Hi everyone, this is my Rita x OC. I'm sorry it's kinda full of fighting scene but I just love to write them! And I didn't want to jump to the love part to early. Anyway, enjoy the fic. I will continue this one, I promise! Please note 2 things: 1) if you find any grammatical errors in my fic, please mention it to me, my native language is french and I'm not yet fully bilingual so I'd be happy to learn my errors. 2) Nothing makes me happier than a review, mostly if they are constructive. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I do not own tales of Vesperia character but I do own Kalen, my character XD.

Shining Star

Chapter 1: Birth of a new relationship

The sun raised in the sky, like every morning. It wasn't the birds chipping a cute little melody that woke me up, but a cold wind, flowing in my tent. When my eyes opened, I knew something was wrong. My tent has been shredded by some angry beasts. Fearing they might attack yet another time, I quickly dressed up, putting my black shirt and pants and took my dark red jacket. I quickly brushed my black hair and started to scout the area. When I found the pack, I engaged a fight with them.

'' Hope you like pain, because you're in for a load of it!''

I quickly retreated so I could cast my spells.

'' Oh shadows from the Netherlands of hell, rise from the darkness and rip the very souls of my enemy! Blades Of Chaos!''

Magic swords started to rise from the ground and stabbed the wolves pack until only the leader was left.

''Oooh, a tough one! This is gonna be fun! Oh raging fire, thy who-''

Before my spell was completed, he pounced on me and started to shred my body. I felt life quickly abandoning me as I fell into unconsciousness…

''Hey, are you alright?'' A male voice said.

'' Oh no! I hope he will survive!'' another voice –female and also quite high- said.

I tried to open my eyes but I couldn't. I tried to speak but only grunting came out.

''Bring them back from the abyss of death! Resurrection!''

I felt a warm heat embrace my body and heal my wounds.


When I finally opened my eyes, I was surprised at how much people where around me. A black haired swordsman, a pink haired girl (probably a princess or a noble), a kid, even a dog!

''Hi! I'm Estellise! We found you lying the ground, half-dead and I healed you!'' the pink haired girl said, with a gentle smile.

''Thanks. I'm Kalen. I was fighting some wolves and the leader knocked me on the ground.''

''Yeah they can be such a pain! The same thing happened to me 2 days ago!'' The young kid said.

''Well, can I ask you guys something? I've been bored as hell lately and I'm wondering… Could I join you? At least I'll have some company.''

''Sure! You can join our guild; Brave Vesperiaaaaaa!''

''Haha, seems fun. Sure then.''

''AWESOME! Now let me introduce you to the rest of the team! I'm Karol, the guild leader! The swordsman here is Yuri, the girl that healed you is Estelle, that dog is Repede and-''

''Yeah, I think I'll go see them myself instead…*sweatdrop*

I approached a blue haired woman with a spear to introduce myself.

''Hi, I'm Kalen! And you are?''

''Judith. Nice to meet you. *wink*''

A weird looking man quickly arrived before me.

''Hiya kid! My name's ol' Raven. Welcome aboard!'' he then approached my ear and whispered; ''Judith pretty hot eh? I'm warning you though, she have a huge crush on me!''

''What the HELL are you talking about, you crazy old bastard!''

Raven then received a kick in the back by a young girl, probably a mage. Why, we may get along!

''Hey. I'm Rita. Sorry for this STUPID OLD IDIOT! (She threw him a death glare upon saying that) he's such a dumbass.

''Haha, it's fine! It's not the first time I see people like them.''

She smiled at me and went back reading her books.

After some talking, we started to discuss about what to do.

''I suggest we go to Yumanju hot springs! Hehehe…''

I feared the old man would get maimed soon…

''NO WAY IN HELL I'M GOING BACK THERE!'' Rita then started to whack him with her scrolls.

''I suggest we go Monster Hunting!'' the kid said.

''Naw, let's have some fun at the coliseum!''

''Great idea, Yuri!'' Estelle said with joy.

''Hmm? What do you mean?''

''Ah it's a tradition. We pick a random member of our team and he go do the 100 man melee.'' Judith carefully explained to me.

'' That sounds fun!''

Yuri then gave us all a straw. Then, when we looked at them, I realised I had the shortest and I suspect it was intentional, probably to test and see my ability. I can't really blame them. We all went on Ba'ul and took a ride to Nordopolica.

''Welcome To The Legendary 100 Man Melee! Give A Round Of Applaud To Our New Rookie, Kalen! From The guild Brave Vesperia!''

''Great, now I sound weak and inexperienced…*sigh*''


''I'll wipe 'em all in one shot. Check out my overlimit! Haaa!''

I blew the firsts warriors away with a mere unleashing of my power.

''Take this! Earthquake! Thunderstorm! Cyclone! Prism Sword!''

Spell after spell after spell, I killed all of my attackers. Then I saw a blonde haired knight.

''Hey! Are you Flynn Scifo? Yuri said you were pretty tough.''

''Ha! Yuri said that?''

''Whatever. Let's end this quickly. I'll show you the true extent of my power!''

I activated my overlimit and concentrated all my energy.

''Oh great power of the elements, Magnificence of heavens, Destructive forces of Hell… Bring me the strength to annihilate everything! ''

I concentrated my magical energies to summon eight balls of magic around me, each one representing an element.

''Fire! Earth! Water! Wind! Thunder! Ice!'' I shouted while shooting the corresponding elemental balls.

''Take This! Super Nova!''

I finally threw the light and darkness balls. Upon hitting the knight, it created a huge explosion, like a black hole, which finally imploded on him.

''Humph. I won.''

''And The Winner Is Kalen! You Have Conquered The 100 Man Melee! Congratulations!''

When I got out, I saw Rita waiting next to the gate.

''Hey. You were pretty cool out there. It's nice to have another mage in the team.''

''Nah, it was nothing. I'm sure you did better.''

''True. They almost had to rebuild the stadium. I'm still having difficulty to control the trajectory of my meteors…''

''So uh… Rita, would you like to ...erm… go somewhere with me?''

''What? Like a date?''

''NO! well, uh, yeah! Well, maybe…''

''Meh. Depends on where you take me.''

''Well, you know the guild that excavated Blastia? They kinda took a break from digging since they found out their leader was actually Yeager. The mine they were exploring was really ancient and since they stopped before even reaching far, I thought we could, maybe, ya know, explore it? I heard it's full of blastia nobody ever heard of!''

Rita stared at me for a couple seconds then jumped at me screaming of joy.

The day after, we were all prepared and we went in the cavern. We looked at all kind of strange blastia and we found some sort of ring. When we touched it, the jewel on it broke in a million pieces and started to scatter everywhere in the room, swirling around.

''Oh. My. God. I think it's alive!''

When I finished saying that, the shining pieces started to reform some sort of human shape. Then, it created a crystal sword and attacked us!


''Don't worry Rita! Just stay close to me!''

I then got something out of my pocket.

''I brought something in case that would happen. It's a magic hourglass! Hey monster! Get stuck in time!''

I crushed it and time stopped. Or so I thought. The monster was unfazed. He simply ran and tried to kill Rita with a fatal blow to the heart. I pushed her out of the way but it still got my arm.

''Argh! Well try one of my spell! … what the hell is happening! That thing sealed my magic!''

''WHAT?'' I saw Rita look of panic in her eyes.

''Why don't you use one of yours?''

''I forgot my scrolls! Without them, I can only throw fireballs!

''Wait! He sealed my ability to transform my own energy and mix it with aer…so that means I can still use spell through using other fuel to power them!''


''Like my soul! Take this!''

I clapped my hand together and used my power to activate my ultimate technique…my last resort…

''Oh merciless cold banshee, come forth to crush my enemy!''

A portal appeared over the monster head and a huge iron maiden fell on him.

''Rise! Iron Queen!''

The iron maiden opened, revealing a huge scythe.

I quickly dashed to grab it. It was irradiating with dark energy.

''Time for your sentence. Prepare! Chains Of Despair!''

The scythe glowed and chains appeared from portals around the crystal beast and holded him.

''Now, Your life will be taken away!''

I quickly brought the scythe down, decapitating the monster. Sadly, it was still alive, as I predicted.

''Now…Taste my ultimate wrath!''

I quickly back stepped, since the monster had finally broken his chains.


I raised my scythe, only to smash the handle on the ground. When it touched the ground, a huge purple glowing glyph appeared on the ground. The monster was paralyzed by my spell. Skeletal hands started to come out of the glyph to grab the monster and drag him down to another dimension. After a few seconds, the monster completely disappeared and the glyph and scythe faded in a puff of black smoke.

''Wow that was so amazing!''

''Thanks Rita…''

I fell on the ground, tired and worn out, since I just sacrificed a part of my soul.

''Listen Rita, I may not be able to survive. I need to tell you something…''

''What is it?''

''I…Rita, I…Love you…''

Darkness surrounded me and I fell into unconsciousness…Again.