like him." Benjamin replied as he looked at Damon.

"Why didn't they make you the leader?"

"Cause I'm Azrael. . .something about checks and balances." he said with a sigh as he looked at the young man. "And because I wouldn't let them hurt you guys just because you're Contours. They think I'd have to much power with both of you on my side." he said with a shrug of his shoulders.

"I love that name Contour. . . the Contours." Damon said with a smile as he nudged his brother "I'm the very first supernatural of it's kind."

"You're so cocky it's bothersome." Benjamin mumbled as he discreetly reached out and lifted his hand ripping them through time so that in a matter of moments they were back at the Salvatore manor. As soon as they landed, Damon and Stefan dropped to their knees while Benjamin looked them both over and cracked a smile. "How are your stomachs feeling boys?"

"I swear Fil, if you don't stop doing that." Damon grunted out as he took a deep cleansing breath, Benjamin just laughed and shook his head. "You just like messing with us cause we both threw up our first times. Heck, I bet you did too."

"Ha! Boy please I've got a stomach of steel right here and I'm not just talking about the abs." "Flabby abs." Damon replied with a shake of his head just as the front door opened and Alexis stepped out onto the porch. She placed her hands on her hips and looked all three of them over.

"Where have you three been?" Benjamin winced at her tone, as he remembered that earlier that morning all three of them had pulled a disappearing act on their significant others. After all they didn't think the job would have last nearly all day.

"On a job Mrs. Bennett." Stefan bravely answered with neither Damon or Benjamin replied to her question. She rolled her eyes at his answer and Stefan took a few steps back both Bonnie and Alexis were prone to showing their dislike by fire and he was rather fond of his shirt, pants, shoes well everything.

"We all know that, Stefan. What I wanna know is why you didn't tell us?" she stated. All three men looked at one another then back at Alexis dumbly. Neither of them, knew what to say because it would probably only serve to upset the woman. "Damon you better get upstairs and check in with Bonnie. Oh and Stefan, Elena's in the kitchen." In the blink of a eye both Damon and Stefan were gone, Benjamin looked at the spots that they had just been in and then back at his wife.

"Punks." he whispered underneath his breath before looking back up at his wife and smiling. "Now baby let me explain."

Damon and Stefan quickly split off at the living room and he headed up stairs towards the bedroom that he now shared with his wife Bonnie Bennett. As he approached the door, he could hear a steady stream of excited baby babble. Pushing open the door, he leaned against the frame and took in the scene before him. Bonnie was seated at the head of the bed her back resting about the headboard while their soon to be one year old son Alexander Stefano Salvatore was crawling towards her as quick as lightening. It seemed he was already tapping into the powers that he had received from his father. Smiling, he watched as Alexander let out a string of laughter and barreled into Bonnie's arms. "He's getting real good at that, if he keeps it up we're going have to stop putting him on the floor. There's no telling what he could get into." he drawled out as he walked into the room and settled down on the bed beside Bonnie.

"I'm sure that won't make you stop Elena and Stefan from watching him in the future." she replied with a knowing smirk as she looked over at him. "How was the trip by the way?"

"You mean mission baby. . .mission." Damon corrected with a small smile as he sat up a little bit taller while looking over at her. "And it went fine these guys out there don't know how to handle the Fil and Sil dynamic due. Heck, they can't handle Azrael and his Contours so either way dot dot dot."

"Dot, dot dot?"

"You told me not to cuss in front of him." Damon reminded her with a wink. "Besides I'm sure you can just figure out what the dot, dot, dot stands for." She rolled her eyes at that and handed Damon, Alexander who was reaching for his father.

"Did DeSantos show up?"

"I thought you didn't want me to cuss in front of Alexander." Damon said as he bounced his son on his knee. Alexander latched on to his hands and held on tightly. "And that's exactly what's gonna happen if I have to talk about that W.A.D.A. fool. They should have made your father leader, president, commander. . .whatever the hell they call that position." he grunted out with a shake of his head.

"Well I'm sure my father has told you why that didn't happen."

"He's told me multiple times doesn't mean I have to understand which I don't," he said with a shake of his head. "Isn't that right Stefano." he said as he looked at his son and bounced him a few more times on his knee. The child in question grinned and nodded his head.

"See even he agrees," he stated with a smile as looked at his son. "So moving on. . .how has your day been?" he asked softly as he leaned back and released Alexander, who quickly crawled back to his mother. "So is the Coven stopping by?" Bonnie smirked and nodded her head.

"They said they would, I mean I know Nikolas and Giselle will but I wouldn't hold it against Vincent and Jasmine to miss after all it is their honeymoon."

"Isn't the point of a Coven to stay near one another?" Damon asked, Bonnie merely rolled her eyes at his usual question and shook her head.

"I could run it like that if I wanted too but I really don't want too. They're strong enough to get back here a moment's notice Damon and you know that especially since you travel that way with my father all the time."

"I don't care for that type of travel and since I know Nikolas is like me-." she gave him a look. "What? What did I say?"

"Nikolas like you, please the only thing you two have in common is that you're the older brothers."

"You wound me." Damon said as he placed his hand over his heart, leaning over he gave Bonnie a quick kiss and then ruffled Alexander's curls. "Come on let's head downstairs and get this party started, ain't that right Little Contour in training." he said as he looked at his son. "If there's one thing this side of the Salvatore Family knows how to do it's party." Alexander clapped his hands together and laughed as his father hoisted him up in his arms. Once Alexander was safely on his hip, Damon reached out and pulled Bonnie off the bed just as they heard an audible pop. Damon winced the sound louder to him because of supernatural hearing. "Geez, I wonder who that could be."

"My Coven cause the party starts at seven."

"Then why was your mother about to tear us a new one outside." Bonnie looked over at him and gave him a quick smile.

"Because you're the father and daddy is the grandfather. You should be early." Before Damon could reply to that, Benjamin's voice thundered up the stairs.

"Damon bring my daughter and grandson down here so we can get this party started." he trailed off and finished quietly. "I swear sometimes I wonder about that boy. I give him one task to do and he goes and makes it difficult."

"I heard that!" Damon said as they walked out the door.

"I don't care." Benjamin yelled back, Bonnie laughed and reached out for Alexander who had been reaching for her.

"Well we better get down there before my father comes up here." Damon just rolled his eyes as he closed the door. They both walked downstairs and saw Stefan, Elena and Bonnie parents plus the entire Coven lounging around in the living room. "A man can't spend time with his family, Fil."

"Geez, I thought that's what I was doing." Benjamin deadpanned as he stood up and walked over to Bonnie and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek. "Hello babygirl and how are you and the birthday boy?" he asked as he stepped back and looked at his daughter.

"We're doing fine, I'm glad you brought Damon back in one piece." she said with a small smile as she over at his husband who rolled his eyes. Benjamin grinned and nodded his head while reaching out to slap Damon on the back.

"Me too, now let me get a good look at little Alex here." he said with a bright smile as he switched into loving grandpa mode, Bonnie smiled and shifted so Benjamin could look at Alex. Lifting one of his hands up she spoke.

"Say hello to grandpa." she urged as she made Alex wave his little hand from side to side. Damon looked down at his side and smirked.

"Give grandpa that Salvatore smile." he said while smiling at his on, who smiled back showing off his baby fangs. Benjamin looked over at Damon and then back at his grandson before pinching the bridge of his nose and shaking his head.

"I know you're proud of that."

"Very proud," Damon said puffing up his chest. "The only time does it though is when I flash him mine so it's not like he's gonna hurt someone or something." Alexis cleared her throat at that and sent her son-in-law a knowing look.

"I should have known you'd teach him how to show fang." Damon simply winked at her and smiled.

"Yeah you should have known." Damon stated with a smile right before Bonnie gave him a quick nudge in the side. "So now that, that's all cleared up how about we get this party started." he said with a grin as snaked a hand around his wife's waist. His declaration was met by a loud cheer from Alexander who waved his little chubby hands in the air while flashing his fangs to every occupant in the room.

The party ended later on that night once Alexander tired out from partying, once that happened Bonnie's Coven left as did her parents. "Alright so he's down for the night," Damon said as he and Bonnie entered their bedroom later on that night. "Here's the baby monitor." he said waving it in the air before setting it down on their nightstand. "He certainly had fun." Bonnie said as she collapsed on their bed back side up. Damon smiled and looked her over before climbing onto the bed as well. Grabbing her gently he pulled her up his body until her chest was on his chest and her legs were between his. "Don't tell you're gonna be one of those parents that conk out as soon as their child goes to sleep."

"And what are you gonna be one of those parents that constantly hops on the mother every time the child is sleeping."

"Yes." Damon said dragging out the word as he laced his fingers with Bonnie's. "Of course I'm gonna be that parent. That's a parent all about fun." Bonnie released a delicate snort at his answer and shook her head at him. "Shoot you should strive to follow that example." When Bonnie only looked at him, he sighed. "Besides I thought we could do our celebrating tonight you know try to make another one."

"You want another child?" Bonnie asked as she looked at Damon who shook his head.

"Not now but we can always practice so once we're ready for another child we can, you know go ahead and get it done." As he said that he humped his hips up and hit Bonnie directly at her center. He grinned as she bit her lip and released a soft groan.

"You are so bad."

"I know but you love me anyway." he stated with a small smile. Bonnie just nodded her head in agreement. She loved her some Damon Salvatore and she wasn't afraid to admit it. Damon reached up and tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear. "Now are we gonna practice or what cause to be truthful-."

"You're always horny after a mission." Bonnie stated with a shake of her head as Damon just nodded his head and smiled up at him. He turned them over and quickly kicked off his pants while ripping off his shirt. Bonnie laid back and watched as he stripped down.

"You better get undressed unless you want me to rip those clothes right off of you." he growled out lowly as he looked at her. Bonnie smirked but quickly shed her clothing while looking up at her husband who was now staring down at her body. He quickly lowered himself down and wrapped his arms around her and pulled her to him and kissed her. "Oh and about me being horny after missions, well I'm like the 007 in the supernatural world and last time I checked the hero always got some."

"I thought the hero always got the kiss."

"I think we're pass that." he said with a smile as he spread her legs and pushed himself home while bending down and capturing her lips as Bonnie arched her back and released a pleased groan while reaching up to wrap her arms around Damon's back and held on for the ride.

A/N: Well that does it. . .and I left it kinda of open just in case I want to make another sequel. I hope you all liked it and please go and read my new Bamon story "The Devil's Playground," and tell me what you think. Thank you all for sticking with this trilogy and for sending in the Reviews I absolutely love to hear from you guys.

Baby S