Argh… I'm really sorry about this guy's, but Sucker Punched is cancelled.


No, Sucker Punched is just getting a re-write *shrug* But seriously though, I really want to change some stuff around, revise the plot, and include this epic twist I have planned for the end. :D Believe me, when I go back over this story… God, I just can't believe I used to write like this. It makes me sick, how awful I used to be DX
Luckily, I think I've improved! :D So, by the time I rewrite this, it'll be (hopefully) a thousand times better, a hundred times longer, and just include more of the other characters, because I'm starting to feel like the story is only being experienced by Wally and Artemis :/ (That, I really want to change.) Like, maybe include what the others are feeling by writing in their POV; stretching out the scenes more; making everything more detailed; (Which I'm still working on…) and you know, just…

So yeah, bear/bare (I still don't know which one it is :/) with me guys, and I'll have the BETTER version of this story up pretty soon! :D

But to answer some questions you may be thinking…

~Will someone die?

I'm still a little iffy about that, as I don't want to stray to far from the canon plot of the show… but I'm still considering it ;) I'm just trying to figure out if it's… actually necessary. That's all.

~Will Athena appear?

Again, I'm still iffy about that. The only reason she would appear is because of what's in the question above. Maybe, maybe not. But even if someone does die, I'm not really thinking about including her in anyway, as she's not really important :/

~Will there be a sequel?

Most likely… not. I'm planning on wrapping up most loose ends in this story that I can come up with… anyway, if I did do a sequel, it'd have to be about the second-generation of Young Justice, which seems really cliché to me. *Shrugs* We'll just have to see when we get to the end, I suppose.

~What other characters besides Young Justice and their mentors will appear?

Oh man, I really want to include Alfred in this story :D Because we all know how awesome the Batbutler is XD Expect the old British man to come bursting through the walls, brandishing a silver platter to appear at some point XDDD

~When will the re-written version appear?

Well, with school coming up in less than a month, and back to school shopping… I'd have to say a couple of weeks or so. But it depends on when I get time on the computer.

~How long will the story be?

In the old version, I was thinking about about 25 chapters at the max, mainly because the chapters were so short. But with the re-written version, the chapters will be longer, so there won't be as many chapters. But because of all the added little plot twists that'll be coming along, the story will still be about 20 chapters long. Wow… I've got my work cut out for me, huh? XD

So… yeah, I guess that covers it. Expect the re-written chapter to appear in a week or so because I have so much writing stuff going on. :/ oh well, I just hope you'll all still stick around XD

Until then…


By the way, I'll be releasing a couple of one-shots for Young Justice soon! :D